This installer allows MLet to install or upgrade a mbean based on the version specified in the MLet conf file. If the mbean version is newer than the registered in the server, the installer unregisters the old mbean and then registers the new one. This management needs to store the mbean version into the MBeanRegistry in the server. When we register mbeans, however, we can't pass the metadata to MBeanServer through the standard JMX api because Both of createMBean() and registerMBean() have no extra arguments to attach the metadata. Thus we call MBeanServer#invoke() directly to set/get the internal mbean metadata. Currently version and date are stored in the mbean registry as mbean metadata. The date will be used for preparing presentaionString for this mbean info. For managment purpose, we can add any extra data to the matadata if you need. @author Fusayuki Minamoto. @version $Revision: 1.2 $