
Examples of

            String variable = variableMap.get(elementName);
            if (variable == null)
               throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not determine variable name for element: " + elementName);

            WrappedParameter wrapped = new WrappedParameter(new QName(elementName), partMapping.getParamType(), variable, partMapping.getParamPosition());

            String parameterMode = wsdlMessageMapping.getParameterMode();
            if (parameterMode == null || parameterMode.length() < 2)
               throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameter mode for element: " + elementName);

            if (!"OUT".equals(parameterMode))
            if (!"IN".equals(parameterMode))
               // wrapped parameters can not be shared between request/response objects (accessors)
               if ("INOUT".equals(parameterMode))
                  wrapped = new WrappedParameter(wrapped);
         wsdlPosition = wrappedParameters.size();
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               if (variable == null)
                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not determine variable name for element: " + elementName);

               String wrappedType = returnValueMapping.getMethodReturnValue();
               QName element = new QName(elementName);
               WrappedParameter wrappedParameter = new WrappedParameter(element, wrappedType, variable, WrappedParameter.RETURN);
               wrappedResponseParameters.add(0, wrappedParameter);

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         if (isWrapped)
            QName wrappedElementName = getWebParamName(opMetaData, i, anWebParam);
            String variable = convertToVariable(wrappedElementName.getLocalPart());

            WrappedParameter wrappedParameter = new WrappedParameter(wrappedElementName, javaTypeName, variable, i);
            wrappedParameter.setTypeArguments(convertTypeArguments(javaType, genericType));

            if (mode != ParameterMode.OUT)

            if (mode != ParameterMode.IN)

               // WrappedParameters can not be shared between request/response objects (accessors)
               if (mode == ParameterMode.INOUT)
                  wrappedParameter = new WrappedParameter(wrappedParameter);

            processAttachmentAnnotationsWrapped(scanResult, i, wrappedParameter);
            QName xmlName = getWebParamName(opMetaData, i, anWebParam);

            ParameterMetaData paramMetaData = new ParameterMetaData(opMetaData, xmlName, javaTypeName);

             * Note: The TCK enforces the following rule in the spec regarding
             * partName: "This is only used if the operation is rpc style or if
             * the operation is document style and the parameter style is BARE."
             * This seems to be a flaw in the spec, because the intention is
             * obviously to prevent the ambiguity of wrapped parameters that
             * specify different partName values. There is, however, no reason
             * that this limitation should apply to header parameters since they
             * are never wrapped. In order to comply we adhere to this confusing
             * rule, although I will ask for clarification.
            if (anWebParam != null && !opMetaData.isDocumentWrapped() && anWebParam.partName().length() > 0)

            typeRefs.add(new TypeReference(xmlName, genericType, parameterAnnotations[i]));

            processAttachmentAnnotations(scanResult, i, paramMetaData);
            processMIMEBinding(epMetaData, opMetaData, paramMetaData);

      // Build result meta data
      Class returnType = method.getReturnType();
      Type genericReturnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
      String returnTypeName = returnType.getName();
      if (!(returnType == void.class))
         if (opMetaData.isOneWay())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("[JSR-181 2.5.1] The method '" + method.getName() + "' can not have a return value if it is marked OneWay");

         WebResult anWebResult = method.getAnnotation(WebResult.class);
         boolean isHeader = anWebResult != null && anWebResult.header();
         boolean isWrappedBody = opMetaData.isDocumentWrapped() && !isHeader;
         QName xmlName = getWebResultName(opMetaData, anWebResult);

         if (isWrappedBody)
            WrappedParameter wrapped = new WrappedParameter(xmlName, returnTypeName, convertToVariable(xmlName.getLocalPart()), -1);
            wrapped.setTypeArguments(convertTypeArguments(returnType, genericReturnType));

            // insert at the beginning just for prettiness
            wrappedOutputParameters.add(0, wrapped);

            processAttachmentAnnotationsWrapped(scanResult, -1, wrapped);
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         if (returnParam != null && ((! isWrapped) || (! returnParam.getWrappedParameters().isEmpty())))
            String name, type;
            if (isWrapped)
               WrappedParameter wrappedParameter = returnParam.getWrappedParameters().get(0);
               name = wrappedParameter.getName().getLocalPart();
               type = wrappedParameter.getType();
               name = returnParam.getXmlName().getLocalPart();
               type = returnParam.getJavaTypeName();
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         if (isWrapped)
            QName wrappedElementName = getWebParamName(opMetaData, i, anWebParam);
            String variable = convertToVariable(wrappedElementName.getLocalPart());

