Package org.jbpm.workflow.core

Examples of org.jbpm.workflow.core.Node

                        final String localName,
                        final Attributes attrs,
                        final ExtensibleXmlParser parser) throws SAXException {
        parser.startElementBuilder( localName,
                                    attrs );
        Node node = (Node) parser.getParent();
        final String name = attrs.getValue("name");
        emptyAttributeCheck(localName, "name", name, parser);
        return new MetaDataWrapper(node, name);
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        parser.startElementBuilder( localName,
                                    attrs );

        NodeContainer nodeContainer = (NodeContainer) parser.getParent();

        final Node node = createNode();

        final String id = attrs.getValue("id");
        node.setId(new Long(id));

        final String name = attrs.getValue("name");


        return node;
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    protected abstract Node createNode();

    public Object end(final String uri, final String localName,
                      final ExtensibleXmlParser parser) throws SAXException {
        final Element element = parser.endElementBuilder();
        Node node = (Node) parser.getCurrent();
        handleNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
        return node;
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    public Object end(final String uri, final String localName,
                      final ExtensibleXmlParser parser) throws SAXException {
        final Element element = parser.endElementBuilder();
        Node node = (Node) parser.getCurrent();
        String attachedTo = element.getAttribute("attachedToRef");
        String cancelActivityString = element.getAttribute("cancelActivity");
        boolean cancelActivity = true;
        if ("false".equals(cancelActivityString)) {
            cancelActivity = false;
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    public Object start(final String uri, final String localName, final Attributes attrs,
                        final ExtensibleXmlParser parser) throws SAXException {
        parser.startElementBuilder( localName, attrs );
        final Node node = createNode(attrs);
        String id = attrs.getValue("id");
        node.setMetaData("UniqueId", id);
        try {
            // remove starting _
            id = id.substring(1);
            // remove ids of parent nodes
            id = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf("-") + 1);
            final String name = attrs.getValue("name");
            node.setId(new Integer(id));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // id is not in the expected format, generating a new one
            long newId = 0;
            NodeContainer nodeContainer = (NodeContainer) parser.getParent();
            for (org.drools.definition.process.Node n: nodeContainer.getNodes()) {
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    protected abstract Node createNode(Attributes attrs);

    public Object end(final String uri, final String localName,
                      final ExtensibleXmlParser parser) throws SAXException {
        final Element element = parser.endElementBuilder();
        Node node = (Node) parser.getCurrent();
        handleNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
        NodeContainer nodeContainer = (NodeContainer) parser.getParent();
        return node;
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    public Object end(final String uri, final String localName,
            final ExtensibleXmlParser parser) throws SAXException {
    final Element element = parser.endElementBuilder();
    Node node = (Node) parser.getCurrent();
    // determine type of event definition, so the correct type of node
    // can be generated
    boolean found = false;
    org.w3c.dom.Node xmlNode = element.getFirstChild();
    while (xmlNode != null) {
      String nodeName = xmlNode.getNodeName();
      if ("multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics".equals(nodeName)) {
        // create new timerNode
        ForEachNode forEachNode = new ForEachNode();
        for (org.drools.definition.process.Node subNode: ((CompositeContextNode) node).getNodes()) {
        forEachNode.setMetaData("UniqueId", ((CompositeContextNode) node).getMetaData("UniqueId"));
        forEachNode.setMetaData(ProcessHandler.CONNECTIONS, ((CompositeContextNode) node).getMetaData(ProcessHandler.CONNECTIONS));
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    public Object end(final String uri, final String localName,
            final ExtensibleXmlParser parser) throws SAXException {
    final Element element = parser.endElementBuilder();
    Node node = (Node) parser.getCurrent();
    // determine type of event definition, so the correct type of node
    // can be generated
      handleNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
    org.w3c.dom.Node xmlNode = element.getFirstChild();
    while (xmlNode != null) {
      String nodeName = xmlNode.getNodeName();
      if ("multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics".equals(nodeName)) {
        // create new timerNode
        ForEachNode forEachNode = new ForEachNode();
        forEachNode.setMetaData("UniqueId", node.getMetaData().get("UniqueId"));
        node.setMetaData("UniqueId", null);
        node.setMetaData("hidden", true);
        forEachNode.linkIncomingConnections(NodeImpl.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE, node.getId(), NodeImpl.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE);
        forEachNode.linkOutgoingConnections(node.getId(), NodeImpl.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE, NodeImpl.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE);
        node = forEachNode;
        handleForEachNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
      xmlNode = xmlNode.getNextSibling();
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    public Object end(final String uri, final String localName,
            final ExtensibleXmlParser parser) throws SAXException {
        final Element element = parser.endElementBuilder();
        Node node = (Node) parser.getCurrent();
        // determine type of event definition, so the correct type of node
        // can be generated
        super.handleNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
        org.w3c.dom.Node xmlNode = element.getFirstChild();
        while (xmlNode != null) {
            String nodeName = xmlNode.getNodeName();
            if ("terminateEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                // reuse already created EndNode
                handleTerminateNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
            } else if ("signalEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                handleSignalNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
            } else if ("messageEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                handleMessageNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
            } else if ("errorEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                // create new faultNode
                FaultNode faultNode = new FaultNode();
                faultNode.setMetaData("UniqueId", node.getMetaData().get("UniqueId"));
                node = faultNode;
                super.handleNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
                handleErrorNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
            } else if ("escalationEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                // create new faultNode
                FaultNode faultNode = new FaultNode();
                faultNode.setMetaData("UniqueId", node.getMetaData().get("UniqueId"));
                node = faultNode;
                super.handleNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
                handleEscalationNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
            } else if ("compensateEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
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    public Object end(final String uri, final String localName,
                      final ExtensibleXmlParser parser) throws SAXException {
        final Element element = parser.endElementBuilder();
        Node node = (Node) parser.getCurrent();
        // determine type of event definition, so the correct type of node
        // can be generated
        org.w3c.dom.Node xmlNode = element.getFirstChild();
        while (xmlNode != null) {
            String nodeName = xmlNode.getNodeName();
            if ("signalEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                // reuse already created EventNode
                handleSignalNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
            } else if ("messageEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                // reuse already created EventNode
                handleMessageNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
            } else if ("timerEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                // create new timerNode
                TimerNode timerNode = new TimerNode();
                timerNode.setMetaData("UniqueId", node.getMetaData().get("UniqueId"));
                node = timerNode;
                handleTimerNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
            } else if ("conditionalEventDefinition".equals(nodeName)) {
                // create new stateNode
                StateNode stateNode = new StateNode();
                stateNode.setMetaData("UniqueId", node.getMetaData().get("UniqueId"));
                node = stateNode;
                handleStateNode(node, element, uri, localName, parser);
            xmlNode = xmlNode.getNextSibling();
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Related Classes of org.jbpm.workflow.core.Node

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