Integer overrideCores = options.getOverrideCores();
Integer overrideRam = options.getOverrideRam();
VirtualMachine vm = VirtualMachine.builder(context, vapp, virtualMachineTemplate) //
.nameLabel(name) //
.cpu(overrideCores != null ? overrideCores : totalCores(template.getHardware())) //
.ram(overrideRam != null ? overrideRam : template.getHardware().getRam()) //
.password(options.getVncPassword()) // Can be null
// Once the virtual machine is created, override the default network
// settings if needed
// If no public ip is available in the virtual datacenter, the virtual
// machine will be assigned by default an ip address in the default
// private VLAN for the virtual datacenter
PublicIp publicIp = vdc.findPurchasedPublicIp(IpPredicates.<PublicIp> notUsed());
if (publicIp != null) {
List<PublicIp> ips = Lists.newArrayList();
// This is an async operation, but jclouds already waits until the node is
// RUNNING, so there is no need to block here
return new NodeAndInitialCredentials<VirtualMachine>(vm, vm.getId().toString(), null);