Package org.jboss.test.cluster.ejb3.clusteredsession

Examples of org.jboss.test.cluster.ejb3.clusteredsession.OverrideStatefulRemote

         throws ServletException, IOException
      {"EJBServlet.processRequest invoked");
         ServiceRemote test = (ServiceRemote) getInitialContext().lookup("ServiceBean/remote");"looked up remote bean ServiceBean/remote, about to invoke remoteMethod() on bean");
         test.remoteMethod();"invoked remoteMethod() on bean");
  /*       MBeanServer server =;
         ObjectName testerName = new ObjectName("default:service=service");
         Object[] params = {};
         String[] sig = {};
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      getLog().debug("Test Stateless Bean loadbalancing");
      getLog().debug(++StatelessUnitTestCase.test +"- "
              +"Looking up clusteredStateless/remote...");
      ClusteredStatelessRemote stateless = (ClusteredStatelessRemote) ctx.lookup("clusteredStateless/remote");
      confirmTargetCount(2, true);
      NodeAnswer node1 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Node 1 ID: " +node1);

      confirmTargetCount(2, false);
      Map<VMID, Integer> callCount = new HashMap<VMID, Integer>();
      int allowedErr = 0;
      allowedErr = validateBalancing(stateless, callCount, 4, 2, 0);
      ctx = getInitialContext(1);
      stateless = (ClusteredStatelessRemote) ctx.lookup("clusteredStateless/remote");
      confirmTargetCount(2, true);
      NodeAnswer node2 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Node 2 ID : " +node2);
      confirmTargetCount(2, true);
//      assertFalse("Second call went to different node " + node2.nodeId + " vs " + node1.nodeId,
//            node1.nodeId.equals(node2.nodeId));
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      getLog().debug("Test Stateless Bean loadbalancing after topology change");
      getLog().debug(++StatelessUnitTestCase.test +"- "
              +"Looking up clusteredStateless/remote...");
      ClusteredStatelessRemote stateless = (ClusteredStatelessRemote) ctx.lookup("clusteredStateless/remote");
      confirmTargetCount(2, true);
      NodeAnswer node1 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Node 1 ID: " +node1);
      confirmTargetCount(2, true);
      NodeAnswer node2 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Node 2 ID : " +node2);
      confirmTargetCount(2, false);
      MBeanServerConnection[] adaptors = getAdaptors();
      deployed0 = false;
      undeploy(adaptors[0], DEPLOYMENT);
      NodeAnswer call3 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 3 ID : " +call3);
      confirmTargetCount(1, true);
      assertTrue("Call 3 hit existing node", node1.nodeId.equals(call3.nodeId) || node2.nodeId.equals(call3.nodeId));
      NodeAnswer call4 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 4 ID : " +call4);
      assertEquals("Call 3 and Call 4 hit the same node", call3.nodeId, call4.nodeId);
      deploy(adaptors[0], DEPLOYMENT);
      deployed0 = true;
      // Call once to get the new topology. The next call after this
      // might go to the same node if the topology change means the node
      // that handled this call moves in the target list to the next position
      NodeAnswer call5 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 5 ID : " +call5);
      Map<VMID, Integer> callCount = new HashMap<VMID, Integer>();
      validateBalancing(stateless, callCount, 4, 2, 0);
      deployed1 = false;
      undeploy(adaptors[1], DEPLOYMENT);
      NodeAnswer call6 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 6 ID : " +call6);
      confirmTargetCount(1, true);
      assertTrue("Call 6 hit existing node", callCount.containsKey(call6.nodeId));
      NodeAnswer call7 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 7 ID : " +call7);
      assertEquals("Call 6 and Call 7 hit the same node", call6.nodeId, call7.nodeId);
      deploy(adaptors[1], DEPLOYMENT);
      deployed1 = true;
      // Call once to get the new topology. The next call after this
      // might go to the same node if the topology change means the node
      // that handled this call moves in the target list to the next position
      NodeAnswer call8 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 8 ID : " +call8);
      callCount = new HashMap<VMID, Integer>();
      validateBalancing(stateless, callCount, 4, 2, 0);
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      getLog().debug("Checking ClusteredStatelessRemote on node 0");
      ClusteredStatelessRemote csr = (ClusteredStatelessRemote) getInitialContext(0).lookup("clusteredStateless/remote");
      confirmTargetCount(getFamilyName(SLSB), 2);
      getLog().debug("Checking ClusteredStatelessRemote on node 1");
      csr = (ClusteredStatelessRemote) getInitialContext(1).lookup("clusteredStateless/remote");
      confirmTargetCount(getFamilyName(SLSB), 2);
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      catch (NameNotFoundException nnfe)

      NodeAnswer node1 = stateful.getNodeState ();
      getLog ().debug ("Node 1 ID: " +node1);

