Package org.jboss.metadata

Examples of org.jboss.metadata.BeanMetaData

   public ObjectName createEJB(MBeanServer server, ObjectName containerName)
      ObjectName jsr77Name = null;
         BeanMetaData metaData = (BeanMetaData) server.getAttribute(containerName, "BeanMetaData");
         EjbModule ejbModule = (EjbModule) server.getAttribute(containerName, "EjbModule");
         ObjectName ejbModName = EJBModuleFactory.getEJBModuleName(ejbModule.getServiceName());
         String ejbName = metaData.getEjbName();
         String jndiName = metaData.getJndiName();
         String localJndiName = metaData.getLocalJndiName();
         int type = EJB.STATELESS_SESSION_BEAN;
         if (metaData.isSession())
            SessionMetaData smetaData = (SessionMetaData) metaData;
            if (smetaData.isStateful())
               type = EJB.STATEFUL_SESSION_BEAN;
         else if (metaData.isMessageDriven())
            type = EJB.MESSAGE_DRIVEN_BEAN;
            type = EJB.ENTITY_BEAN;

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   public void setContainer(Container container)
      if (container != null)
         BeanMetaData beanMetaData = container.getBeanMetaData();
         ApplicationMetaData applicationMetaData = beanMetaData.getApplicationMetaData();
         AssemblyDescriptorMetaData assemblyDescriptor = applicationMetaData.getAssemblyDescriptor();
         securityRoles = assemblyDescriptor.getSecurityRoles();
         deploymentRoles = assemblyDescriptor.getPrincipalVersusRolesMap();

         SecurityIdentityMetaData secMetaData = beanMetaData.getSecurityIdentityMetaData();
         if (secMetaData != null && secMetaData.getUseCallerIdentity() == false)
            String roleName = secMetaData.getRunAsRoleName();
            String principalName = secMetaData.getRunAsPrincipalName();

            //Special Case: if RunAsPrincipal is not configured, then we use unauthenticatedIdentity
            if (principalName == null)
               principalName = applicationMetaData.getUnauthenticatedPrincipal();

            // the run-as principal might have extra roles mapped in the assembly-descriptor
            Set extraRoleNames = assemblyDescriptor.getSecurityRoleNamesByPrincipal(principalName);
            runAsIdentity = new RunAsIdentity(roleName, principalName, extraRoleNames);

         if (secMetaData != null && secMetaData.getUseCallerIdentity())
            this.isUseCallerIdentity = true;

         securityManager = container.getSecurityManager();
         realmMapping = container.getRealmMapping();
         //authorizationManager = container.getAuthorizationManager();

            // Get the timeout method
            ejbTimeout = TimedObject.class.getMethod("ejbTimeout", new Class[]
         catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore)
         if (securityManager != null)
            appSecurityDomain = securityManager.getSecurityDomain();
            appSecurityDomain = SecurityUtil.unprefixSecurityDomain(appSecurityDomain);
         ejbName = beanMetaData.getEjbName();
         ejbCS = container.getBeanClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
         securityManagement = (ISecurityManagement) container.getSecurityManagement();
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   public ObjectName getJmxName()
      if (jmxName == null)
         BeanMetaData beanMetaData = getBeanMetaData();
         if (beanMetaData == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Container metaData is null");

         String jndiName = beanMetaData.getContainerObjectNameJndiName();
         if (jndiName == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Container jndiName is null");

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    * We create the java:comp/env namespace with properties, EJB-References,
    * and DataSource ressources.
   private void setupEnvironment() throws Exception
      BeanMetaData beanMetaData = getBeanMetaData();

      // debug
      log.debug("Begin java:comp/env for EJB: " + beanMetaData.getEjbName());
      ClassLoader tcl = SecurityActions.getContextClassLoader();
      log.debug("TCL: " + tcl);

      ORB orb = null;
      HandleDelegate hd = null;
         orb = (ORB)server.getAttribute(ORB_NAME, "ORB");
         hd = (HandleDelegate)server.getAttribute(ORB_NAME, "HandleDelegate");
      catch (Throwable t)
         log.debug("Unable to retrieve orb" + t.toString());

      // Since the BCL is already associated with this thread we can start
      // using the java: namespace directly
      Context ctx = (Context)new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp");
      Object id = ENCFactory.getCurrentId();
      log.debug("Using java:comp using id=" + id);

