Package org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling

Examples of org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.AttributeBinding

         for(int i = 0; i < xsAttrUses.getLength(); ++i)
            XSAttributeDeclaration xsAttr = ((XSAttributeUse)xsAttrUses.item(i)).getAttrDeclaration();
            QName xsAttrQName = new QName(xsAttr.getNamespace(), xsAttr.getName());
            AttributeBinding attrBinding = typeBinding.getAttribute(xsAttrQName);
            assertNotNull("Type " + typeBinding.getQName() + " declares attribute " + xsAttrQName, attrBinding);
            assertEquivalent(xsAttr.getTypeDefinition(), attrBinding.getType());
      XSWildcard xsAttrWildcard = xsType.getAttributeWildcard();
      if(xsAttrWildcard != null)
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      TypeBinding type = element.getType();
      for(int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); ++i)
         QName attrName = new QName(attrs.getURI(i), attrs.getLocalName(i));
         AttributeBinding binding = type.getAttribute(attrName);
         if(binding != null)
            AttributeHandler handler = binding.getHandler();
            if(handler != null)
               Object value = handler.unmarshal(elementName, attrName, binding, nsCtx, attrs.getValue(i));
               handler.attribute(elementName, attrName, binding, o, value);
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                  attributeTypeInfo = attributeTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(jbossXmlAttribute.type());
               TypeBinding attributeType = resolveTypeBinding(attributeTypeInfo);
               // Create the attribute handler
               AttributeHandler attributeHandler = new PropertyHandler(property, attributeTypeInfo);
               // Create the attributre and bind it to the type
               AttributeBinding attribute = new AttributeBinding(schemaBinding, qName, attributeType, attributeHandler);
               if (trace)
                  log.trace("Bound attribute " + qName + " type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName() + " propertyType=" + attributeTypeInfo);
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               TypeBinding attributeType = resolveTypeBinding(keyType);
               AttributeHandler attributeHandler = new PropertyHandler(entryInfo.getProperty("key"), keyType);
               String attrNs = keyAttribute.namespace();
                  attrNs = defaultNamespace;
               AttributeBinding keyBinding = new AttributeBinding(schemaBinding, new QName(attrNs,, attributeType, attributeHandler);

            if(valueAttribute != null)
               TypeBinding attributeType = resolveTypeBinding(valueType);
               AttributeHandler attributeHandler = new PropertyHandler(entryInfo.getProperty("value"), valueType);
               String valueNs = valueAttribute.namespace();
                  valueNs = defaultNamespace;
               AttributeBinding valueBinding = new AttributeBinding(schemaBinding, new QName(valueNs,, attributeType, attributeHandler);
            else if(valueElement == null)
               CharactersHandler charactersHandler = new ValueHandler(entryInfo.getProperty("value"), valueType);
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      String xmlAttrName = varMapping.getXmlAttributeName();
      log.trace("processXmlAttributeName: " + xmlAttrName);

      QName xmlName = new QName(xmlAttrName);
      AttributeBinding attrBinding = typeBinding.getAttribute(xmlName);
      if (attrBinding == null)
         Iterator i = typeBinding.getAttributes().iterator();
         while (i.hasNext())
            AttributeBinding auxBinding = (AttributeBinding);
            if (auxBinding.getQName().getLocalPart().equals(xmlAttrName))
               if (attrBinding != null)
                  log.warn("Ambiguous binding for attribute: " + xmlAttrName);

               attrBinding = auxBinding;
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      TypeBinding type = element.getType();
      for(int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); ++i)
         QName attrName = new QName(attrs.getURI(i), attrs.getLocalName(i));
         AttributeBinding binding = type.getAttribute(attrName);
         if(binding != null)
            AttributeHandler handler = binding.getHandler();
            if(handler != null)
               Object value = handler.unmarshal(elementName, attrName, binding, nsCtx, attrs.getValue(i));
               handler.attribute(elementName, attrName, binding, o, value);
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      String xmlAttrName = varMapping.getXmlAttributeName();
      log.trace("processXmlAttributeName: " + xmlAttrName);

      QName xmlName = new QName(xmlAttrName);
      AttributeBinding attrBinding = typeBinding.getAttribute(xmlName);
      if (attrBinding == null)
         Iterator i = typeBinding.getAttributes().iterator();
         while (i.hasNext())
            AttributeBinding auxBinding = (AttributeBinding);
            if (auxBinding.getQName().getLocalPart().equals(xmlAttrName))
               if (attrBinding != null)
                  log.warn("Ambiguous binding for attribute: " + xmlAttrName);

               attrBinding = auxBinding;
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                  attributeTypeInfo = attributeTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(jbossXmlAttribute.type());
               TypeBinding attributeType = resolveTypeBinding(attributeTypeInfo);
               // Create the attribute handler
               AttributeHandler attributeHandler = new PropertyHandler(property, attributeTypeInfo);
               // Create the attributre and bind it to the type
               AttributeBinding attribute = new AttributeBinding(schemaBinding, qName, attributeType, attributeHandler);
               if (trace)
                  log.trace("Bound attribute " + qName + " type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName() + " propertyType=" + attributeTypeInfo);
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            if(keyAttribute != null)
               TypeBinding attributeType = resolveTypeBinding(keyType);
               AttributeHandler attributeHandler = new PropertyHandler(entryInfo.getProperty("key"), keyType);
               QName attrQName = generateXmlName(keyType, attributeForm, keyAttribute.namespace(),;
               AttributeBinding keyBinding = new AttributeBinding(schemaBinding, attrQName, attributeType, attributeHandler);

            if(valueAttribute != null)
               TypeBinding attributeType = resolveTypeBinding(valueType);
               AttributeHandler attributeHandler = new PropertyHandler(entryInfo.getProperty("value"), valueType);
               QName attrQName = generateXmlName(valueType, attributeForm, valueAttribute.namespace(),;
               AttributeBinding valueBinding = new AttributeBinding(schemaBinding, attrQName, attributeType, attributeHandler);
            else if(valueElement == null)
               CharactersHandler charactersHandler = new ValueHandler(entryInfo.getProperty("value"), valueType);
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      TypeBinding type = element.getType();
      for(int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); ++i)
         QName attrName = new QName(attrs.getURI(i), attrs.getLocalName(i));
         AttributeBinding binding = type.getAttribute(attrName);
         if(binding != null)
            AttributeHandler handler = binding.getHandler();
            if(handler != null)
               Object value = handler.unmarshal(elementName, attrName, binding, nsCtx, attrs.getValue(i));
               handler.attribute(elementName, attrName, binding, o, value);
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Related Classes of org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.AttributeBinding

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