protected TypeMapping parseTypeMapping(Element element, Parse parse, Parser parser) {
TypeMapping typeMapping = new TypeMapping();
// first we get the matcher
Matcher matcher = null;
if (element.hasAttribute("class")) {
String className = element.getAttribute("class");
// if type="serializable"
if ("serializable".equals(className)) {
matcher = new SerializableMatcher();
// if type="persistable"
} else if ("persistable".equals(className)) {
if (element.hasAttribute("id-type")) {
String idType = element.getAttribute("id-type");
if ("long".equalsIgnoreCase(idType)) {
matcher = new HibernateLongIdMatcher();
} else if ("string".equalsIgnoreCase(idType)) {
matcher = new HibernateStringIdMatcher();
} else {
parse.addProblem("id-type was not 'long' or 'string': "+idType);
} else {
parse.addProblem("id-type is required in a persistable type");
// otherwise, we expect type=""
} else {
matcher = new ClassNameMatcher(className);
} else {
// look for the matcher element
Element matcherElement = XmlUtil.element(element, "matcher");
Element matcherObjectElement = XmlUtil.element(matcherElement);
if (matcherObjectElement!=null) {
try {
matcher = (Matcher) parser.parseElement(matcherObjectElement, parse);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
parse.addProblem("matcher is not a "+Matcher.class.getName()+": "+(matcher!=null ? matcher.getClass().getName() : "null"));
} else {
parse.addProblem("no matcher specified in "+XmlUtil.toString(element));