      // Bind the orb
      if (orb != null)
         NonSerializableFactory.rebind(ctx, "ORB", orb);
         log.debug("Bound java:comp/ORB for EJB: " + getBeanMetaData().getEjbName());

         NonSerializableFactory.rebind(ctx, "HandleDelegate", hd);
         log.debug("Bound java:comp/HandleDelegate for EJB: " + getBeanMetaData().getEjbName());

      // JTA links
      ctx.bind("TransactionSynchronizationRegistry", new LinkRef("java:TransactionSynchronizationRegistry"));
      log.debug("Linked java:comp/TransactionSynchronizationRegistry to JNDI name: java:TransactionSynchronizationRegistry");

      Context envCtx = ctx.createSubcontext("env");

      // Bind environment properties
         Iterator i = beanMetaData.getEnvironmentEntries();
         while (i.hasNext())
            EnvEntryMetaData entry = (EnvEntryMetaData);
            log.debug("Binding env-entry: " + entry.getName() + " of type: " + entry.getType() + " to value:" + entry.getValue());

            EnvEntryBinder.bindEnvEntry(envCtx, entry);

      // Bind EJB references
         Iterator i = beanMetaData.getEjbReferences();
         while (i.hasNext())
            EjbRefMetaData ref = (EjbRefMetaData);
            log.debug("Binding an EJBReference " + ref.getName());

            if (ref.getLink() != null)
               // Internal link
               String linkName = ref.getLink();
               String jndiName = ref.getJndiName();
               log.debug("Binding " + ref.getName() + " to ejb-link: " + linkName + " -> " + jndiName);

               if (jndiName == null)
                  String msg = "Failed to resolve ejb-link: " + linkName + " from ejb-ref: " + ref.getName() + " in ejb: " + beanMetaData.getEjbName();
                  throw new DeploymentException(msg);

               Util.bind(envCtx, ref.getName(), new LinkRef(jndiName));

               // Get the invoker specific ejb-ref mappings
               Iterator it = beanMetaData.getInvokerBindings();
               Reference reference = null;
               while (it.hasNext())
                  String invokerBinding = (String);
                  // Check for an invoker level jndi-name
                  String name = ref.getInvokerBinding(invokerBinding);
                  // Check for an global jndi-name
                  if (name == null)
                     name = ref.getJndiName();
                  if (name == null)
                     throw new DeploymentException("ejb-ref " + ref.getName() + ", expected either ejb-link in ejb-jar.xml or " + "jndi-name in jboss.xml");

                  StringRefAddr addr = new StringRefAddr(invokerBinding, name);
                  log.debug("adding " + invokerBinding + ":" + name + " to Reference");

                  if (reference == null)
                     reference = new Reference("javax.naming.LinkRef", ENCThreadLocalKey.class.getName(), null);

               // If there were invoker bindings create bind the reference
               if (reference != null)
                  if (ref.getJndiName() != null)
                     // Add default for the bean level ejb-ref/jndi-name
                     StringRefAddr addr = new StringRefAddr("default", ref.getJndiName());
                  if (reference.size() == 1 && reference.get("default") == null)
                     /* There is only one invoker binding and its not default so
                      create a default binding to allow the link to have a value
                      when accessed without an invoker active.
                     StringRefAddr addr = (StringRefAddr)reference.get(0);
                     String target = (String)addr.getContent();
                     StringRefAddr addr1 = new StringRefAddr("default", target);
                  Util.bind(envCtx, ref.getName(), reference);
                  // Bind the bean level ejb-ref/jndi-name
                  if (ref.getJndiName() == null)
                     throw new DeploymentException("ejb-ref " + ref.getName() + ", expected either ejb-link in ejb-jar.xml " + "or jndi-name in jboss.xml");
                  Util.bind(envCtx, ref.getName(), new LinkRef(ref.getJndiName()));

      // Bind Local EJB references
         Iterator i = beanMetaData.getEjbLocalReferences();
         while (i.hasNext())
            EjbLocalRefMetaData ref = (EjbLocalRefMetaData);
            String refName = ref.getName();
            log.debug("Binding an EJBLocalReference " + ref.getName());

            if (ref.getLink() != null)
               // Internal link
               log.debug("Binding " + refName + " to bean source: " + ref.getLink());

               String jndiName = ref.getJndiName();

