Package org.jcodings.transcode

Examples of org.jcodings.transcode.EConv


    // econv_equal
    @JRubyMethod(name = "==")
    public IRubyObject op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) {
        EConv ec1 = ec;
        EConv ec2;
        int i;

        if (!(other instanceof RubyConverter)) return context.nil;

        ec2 = ((RubyConverter)other).ec;
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            // Adapated from RubyConverter - see attribution there

            Ruby runtime = getContext().getRuntime();

            EConv ec = converter.getEConv();

            Object[] result = new Object[ec.numTranscoders];
            int r = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < ec.numTranscoders; i++) {
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            byte[][] encNames = {null, null};
            int[] ecflags = {0};
            IRubyObject[] ecopts = {runtime.getNil()};

            EncodingUtils.econvArgs(runtime.getCurrentContext(), new IRubyObject[]{getContext().toJRuby(source), getContext().toJRuby(destination)}, encNames, encs, ecflags, ecopts);
            EConv econv = EncodingUtils.econvOpenOpts(runtime.getCurrentContext(), encNames[0], encNames[1], ecflags[0], ecopts[0]);

            if (econv == null) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
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                throw runtime.newRuntimeError("bug: EncodingUtils.econvOpenOpts called with invalid opthash");
            replacement = ((RubyHash)opthash).op_aref(context, runtime.newSymbol("replace"));
        EConv ec =, destinationEncoding, ecflags);
        if (ec == null) return ec;

        if (!replacement.isNil()) {
            int ret;
            RubyString replStr = (RubyString)replacement;
            ByteList replBL = replStr.getByteList();

            ret = ec.setReplacement(replBL.getUnsafeBytes(), replBL.getBegin(), replBL.getRealSize(), replBL.getEncoding().getName());

            if (ret == -1) {
                return null;

        return ec;
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        ByteList strByteList = str.getByteList();
        int len = strByteList.getRealSize();
        ByteList newStr = new ByteList(len);
        int olen = len;

        EConv ec = econvOpenOpts(context, fromEncoding.getName(), toEncoding.getName(), ecflags, ecopts);
        if (ec == null) return str;

        byte[] sbytes = strByteList.getUnsafeBytes();
        Ptr sp = new Ptr(strByteList.getBegin());
        int start = sp.p;

        byte[] destbytes;
        Ptr dp = new Ptr(0);
        EConvResult ret;
        int convertedOutput = 0;

        destbytes = newStr.getUnsafeBytes();
        int dest = newStr.begin();
        dp.p = dest + convertedOutput;
        ret = ec.convert(sbytes, sp, start + len, destbytes, dp, dest + olen, 0);
        while (ret == EConvResult.DestinationBufferFull) {
            int convertedInput = sp.p - start;
            int rest = len - convertedInput;
            convertedOutput = dp.p - dest;
            if (convertedInput != 0 && convertedOutput != 0 &&
                    rest < (Integer.MAX_VALUE / convertedOutput)) {
                rest = (rest * convertedOutput) / convertedInput;
            } else {
                rest = olen;
            olen += rest < 2 ? 2 : rest;

        switch (ret) {
            case Finished:
                len = dp.p;
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    // transcode_loop
    public static void transcodeLoop(ThreadContext context, byte[] inBytes, Ptr inPos, byte[] outBytes, Ptr outPos, int inStop, int _outStop, ByteList destination, ResizeFunction resizeFunction, byte[] sname, byte[] dname, int ecflags, IRubyObject ecopts) {
        Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
        EConv ec;
        Ptr outStop = new Ptr(_outStop);
        IRubyObject fallback = context.nil;
        TranscodeFallback fallbackFunc = null;
        ec = econvOpenOpts(context, sname, dname, ecflags, ecopts);
        if (ec == null) {
            throw econvOpenExc(context, sname, dname, ecflags);

        if (!ecopts.isNil() && ecopts instanceof RubyHash) {
            fallback = ((RubyHash)ecopts).op_aref(context, runtime.newSymbol("fallback"));
            if (fallback instanceof RubyHash) {
                fallbackFunc = HASH_FALLBACK;
            } else if (fallback instanceof RubyProc) { // not quite same check as MRI
                fallbackFunc = PROC_FALLBACK;
            } else if (fallback instanceof RubyMethod) { // not quite same check as MRI
                fallbackFunc = METHOD_FALLBACK;
            } else {
                fallbackFunc = AREF_FALLBACK;

