
Examples of

         Class factoryClass = loader.loadClass(factoryName);
         factory = (JavaToXSDFactory) factoryClass.newInstance();
      catch(Throwable e)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Cannot create JavaToXSDFactory",e);
      return factory;
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         Class factoryClass = loader.loadClass(factoryName);
         factory = (JavaToXSDFactory) factoryClass.newInstance();
      catch(Throwable e)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Cannot create JavaToXSDFactory",e);
      return factory;
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      WSDLInterface[] intf1 = w1.getInterfaces();
      WSDLInterface[] intf2 = w2.getInterfaces();

      if(intf1.length != intf2.length)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Number of portType operations in wsdl mismatch");

      int len = intf1.length;
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
         WSDLInterface i1 = intf1[i];
         WSDLInterface i2 = intf2[i];
         WSDLInterfaceOperation[] ops1 = i1.getSortedOperations();
         WSDLInterfaceOperation[] ops2 = i2.getSortedOperations();

         int lenOps = ops1.length;
         for (int j = 0; j < lenOps; j++)
            if(validateMessage(ops1[j],ops2[j]) == false)
               log.error("Validation of Messages failed");
               throw new JBossWSToolsException("Validation of messages failed");
         }//end for

         // Append the Faults
         WSDLInterfaceFault[] faults1 = i1.getFaults();
         WSDLInterfaceFault[] faults2 = i2.getFaults();
         int lenf = faults1 != null ? faults1.length : 0;
         for (int k = 0; k < lenf; k++)
            WSDLInterfaceFault flt1 = faults1[k];
            WSDLInterfaceFault flt2 = faults2[k];
            QName elt = flt1.getElement();
            QName elt2 = flt2.getElement();
            if(!(elt.getLocalPart().equals(elt2.getLocalPart()) &&
               log.error("Faults do not match");
               throw new JBossWSToolsException("Validation of faults failed:"+elt.getLocalPart());

      }//end for
      return true;
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      String op1name = op1.getName().getLocalPart();
      String intf1name = op1.getWsdlInterface().getName().toString();
      String op2name = op2.getName().getLocalPart();
      String intf2name = op2.getWsdlInterface().getName().toString();
      if(op1name.equals(op2name) == false)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException(op1name + " does not match with " + op2name);
      if( intf1name.equals(intf2name) == false)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException(intf1name + " does not match with " + intf2name);

      WSDLInterfaceOperationInput[] inputs1 = op1.getInputs();
      WSDLInterfaceOperationInput[] inputs2 = op2.getInputs();
      int lenin1 = inputs1.length;
      for (int i = 0; i < lenin1; i++)
         WSDLInterfaceOperationInput input1 = inputs1[i];
         WSDLInterfaceOperationInput input2 = inputs2[i];
         if(validateInputParts(input1, input2) == false)
            throw new JBossWSToolsException("Validation of input parts failed:" + input1.getElement());

      //Now the return type
      WSDLInterfaceOperationOutput[] outputs1 = op1.getOutputs();
      WSDLInterfaceOperationOutput[] outputs2 = op2.getOutputs();
      int lenout = outputs1.length;

      if(lenout != outputs2.length)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Length of operation outputs do not match");

      for (int i = 0; i < lenout; i++)
            WSDLInterfaceOperationOutput out1 = outputs1[i];
            WSDLInterfaceOperationOutput out2 = outputs2[i];
            if(validateOutputParts(out1, out2) == false)
               throw new JBossWSToolsException("Validation of output parts failed:" + out1);
      return true;
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      boolean bool = false;
      if(x1==null && x2 == null) return true;

