// make the process language version available for bindings
// to allow for specific parsing behaviour per version
// first check if the langid is available as a deployment property
DeploymentImpl deployment = (DeploymentImpl) parse.contextMapGet(Parse.CONTEXT_KEY_DEPLOYMENT);
if (deployment!=null) {
String processLanguageId = deployment.getProcessLanguageId(name);
if (processLanguageId==null) {
// if it is not available as a deployment property, check if the
// jpdlparser attribute specifies a specific jpdl version.
// this is the case for certain compatibility tests in our test suite
String jpdlParser = XmlUtil.attribute(documentElement, "jpdlparser");
if (jpdlParser!=null) {
processLanguageId = "jpdl-"+jpdlParser;
} else {
// if none of the above, check if this is a parser test run for a specific verion
// specify the jpdltestversion with "mvn -Djpdlparser=jpdl-4.3 clean install"
// that way, the whole test suite will be use the specified parser
jpdlParser = System.getProperty("jpdlparser");
if (jpdlParser!=null) {
processLanguageId = "jpdl-"+jpdlParser;
} else {
// if this process has a namespace, then use the namespace
// to see what jpdl parser version should be used
String namespaceUri = documentElement.getNamespaceURI();
if (namespaceUri!=null) {
processLanguageId = "jpdl-"+namespaceUri.substring(16, 19);
} else {
// if none of the above, just deploy it as the current library version
// saving the process language will make sure that
// the right parser version is used after an upgrade of jbpm
// as the old format xml will still be in the db
deployment.setProcessLanguageId(name, processLanguageId);
parse.contextMapPut(Parse.CONTEXT_KEY_PROCESS_LANGUAGE_ID, processLanguageId);
String packageName = XmlUtil.attribute(documentElement, "package");