Package org.jbpm.task

Examples of org.jbpm.task.BooleanExpression

    public static List<BooleanExpression> readBooleanExpressionList(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException  {
        int size = in.readInt();
        List<BooleanExpression> list = new ArrayList<BooleanExpression>(size);
        for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
            BooleanExpression item = new BooleanExpression();
            item.readExternal( in );
            list.add( item );
        return list;
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        escalations.add( escalation );
        escalation.setName( "My Start Escalation" );

        List<BooleanExpression> constraints = new ArrayList<BooleanExpression>();
        escalation.setConstraints( constraints );
        constraints.add( new BooleanExpression( "mvel",
                                                "true" ) );

        List<Notification> notifications = new ArrayList<Notification>();
        escalation.setNotifications( notifications );

        Notification notification = new Notification();
        notifications.add( notification );
        notification.setPriority( 1000 );
        docs = new ArrayList<I18NText>();
        notification.setDocumentation( docs );
        docs.add( new I18NText( "en-UK",
                                "Start Notification documentation" ) );
        docs.add( new I18NText( "en-DK",
                                "Start Anmeldung Dokumentation" ) );

        businessAdmin = new ArrayList<OrganizationalEntity>();
        notification.setBusinessAdministrators( businessAdmin );
        businessAdmin.add( users.get( "bruce" ) );
        businessAdmin.add( users.get( "peter" ) );

        recipients = new ArrayList<OrganizationalEntity>();
        notification.setRecipients( recipients );
        recipients.add( users.get( "tony" ) );
        recipients.add( users.get( "darth" ) );

        names = new ArrayList<I18NText>();
        notification.setNames( names );
        subjects = new ArrayList<I18NText>();
        notification.setSubjects( subjects );
        descriptions = new ArrayList<I18NText>();
        notification.setDescriptions( descriptions );

        names.add( new I18NText( "en-UK",
                                 "This is my start notification name" ) );
        names.add( new I18NText( "en-DK",
                                 "Dies ist mein start anmeldung Name" ) );

        subjects.add( new I18NText( "en-UK", "This is my start notification subject" ) );
        subjects.add( new I18NText( "en-DK", "Das ist mein start anmeldung Thema" ) );

        descriptions.add( new I18NText( "en-UK", "This is my start notification description" ) );
        descriptions.add( new I18NText( "en-DK", "Das ist mein start anmeldung Beschreibung" ) );

        List<Reassignment> reassignments = new ArrayList<Reassignment>();
        escalation.setReassignments( reassignments );
        Reassignment reassignment = new Reassignment();
        reassignments.add( reassignment );

        docs = new ArrayList<I18NText>();
        reassignment.setDocumentation( docs );
        docs.add( new I18NText( "en-UK", "Start Reassignment documentation" ) );
        docs.add( new I18NText( "en-DK", "Start Neuzuweisung Dokumentation" ) );

        potentialOwners = new ArrayList<OrganizationalEntity>();
        reassignment.setPotentialOwners( potentialOwners );
        potentialOwners.add( users.get( "bobba" ) );
        potentialOwners.add( users.get( "luke" ) );
        List<Deadline> endDeadlines = new ArrayList<Deadline>();
        deadlines.setEndDeadlines( endDeadlines );
        deadline = new Deadline();
        deadline.setEscalated( true );
        endDeadlines.add( deadline );
        deadline.setDate( new Date( 10000000 ) );
        docs = new ArrayList<I18NText>();
        deadline.setDocumentation( docs );
        docs.add( new I18NText( "en-UK",
                                "End Deadline documentation" ) );
        docs.add( new I18NText( "en-DK",
                                "Ende Termin Dokumentation" ) );

        escalations = new ArrayList<Escalation>();
        deadline.setEscalations( escalations );
        escalation = new Escalation();
        escalations.add( escalation );
        escalation.setName( "My End Escalation" );

        constraints = new ArrayList<BooleanExpression>();
        escalation.setConstraints( constraints );
        constraints.add( new BooleanExpression( "mvel",
                                                "true" ) );

        notifications = new ArrayList<Notification>();
        escalation.setNotifications( notifications );
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Related Classes of org.jbpm.task.BooleanExpression

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