Package org.jboss.profileservice.spi.metadata

Examples of org.jboss.profileservice.spi.metadata.ProfileMetaData

      // TODO add dependencies on bootstrap profiles
      String[] rootSubProfiles = new String[0];
      // Create a hotdeployment profile
      // FIXME JBAS-7720 restore hot deploy capability (and make it configurable too)
      ProfileMetaData profileMetaData = ProfileMetaDataFactory.createFilteredProfileMetaData(getProfileName(),deploymentRoot, this.deploymentNames.toArray(new String[this.deploymentNames.size()]));
      // register the profile metadata with the profile service
      this.profileKey = this.profileService.registerProfile(profileMetaData);
      // if on-demand is disabled, then just activate it now
      if (this.activateOnDemand == false)
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      // Create the application profile
      super.createApplicationProfiles(profiles, dependencies);
      // Create the farm profile
      ProfileMetaData farm = null;
      if (getFarmURIs() != null)
         URI[] farmURIs = getFarmURIs().toArray(new URI[getFarmURIs().size()]);
         farm = createFarmingProfileMetaData(
               FARM_NAME, true, farmURIs, dependencies);
         // Add
      // Create the hasingleton profile
      if (getHASingletonURIs() != null && getHASingletonURIs().isEmpty() == false)
         if(getHASingletonURIs().size() != 1)
            // WARN
         URI hasingletonURI = getHASingletonURIs().get(0);
         // Note HASingleton can't depend on others or it will get undeployed prematurely
         ProfileMetaData hasingletons = createScanningProfile(HASINGLETON_NAME, hasingletonURI,
               Collections.EMPTY_SET, true);
         // Add
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      // TODO add dependencies on bootstrap profiles
      String[] rootSubProfiles = new String[0];
      // Create a hotdeployment profile
      ProfileMetaData metadata = createProfileMetaData(true, deployURI, rootSubProfiles);
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      // TODO add dependencies on bootstrap profiles
      String[] rootSubProfiles = new String[0];
      // Create a hotdeployment profile
      // FIXME JBAS-7720 restore hot deploy capability (and make it configurable too)
      ProfileMetaData metadata = ProfileMetaDataFactory.createFilteredProfileMetaData(getProfileName(),
            deploymentRoot, this.deploymentNames.toArray(new String[this.deploymentNames.size()]));

      this.profileKey = this.profileService.registerProfile(metadata);
      if (this.activateOnDemand)
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         assertEquals(3, md.getProfiles().size());
         // test immutable
         ProfileMetaData immutable = md.getProfiles().get(0);
         assertTrue(immutable instanceof FilteredProfileMetaData);
         // test hotdeployment
         ProfileMetaData hotdeployment = md.getProfiles().get(1);
         assertTrue(hotdeployment instanceof HotDeploymentProfileMetaData);
         // test wildcard
         ProfileMetaData maven = md.getProfiles().get(2);
         assertTrue(maven instanceof MavenProfileMetaData);
         for(ProfileMetaData profile: md.getProfiles())
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    * @param key the ProfileKey
    * @throws Exception
   public void createProfiles(Map<ProfileKey, Profile> profiles, ProfileKey key) throws Exception
      ProfileMetaData profileMetaData = this.profileMap.get(key);
      if(profileMetaData == null)
         throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find metaData for key: " + key);

      List<ProfileKey> subProfiles = new ArrayList<ProfileKey>();
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         addProfile(bindingsKey, bindings);
         subprofileNames = new String[] { bindingsName };
      // Create bootstrap profile meta data
      ProfileKey bootstrapKey = new ProfileKey(bootstrapName);
      ProfileMetaData bootstrap = createProfileMetaData(bootstrapName, false,
            new URI[] { bootstrapURI }, subprofileNames );
      addProfile(bootstrapKey, bootstrap);
      subprofileNames = createSubprofileNames(subprofileNames, bootstrapName);
      // Create deployers profile meta data
      ProfileKey deployersKey = new ProfileKey(deployersName);
      ProfileMetaData deployers = createProfileMetaData(
            deployersName, false, new URI[] { deployersURI }, subprofileNames);
      addProfile(deployersKey, deployers);
      subprofileNames = createSubprofileNames(subprofileNames, deployersName);

      // Create applications profile meta data
      String[] rootSubProfiles = createApplicationProfiles(subprofileNames);
      // Create empty root profile;
      ProfileMetaData root = new EmptyProfileMetaData(
            null, null, rootKey.getName(), createSubProfileMetaData(rootSubProfiles));

      // Add to profile map
      addProfile(rootKey, root);
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   protected String createApplicationProfile(String[] applicationsSubProfiles)
      ProfileKey applicationsKey = new ProfileKey(applicationsName);
      URI[] applicationURIs = getApplicationURIs().toArray(new URI[getApplicationURIs().size()]);
      ProfileMetaData applications = createProfileMetaData(
            applicationsName, true, applicationURIs, applicationsSubProfiles);
      // Add to profile map
      addProfile(applicationsKey, applications);
      return applicationsName;
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      // Load the profiles
      if(this.profileKey == null)
         this.profileKey = new ProfileKey(server.getConfig().getServerName());
      Map<String, Object> metaData = server.getMetaData();
      ProfileMetaData pmd = (ProfileMetaData) metaData.get(ProfileMetaData.class.getName());
      // Register the profiles
      Collection<Profile> bootstrapProfiles = profileFactory.createProfiles(profileKey, null);
      for(Profile profile : bootstrapProfiles)
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      // Create the application profile
      String applicationProfileName = super.createApplicationProfile(applicationsSubProfiles);
      // Create the farm profile
      ProfileMetaData farm = null;
      if (getFarmURIs() != null)
         ProfileKey farmKey = new ProfileKey(FARM_NAME);
         URI[] farmURIs = getFarmURIs().toArray(new URI[getFarmURIs().size()]);
         String[] farmSubProfiles = new String[] { applicationProfileName };
         farm = createClusteredProfileMetaData(
               FARM_NAME, true, farmURIs, farmSubProfiles);
         addProfile(farmKey, farm);        
      // Create the hasingleton profile
      if (getHASingletonURIs() != null)
         ProfileKey hasingletonKey = new ProfileKey(HASINGLETON_NAME);
         URI[] hasingletonURIs = getHASingletonURIs().toArray(new URI[getHASingletonURIs().size()]);
         // Note HASingleton can't depend on others or it will get undeployed
         // prematurely
         String[] hasingletonSubProfiles = new String[0];
         ProfileMetaData hasingletons = createProfileMetaData(
               HASINGLETON_NAME, true, hasingletonURIs, hasingletonSubProfiles);
         addProfile(hasingletonKey, hasingletons);        
      // Return the dependencies for the root profile
      return farm == null ? new String[] { applicationProfileName } : new String[] { FARM_NAME };
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Related Classes of org.jboss.profileservice.spi.metadata.ProfileMetaData

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