Icon upIcon = UIManager.getIcon("JXMonthView.monthUpFileName");
// fix for #1028-swingx: title border whacky for boxpadding 0
// in fact there had been a deeper issue - without using the arrowPadding here
// the hit-detection of the buttons is slightly off target
IconBorder up = new IconBorder(upIcon, SwingConstants.EAST, arrowPaddingX);
IconBorder down = new IconBorder(downIcon, SwingConstants.WEST, arrowPaddingX);
Border compound = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(up, down);
Border empty = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2* arrowPaddingY, 0, 2*arrowPaddingY, 0);
return BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(compound, empty);