        Transcoding lastTC = ec.lastTranscoding;
        int maxOutput = lastTC != null ? lastTC.transcoder.maxOutput : 1;

        Ptr outStart = new Ptr(outPos.p);

        // resume:
        while (true) {
            EConvResult ret = ec.convert(inBytes, inPos, inStop, outBytes, outPos, outStop.p, 0);

            if (!fallback.isNil() && ret == EConvResult.UndefinedConversion) {
                IRubyObject rep = RubyString.newStringNoCopy(
                        new ByteList(
                rep =, fallback, rep);
                if (!rep.isNil()) {
                    rep = rep.convertToString();
                    Encoding repEnc = ((RubyString)rep).getEncoding();
                    ByteList repByteList = ((RubyString)rep).getByteList();
                    ec.insertOutput(repByteList.getUnsafeBytes(), repByteList.begin(), repByteList.getRealSize(), repEnc.getName());

                    // TODO: check for too-large replacement


            if (ret == EConvResult.InvalidByteSequence ||
                    ret == EConvResult.IncompleteInput ||
                    ret == EConvResult.UndefinedConversion) {
                RaiseException re = makeEconvException(runtime, ec);
                throw re;

            if (ret == EConvResult.DestinationBufferFull) {
                moreOutputBuffer(destination, resizeFunction, maxOutput, outStart, outPos, outStop);
                outBytes = destination.getUnsafeBytes();


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    // rb_econv_init_by_convpath
    public static EConv econvInitByConvpath(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject convpath, byte[][] encNames, Encoding[] encs) {
        final Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
        final EConv ec = TranscoderDB.alloc(convpath.convertToArray().size());

        IRubyObject[] sname_v = {context.nil};
        IRubyObject[] dname_v = {context.nil};
        byte[][] sname = {null};
        byte[][] dname = {null};
        Encoding[] senc = {null};
        Encoding[] denc = {null};

        boolean first = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < ((RubyArray)convpath).size(); i++) {
            IRubyObject elt = ((RubyArray)convpath).eltOk(i);
            IRubyObject pair;
            if (!(pair = elt.checkArrayType()).isNil()) {
                if (((RubyArray)pair).size() != 2) {
                    throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("not a 2-element array in convpath");
                sname_v[0] = ((RubyArray)pair).eltOk(0);
                encArg(context, sname_v[0], sname, senc);
                dname_v[0] = ((RubyArray)pair).eltOk(1);
                encArg(context, dname_v[0], dname, denc);
            } else {
                sname[0] = NULL_BYTE_ARRAY;
                dname[0] = elt.convertToString().getBytes();
            if (DECORATOR_P(sname[0], dname[0])) {
                boolean ret = ec.addConverter(sname[0], dname[0], ec.numTranscoders);
                if (!ret) {
                    throw runtime.newArgumentError("decoration failed: " + new String(dname[0]));
            } else {
                int j = ec.numTranscoders;
                final int[] arg = {j,0};
                int ret = TranscoderDB.searchPath(sname[0], dname[0], new TranscoderDB.SearchPathCallback() {
                    public void call(byte[] source, byte[] destination, int depth) {
                        if (arg[1] == -1) return;

                        arg[1] = ec.addConverter(source, destination, arg[0]) ? 0 : -1;
                if (ret == -1 || arg[1] == -1) {
                    throw runtime.newArgumentError("adding conversion failed: " + new String(sname[0]) + " to " + new String(dname[0]));
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Related Classes of org.jcodings.transcode.EConv

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