      if(x1.getName().equals(x2.getName()) == false)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Validation of XSType failed:"
                     + x1.getName() + ":" + x2.getName());
      //TODO: Expand comparison of types to include attributes/elements
      if(x1 instanceof XSComplexTypeDefinition &&
            x2 instanceof XSComplexTypeDefinition)
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   boolean bool = true;
      WSDLBinding[] bindings1 = w1.getBindings();
      WSDLBinding[] bindings2 = w2.getBindings();
      if (bindings1 == null || bindings1.length == 0)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("bindings in first wsdl cannot be null");
      if(bindings2 == null || bindings2.length == 0)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("bindings in second wsdl cannot be null");
      if(bindings1.length != bindings2.length)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Mismatch in the number of bindings");
      for (int i = 0; i < bindings1.length; i++)
         WSDLBinding binding1 = bindings1[i];
         WSDLBinding binding2 = bindings2[i];
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      WSDLInterface[] wiarr1 = w1.getInterfaces();
      WSDLInterface[] wiarr2 = w2.getInterfaces();
      if(wiarr1.length != wiarr2.length)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Number of interfaces mismatch");
      int len = wiarr1.length;
      for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
         WSDLInterface wi1 = wiarr1[i];
         WSDLInterface wi2 = wiarr2[i];
         if(checkQNameEquality(wi1.getName(),wi2.getName()) == false)
            throw new JBossWSToolsException("Interface mismatch");
         WSDLInterfaceOperation[] wioparr1 = wi1.getOperations();
         WSDLInterfaceOperation[] wioparr2 = wi2.getOperations();
         if(wioparr1.length != wioparr2.length)
            throw new JBossWSToolsException("Number of Interface Operations mismatch");
         int innerlen = wioparr1.length;
         for(int j = 0 ; j< innerlen; j++)
            bool = validateInterfaceOperation(wioparr1[j],wioparr2[j]);
            if(bool == false)
               throw new JBossWSToolsException("validation Interface Operations failed");
      return bool;
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      List<WSDLExtensibilityElement> pol2 = new ArrayList<WSDLExtensibilityElement>(
      //check whether lists are the same size
      if (pol1.size() != pol2.size())
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Policy WSDLExtensibilityElement mismatch!");
      //check equality
      for (WSDLExtensibilityElement el1 : pol1)
         boolean done = false;
         Iterator it = pol2.iterator();
         WSDLExtensibilityElement el2 = null;
         while (it.hasNext() && !done)
            el2 = (WSDLExtensibilityElement);
            done = (el1.isRequired() == el2.isRequired()) &&
               checkElementEquality(el1.getElement(), el2.getElement());
         if (!done)
            log.error("Failing policy validation on policy on: "+ext1+" and "+ext2);
            return false;
      //policy references
      List<WSDLExtensibilityElement> polRef1 = new ArrayList<WSDLExtensibilityElement>(
      List<WSDLExtensibilityElement> polRef2 = new ArrayList<WSDLExtensibilityElement>(
      //check whether lists are the same size
      if (polRef1.size() != polRef2.size())
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Policy ref WSDLExtensibilityElement mismatch!");
      //check equality
      for (WSDLExtensibilityElement el1 : polRef1)
         boolean done = false;
         Iterator it = polRef2.iterator();
         WSDLExtensibilityElement el2 = null;
         while (it.hasNext() && !done)
            el2 = (WSDLExtensibilityElement);
            done = (el1.isRequired() == el2.isRequired()) &&
               checkElementEquality(el1.getElement(), el2.getElement());
         if (!done)
            log.error("Failing policy validation on policy ref on: "+ext1+" and "+ext2);
            return false;
      //check properties
      WSDLProperty prop1 = ext1.getProperty(Constants.WSDL_PROPERTY_POLICYURIS);
      WSDLProperty prop2 = ext2.getProperty(Constants.WSDL_PROPERTY_POLICYURIS);
      if (prop1 != null || prop2 != null)
         if (prop1 == null || prop2 == null || prop1.isRequired() != prop2.isRequired())
            throw new JBossWSToolsException("Policy prop WSDLExtensibilityElement mismatch!");
         String value1 = prop1.getValue();
         String value2 = prop2.getValue();
         if (value1 != null || value2 != null)
            if (value1 == null || value2 == null || !value1.equalsIgnoreCase(value2))
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   throws JBossWSToolsException
      String ts1 = w1.getTargetNamespace();
      String ts2 = w2.getTargetNamespace();
      if(ts1 == null || ts1.equals(""))
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Target Namespaces 1 is null");
      if(ts2 == null || ts2.equals(""))
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Target Namespaces 2 is null");
      if(ts1.equals(ts2) == false)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Target Namespaces do not match");
      Iterator iter1 = w1.getRegisteredPrefix();
       * IDEA: We get a namespace from the first wsdl and check that it is defined
       * in the other wsdl, irrespective of the prefix match
         String prefix1 = (String);
         String ns = w1.getNamespaceURI(prefix1);
         //Ignore the namespaces that are generated by wscompile for arrays
         if(ns.indexOf("arrays") > -1 )
         String prefix2 = w2.getPrefix(ns);
         if(prefix2 == null)
            throw new JBossWSToolsException("Namespace " + ns + " not defined in the second wsdl");   
      //Lets check the prefixes and namespaces
      /*while(iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext())
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      boolean bool = false;
      WSDLService[] services1 = w1.getServices();
      WSDLService[] services2 = w2.getServices();
      if (services1 == null || services1.length == 0)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("services in first wsdl cannot be null");
      if(services2 == null || services2.length == 0)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("services in second wsdl cannot be null");
      if(services1.length != services2.length)
         throw new JBossWSToolsException("Mismatch in the number of services");
      for (int i = 0; i < services1.length; i++)
         WSDLService s1 = services1[i];
         WSDLService s2 = services2[i];
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