instance = ctor.newInstance();
String msg = "Cannot create " + type + " with class " + className + " because it does not implement the expected interface " + expectedClass.getName();
throw new PortletInitializationException(msg);
catch (InvocationTargetException e)
String msg = "Cannot create " + type + " with class " + className + " because the class contructor threw an exception";
throw new PortletInitializationException(msg, e.getCause());
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
String msg = "Cannot create " + type + " with class " + className + " because the class is not accessible";
throw new PortletInitializationException(msg, e);
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
String msg = "Cannot create " + type + " with class " + className + " because it does not have an no argument constructor";
throw new PortletInitializationException(msg, e);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
String msg = "Cannot create " + type + " with class " + className + " because the class cannot be loaded";
throw new PortletInitializationException(msg, e);
catch (InstantiationException e)
String msg = "Cannot create " + type + " with class " + className + " because it cannot be instantiated";
throw new PortletInitializationException(msg, e);
catch (Error e)
String msg = "Cannot create " + type + " with class " + className + " because of an error";
throw new PortletInitializationException(msg, e);
final ClassLoader previousLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
catch (Exception e)
String msg = "The " + type + " threw an exception during init";
throw new PortletInitializationException(msg, e);