            WrappedParameter wrappedParameter = new WrappedParameter(wrappedElementName, javaTypeName, variable, i);
            wrappedParameter.setTypeArguments(convertTypeArguments(javaType, genericType));

            if (mode != ParameterMode.OUT)

            if (mode != ParameterMode.IN)

               // WrappedParameters can not be shared between request/response objects (accessors)
               if (mode == ParameterMode.INOUT)
                  wrappedParameter = new WrappedParameter(wrappedParameter);

            processAttachmentAnnotationsWrapped(scanResult, i, wrappedParameter);
            QName xmlName = getWebParamName(opMetaData, i, anWebParam);

            ParameterMetaData paramMetaData = new ParameterMetaData(opMetaData, xmlName, javaTypeName);

             * Note: The TCK enforces the following rule in the spec regarding
             * partName: "This is only used if the operation is rpc style or if
             * the operation is document style and the parameter style is BARE."
             * This seems to be a flaw in the spec, because the intention is
             * obviously to prevent the ambiguity of wrapped parameters that
             * specify different partName values. There is, however, no reason
             * that this limitation should apply to header parameters since they
             * are never wrapped. In order to comply we adhere to this confusing
             * rule, although I will ask for clarification.
            if (anWebParam != null && !opMetaData.isDocumentWrapped() && anWebParam.partName().length() > 0)

            typeRefs.add(new TypeReference(xmlName, genericType, parameterAnnotations[i]));

            processAttachmentAnnotations(scanResult, i, paramMetaData);
            processMIMEBinding(epMetaData, opMetaData, paramMetaData);

      // Build result meta data
      Class returnType = method.getReturnType();
      Type genericReturnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
      String returnTypeName = returnType.getName();
      if (!(returnType == void.class))
         if (opMetaData.isOneWay())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("[JSR-181 2.5.1] The method '" + method.getName() + "' can not have a return value if it is marked OneWay");

         WebResult anWebResult = method.getAnnotation(WebResult.class);
         boolean isHeader = anWebResult != null && anWebResult.header();
         boolean isWrappedBody = opMetaData.isDocumentWrapped() && !isHeader;
         QName xmlName = getWebResultName(opMetaData, anWebResult);

         if (isWrappedBody)
            WrappedParameter wrapped = new WrappedParameter(xmlName, returnTypeName, convertToVariable(xmlName.getLocalPart()), -1);
            wrapped.setTypeArguments(convertTypeArguments(returnType, genericReturnType));

            // insert at the beginning just for prettiness
            wrappedOutputParameters.add(0, wrapped);

            processAttachmentAnnotationsWrapped(scanResult, -1, wrapped);
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         if (returnParam != null && ((! isWrapped) || (! returnParam.getWrappedParameters().isEmpty())))
            String name, type;
            if (isWrapped)
               WrappedParameter wrappedParameter = returnParam.getWrappedParameters().get(0);
               name = wrappedParameter.getName().getLocalPart();
               type = wrappedParameter.getType();
               name = returnParam.getXmlName().getLocalPart();
               type = returnParam.getJavaTypeName();
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            String variable = variableMap.get(elementName);
            if (variable == null)
               throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not determine variable name for element: " + elementName);

            WrappedParameter wrapped = new WrappedParameter(new QName(elementName), partMapping.getParamType(), variable, partMapping.getParamPosition());

            String parameterMode = wsdlMessageMapping.getParameterMode();
            if (parameterMode == null || parameterMode.length() < 2)
               throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameter mode for element: " + elementName);

            if (!"OUT".equals(parameterMode))
            if (!"IN".equals(parameterMode))
               // wrapped parameters can not be shared between request/response objects (accessors)
               if ("INOUT".equals(parameterMode))
                  wrapped = new WrappedParameter(wrapped);
         wsdlPosition = wrappedParameters.size();
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            if (variable == null)
               throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not determine variable name for element: " + elementName);

