A set of configuration properties of a {@link Channel}.
Please down-cast to more specific configuration type such as {@link SocketChannelConfig} or use {@link #setOptions(Map)} to set thetransport-specific properties:
Channel ch = ...; SocketChannelConfig cfg = (SocketChannelConfig) ch.getConfig(); cfg.setTcpNoDelay(false);
Option map
An option map property is a dynamic write-only property which allows the configuration of a {@link Channel} without down-casting its associated{@link ChannelConfig}. To update an option map, please call {@link #setOptions(Map)}.
All {@link ChannelConfig} has the following options:
Name | Associated setter method |
{@code "connectTimeoutMillis"} | {@link #setConnectTimeoutMillis(int)} |
{@code "writeTimeoutMillis"} | {@link #setWriteTimeoutMillis(int)} |
{@code "pipelineFactory"} | {@link #setPipelineFactory(ChannelPipelineFactory)} |
More options are available in the sub-types of {@link ChannelConfig}. For example, you can configure the parameters which are specific to a TCP/IP socket as explained in {@link SocketChannelConfig} or {@link NioSocketChannelConfig}.
@author The Netty Project (netty-dev@lists.jboss.org)
@author Trustin Lee (tlee@redhat.com)
@version $Rev: 472 $, $Date: 2008-11-14 16:45:53 +0900 (Fri, 14 Nov 2008) $
@apiviz.has org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelPipelineFactory