// Create a session bean by default
BankSession lBank = lBankHome.create();
CustomerSession lCustomer = lCustomerHome.create();
AccountSession lAccount = lAccountHome.create();
TellerSession lTeller = lTellerHome.create();
// Create a bank the root of everything
BankData lBankData = lBank.createBank( "Andy's TestBank", "12345 XMass Avenue, New JBoss, GA" );
// Check all the methods on teller inteface because that
// is what we are here working with primarly
CustomerData lCustomerData = lTeller.createCustomer( lBankData.getId(), "One", 100 );
CustomerData lCustomerData2 = lTeller.getCustomer( lCustomerData.getId() );
Collection lCustomers = lTeller.getCustomers( lBankData.getId() );
AccountData lAccountData = lTeller.createAccount( lCustomerData.getId(), Constants.SAVING, 150 );
AccountData lAccountData2 = lTeller.getAccount( lCustomerData.getId(), Constants.SAVING );
AccountData lAccountData3 = lTeller.getAccount( lAccountData.getId() );
AccountData lAccountData4 = lTeller.getAccount( lCustomerData.getId(), Constants.CHECKING );
Collection lAccounts = lTeller.getAccounts( lCustomerData.getId() );
lTeller.deposit( lAccountData4.getId(), 75 );
lTeller.withdraw( lAccountData3.getId(), 63 );
lTeller.transfer( lAccountData4.getId(), lAccountData3.getId(), 52 );
lTeller.removeAccount( lAccountData4.getId() );
lTeller.removeAccount( lAccountData.getId() );
lTeller.removeCustomer( lCustomerData.getId() );
lBank.removeBank( lBankData.getId() );
log.debug( "testEnvironment() ends" );