      // Now we switch to the other node, simulating a failure on node 1
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      catch (NameNotFoundException nnfe)
      NodeAnswer node1 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Node 1 ID: " +node1);
      for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
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              +"Looking up clusteredStateless/remote...");
      ClusteredStatelessRemote stateless = (ClusteredStatelessRemote) ctx.lookup("clusteredStateless/remote");
      confirmTargetCount(2, true);
      NodeAnswer node1 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Node 1 ID: " +node1);

      confirmTargetCount(2, false);
      Map<VMID, Integer> callCount = new HashMap<VMID, Integer>();
      int allowedErr = 0;
      allowedErr = validateBalancing(stateless, callCount, 4, 2, 0);
      ctx = getInitialContext(1);
      stateless = (ClusteredStatelessRemote) ctx.lookup("clusteredStateless/remote");
      confirmTargetCount(2, true);
      NodeAnswer node2 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Node 2 ID : " +node2);
      confirmTargetCount(2, true);
//      assertFalse("Second call went to different node " + node2.nodeId + " vs " + node1.nodeId,
//            node1.nodeId.equals(node2.nodeId));
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      getLog().debug(++StatelessUnitTestCase.test +"- "
              +"Looking up clusteredStateless/remote...");
      ClusteredStatelessRemote stateless = (ClusteredStatelessRemote) ctx.lookup("clusteredStateless/remote");
      confirmTargetCount(2, true);
      NodeAnswer node1 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Node 1 ID: " +node1);
      confirmTargetCount(2, true);
      NodeAnswer node2 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Node 2 ID : " +node2);
      confirmTargetCount(2, false);
      MBeanServerConnection[] adaptors = getAdaptors();
      deployed0 = false;
      undeploy(adaptors[0], DEPLOYMENT);
      NodeAnswer call3 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 3 ID : " +call3);
      confirmTargetCount(1, true);
      assertTrue("Call 3 hit existing node", node1.nodeId.equals(call3.nodeId) || node2.nodeId.equals(call3.nodeId));
      NodeAnswer call4 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 4 ID : " +call4);
      assertEquals("Call 3 and Call 4 hit the same node", call3.nodeId, call4.nodeId);
      deploy(adaptors[0], DEPLOYMENT);
      deployed0 = true;
      // Call once to get the new topology. The next call after this
      // might go to the same node if the topology change means the node
      // that handled this call moves in the target list to the next position
      NodeAnswer call5 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 5 ID : " +call5);
      Map<VMID, Integer> callCount = new HashMap<VMID, Integer>();
      validateBalancing(stateless, callCount, 4, 2, 0);
      deployed1 = false;
      undeploy(adaptors[1], DEPLOYMENT);
      NodeAnswer call6 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 6 ID : " +call6);
      confirmTargetCount(1, true);
      assertTrue("Call 6 hit existing node", callCount.containsKey(call6.nodeId));
      NodeAnswer call7 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 7 ID : " +call7);
      assertEquals("Call 6 and Call 7 hit the same node", call6.nodeId, call7.nodeId);
      deploy(adaptors[1], DEPLOYMENT);
      deployed1 = true;
      // Call once to get the new topology. The next call after this
      // might go to the same node if the topology change means the node
      // that handled this call moves in the target list to the next position
      NodeAnswer call8 = stateless.getNodeState();
      getLog ().debug ("Call 8 ID : " +call8);
      callCount = new HashMap<VMID, Integer>();
      validateBalancing(stateless, callCount, 4, 2, 0);
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   private int validateBalancing(ClusteredStatelessRemote stateless, Map<VMID, Integer> callCount, int numCalls, int expectedServers, int allowedError)
      for (int i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
         NodeAnswer answer = stateless.getNodeState();
         Integer count = callCount.get(answer.nodeId);
         if (count == null)
            callCount.put(answer.nodeId, new Integer(1));
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      // we can keep creating SFSBs until we get one we want
      getLog().debug("Looking up VMTrackerBean...");
      VMTracker tracker = (VMTracker) getInitialContext(0).lookup("VMTrackerBean/remote");
      VMID monitorVM = tracker.getVMID();
      NodeAnswer node0 = null;
      boolean vmMatch = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < 10 && !vmMatch; i++)
         getLog().debug("Looking up testStateful/remote... Attempt " + i +1);
         stateful = (StatefulRemote) ctx.lookup("testStateful/remote");
         node0 = stateful.getNodeState();
         vmMatch = monitorVM.equals(node0.getNodeId());
         if (!vmMatch)
      Assert.assertTrue("Tracker and SFSB in same VM", vmMatch);


      node0 = stateful.getNodeState();
      getLog().debug ("Node 0 ID: " +node0);

      // Redeploy on node 1
      // Now we switch to the other node, simulating a failure on node 0
      NodeAnswer node1 = stateful.getNodeState ();
      assertNotNull("State node: ", node1);
      getLog ().debug ("Node 1 ID : " +node1);

      assertFalse("Failover has occured", node0.nodeId.equals(node1.nodeId));
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Related Classes of org.jboss.test.cluster.ejb3.clusteredsession.OverrideStatefulRemote

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