This class implements the "parent" side of 1..many unidirectional relationship. It doesn't do anything particularly interesting besides provide the CMR getter and a method (@see #getPropertyMap()) that provides a transactional context for iterating over the CMR collection. This code is based upon the original test case provided by Andrew May.
$Revision: 81036 $
Steve Coy.
@ejb.bean name="Parent"type="CMP" cmp-version="2.x" view-type="both" jndi-name="cmrstress/Parent" primkey-field="id" class="java.lang.String"generate="false"
@ejb.persistence table-name="StressedParent"
@@ejb.home generate="both"
@@ejb.interface generate="both"
@ejb.ejb-ref ejb-name="Child"view-type="local"
@ejb.transaction type="Supports"
@jboss.persistence create-table="true" remove-table="true"
@jboss.tuned-updates tune="true"