// TODO stateless components should not / need not be cached
// autowire the component if not done yet
if (!namedComponents.containsKey(compName)) {
boolean required = inAnnotation.required();
boolean autoCreate = implType.isAnnotationPresent(AutoCreate.class);
Scope scopeAnn = implType.getAnnotation(Scope.class);
boolean stateless = false;
if (scopeAnn != null) {
stateless = scopeAnn.value() == ScopeType.STATELESS;
boolean mayCreate = inAnnotation.create() || autoCreate || stateless;
if (required && !mayCreate) {
String msg = "Not allowed to create required component "+compName+" with impl "+implType+". Try @AutoCreate or @In(create=true).";
if (ignoreNonResolvable) {