TxPropagationRem cr = EJBUtils.lookupTxPropagationBeanEJB3(host0, jndiPort0, corbaPort0, useOTS);
res = cr.testXA(fSpecsNode0, fSpecsNode1, testEntityPK0, testEntityPK1, host1, expectFailureNode1, useOTS, jndiPort1, corbaPort1);
TxPropagationEJB2Rem cr = EJBUtils.lookupTxPropagationBeanEJB2(host0, jndiPort0, corbaPort0, useOTS);
res = cr.testXA(fSpecsNode0, fSpecsNode1, testEntityPK0, testEntityPK1, host1, expectFailureNode1, useOTS, jndiPort1, corbaPort1);
// in case of commit_halt on node1 there is no thrown exception, though that we need to pass through recoverUids()
return "Passed".equalsIgnoreCase(res) && recoverUids();