Package org.jbpm.task

Examples of org.jbpm.task.Attachment

                case AddAttachmentRequest: {
                    response = CommandName.AddAttachmentResponse;
                    Attachment attachment = (Attachment) cmd.getArguments().get(1);
                    Content content = (Content) cmd.getArguments().get(2);
                    taskSession.addAttachment((Long) cmd.getArguments().get(0),

                    List args = new ArrayList(2);
                    Command resultsCmnd = new Command(cmd.getId(),
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    public static List<Attachment> readAttachmentList(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException  {
        int size = in.readInt();
        List<Attachment> list = new ArrayList<Attachment>(size);
        for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
            Attachment item = new Attachment();
            item.readExternal( in );
            list.add( item );
        return list;
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        taskData.setDocumentContentId( 20 );

        List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>();
        taskData.setAttachments( attachments );

        Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
        attachment.setAccessType( AccessType.Inline );
        attachment.setAttachedAt( new Date( 10000000 ) );
        attachment.setAttachedBy( users.get( "liz" ) );
        attachment.setContentType( "text" );
        attachment.setName( "file.txt" );
        attachment.setSize( 5000);
        attachment.setAttachmentContentId( 5 );
        attachments.add( attachment );

        attachment = new Attachment();
        attachment.setAccessType( AccessType.Url );
        attachment.setAttachedAt( new Date( 10000000 ) );
        attachment.setAttachedBy( users.get( "liz" ) );
        attachment.setContentType( "text" );
        attachment.setName( "file2.txt" );
        attachment.setSize( 500 );
        attachment.setAttachmentContentId( 3 );
        attachments.add( attachment );

        List<Comment> comments = new ArrayList<Comment>();
        taskData.setComments( comments );
        Comment comment = new Comment();
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        Task task = ( Task eval( new StringReader( str ), vars );
        client.addTask( task, null, addTaskResponseHandler );
        long taskId = addTaskResponseHandler.getTaskId();
        Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
        Date attachedAt = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() );
        attachment.setAttachedAt( attachedAt);
        attachment.setAttachedBy( users.get( "luke" ) );
        attachment.setName( "file1.txt" );
        attachment.setAccessType( AccessType.Inline );
        attachment.setContentType( "txt" );
        byte[] bytes = "Ths is my attachment text1".getBytes();
        Content content = new Content();
        content.setContent( bytes );
        BlockingAddAttachmentResponseHandler addAttachmentResponseHandler = new BlockingAddAttachmentResponseHandler();
        client.addAttachment( taskId, attachment, content, addAttachmentResponseHandler);
        assertTrue( addAttachmentResponseHandler.getAttachmentId() != attachment.getId() );
        assertTrue( addAttachmentResponseHandler.getContentId() != attachment.getAttachmentContentId() );
        BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler getTaskResponseHandler = new BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler();
        client.getTask( taskId, getTaskResponseHandler );
        Task task1 = getTaskResponseHandler.getTask();
        assertNotSame(task, task1);
        assertFalsetask.equals( task1) );
        List<Attachment> attachments1 = task1.getTaskData().getAttachments();
        assertEquals(1, attachments1.size() );
        Attachment returnedAttachment = attachments1.get( 0 );       
        assertEquals( attachedAt, returnedAttachment.getAttachedAt() );
        assertEquals( users.get( "luke" ), returnedAttachment.getAttachedBy() );
        assertEquals( AccessType.Inline, returnedAttachment.getAccessType() );
        assertEquals( "txt", returnedAttachment.getContentType() );
        assertEquals( "file1.txt", returnedAttachment.getName() );       
        assertEquals( bytes.length, returnedAttachment.getSize() );
        assertEquals( (long) addAttachmentResponseHandler.getAttachmentId(), (long) returnedAttachment.getId() );
        assertEquals( (long) addAttachmentResponseHandler.getContentId()(long) returnedAttachment.getAttachmentContentId() );       
        // Make the same as the returned tasks, so we can test equals
        task.getTaskData().setAttachments( attachments1 );
        task.getTaskData().setStatus( Status.Created );
        assertEquals(task, task1);           
        BlockingGetContentResponseHandler  getResponseHandler = new BlockingGetContentResponseHandler();
        client.getContent( returnedAttachment.getAttachmentContentId(), getResponseHandler );
        content = getResponseHandler.getContent();
        assertEquals( "Ths is my attachment text1", new String( content.getContent() ) );
        // test we can have multiple attachments
        attachment = new Attachment();
        attachedAt = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() );
        attachment.setAttachedAt( attachedAt);
        attachment.setAttachedBy( users.get( "tony" ) );
        attachment.setName( "file2.txt" );
        attachment.setAccessType( AccessType.Inline );
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Related Classes of org.jbpm.task.Attachment

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