            String wrappedType = returnValueMapping.getMethodReturnValue();
            QName element = new QName(elementName);
            WrappedParameter wrappedParameter = new WrappedParameter(element, wrappedType, variable, WrappedParameter.RETURN);
            wrappedResponseParameters.add(0, wrappedParameter);

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         if (isWrapped)
            QName wrappedElementName = getWebParamName(opMetaData, i, anWebParam);
            String variable = convertToVariable(wrappedElementName.getLocalPart());

            WrappedParameter wrappedParameter = new WrappedParameter(wrappedElementName, javaTypeName, variable, i);
            wrappedParameter.setTypeArguments(convertTypeArguments(javaType, genericType));

            if (mode != ParameterMode.OUT)

            if (mode != ParameterMode.IN)

               // WrappedParameters can not be shared between request/response objects (accessors)
               if (mode == ParameterMode.INOUT)
                  wrappedParameter = new WrappedParameter(wrappedParameter);

            processAttachmentAnnotationsWrapped(scanResult, i, wrappedParameter);
            QName xmlName = getWebParamName(opMetaData, i, anWebParam);

            ParameterMetaData paramMetaData = new ParameterMetaData(opMetaData, xmlName, javaTypeName);

             * Note: The TCK enforces the following rule in the spec regarding
             * partName: "This is only used if the operation is rpc style or if
             * the operation is document style and the parameter style is BARE."
             * This seems to be a flaw in the spec, because the intention is
             * obviously to prevent the ambiguity of wrapped parameters that
             * specify different partName values. There is, however, no reason
             * that this limitation should apply to header parameters since they
             * are never wrapped. In order to comply we adhere to this confusing
             * rule, although I will ask for clarification.
            if (anWebParam != null && !opMetaData.isDocumentWrapped() && anWebParam.partName().length() > 0)

            typeRefs.add(new TypeReference(xmlName, genericType, parameterAnnotations[i]));

            processAttachmentAnnotations(scanResult, i, paramMetaData);
            processMIMEBinding(epMetaData, opMetaData, paramMetaData);

      // Build result meta data
      Class returnType = method.getReturnType();
      Type genericReturnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
      String returnTypeName = returnType.getName();
      if (!(returnType == void.class))
         if (opMetaData.isOneWay())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("[JSR-181 2.5.1] The method '" + method.getName() + "' can not have a return value if it is marked OneWay");

         WebResult anWebResult = method.getAnnotation(WebResult.class);
         boolean isHeader = anWebResult != null && anWebResult.header();
         boolean isWrappedBody = opMetaData.isDocumentWrapped() && !isHeader;
         QName xmlName = getWebResultName(opMetaData, anWebResult);

         if (isWrappedBody)
            WrappedParameter wrapped = new WrappedParameter(xmlName, returnTypeName, convertToVariable(xmlName.getLocalPart()), -1);
            wrapped.setTypeArguments(convertTypeArguments(returnType, genericReturnType));

            // insert at the beginning just for prettiness
            wrappedOutputParameters.add(0, wrapped);

            processAttachmentAnnotationsWrapped(scanResult, -1, wrapped);
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               throw new WSException("Param Type " + paramType.getName() + " should not extend java.rmi.Remote");

            if (om.isDocumentWrapped() && !isHeaderParameter(opc, i))
               QName xmlName = getXmlName(paramType, opc, i, null);
               wrappedParameters.add(new WrappedParameter(xmlName, paramType.getName(), convertToProperty(xmlName.getLocalPart()), i));
               om.addParameter(getParameterMetaData(paramType, om, opc, i));

         // Handle return type
         Class returnType = m.getReturnType();
         if (void.class != returnType)
            if (Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType))
               throw new WSException("Return Type " + returnType.getName() + " should not extend java.rmi.Remote");

            if (om.isDocumentWrapped())
               QName name = getReturnXmlName(opc, null);

               WrappedParameter wrapped = new WrappedParameter(name, returnType.getName(), convertToProperty(name.getLocalPart()), -1);
               ParameterMetaData retMetaData = om.getReturnParameter();
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