               Util.bind(envCtx, ref.getName(), new LinkRef(jndiName));
               // Bind the bean level ejb-local-ref/local-jndi-name
               if (ref.getJndiName() == null)
                  throw new DeploymentException("ejb-local-ref " + ref.getName() + ", expected either ejb-link in ejb-jar.xml " + "or local-jndi-name in jboss.xml");
               Util.bind(envCtx, ref.getName(), new LinkRef(ref.getJndiName()));

      // Bind service references
         ClassLoader loader = unit.getClassLoader();
         UnifiedVirtualFile vfsRoot = new VirtualFileAdaptor(unit.getRoot());
         Iterator<ServiceReferenceMetaData> serviceReferences = beanMetaData.getServiceReferences();
         if (serviceReferences != null)
            while (serviceReferences.hasNext())
               ServiceReferenceMetaData sref =;
               String refName = sref.getServiceRefName();
               new ServiceReferenceHandler().bindServiceRef(envCtx, refName, vfsRoot, loader, sref);

      // Bind resource references
         Iterator i = beanMetaData.getResourceReferences();

         // let's play guess the cast game ;)  New metadata should fix this.
         ApplicationMetaData application = beanMetaData.getApplicationMetaData();

         while (i.hasNext())
            ResourceRefMetaData ref = (ResourceRefMetaData);

            String resourceName = ref.getResourceName();
            String finalName = application.getResourceByName(resourceName);
            String resType = ref.getType();
            // If there was no resource-manager specified then an immeadiate
            // jndi-name or res-url name should have been given
            if (finalName == null)
               finalName = ref.getJndiName();

            if (finalName == null && resType.equals("") == false)
               // the application assembler did not provide a resource manager
               // if the type is javax.sql.Datasoure use the default one

               if (ref.getType().equals("javax.sql.DataSource"))
                  // Go through JNDI and look for DataSource - use the first one
                  Context dsCtx = new InitialContext();
                     // Check if it is available in JNDI
                     finalName = "java:/DefaultDS";
                  catch (Exception e)
                     log.debug("failed to lookup DefaultDS; ignoring", e);

               // Default failed? Warn user and move on
               // POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS: should this be a critical error?
               if (finalName == null)
                  log.warn("No resource manager found for " + ref.getResourceName());

            if (resType.equals(""))
               // URL bindings
               if (ref.getResURL() != null)
                  // The URL string was given by the res-url
                  log.debug("Binding URL: " + ref.getRefName() + " to JDNI ENC as: " + ref.getResURL());
                  URL resURL = new URL(ref.getResURL());
                  Util.bind(envCtx, ref.getRefName(), resURL);
                  log.debug("Binding URL: " + ref.getRefName() + " to: " + finalName);
                  Object bind = null;
                  if (ref.getJndiName() != null)
                     // Was the url given as a jndi-name reference to link to it
                     bind = new LinkRef(finalName);
                     // The url string was given via a resource-name mapping
                     bind = new URL(finalName);
                  Util.bind(envCtx, ref.getRefName(), bind);
               // Resource Manager bindings, should validate the type...
               log.debug("Binding resource manager: " + ref.getRefName() + " to JDNI ENC as: " + finalName);
               Util.bind(envCtx, ref.getRefName(), new LinkRef(finalName));

      // Bind resource env references
         Iterator i = beanMetaData.getResourceEnvReferences();
         while (i.hasNext())
            ResourceEnvRefMetaData resRef = (ResourceEnvRefMetaData);
            String encName = resRef.getRefName();
            String jndiName = resRef.getJndiName();
            // Should validate the type...
            log.debug("Binding env resource: " + encName + " to JDNI ENC as: " + jndiName);
            Util.bind(envCtx, encName, new LinkRef(jndiName));

      // Bind message destination references
         Iterator i = beanMetaData.getMessageDestinationReferences();

         while (i.hasNext())
            MessageDestinationRefMetaData ref = (MessageDestinationRefMetaData);

            String refName = ref.getRefName();
            String jndiName = ref.getJNDIName();
            String link = ref.getLink();
            if (link != null)
               if (jndiName == null)
                  MessageDestinationMetaData messageDestination = getMessageDestination(link);
                  if (messageDestination == null)
                     throw new DeploymentException("message-destination-ref '" + refName + "' message-destination-link '" + link
                           + "' not found and no jndi-name in jboss.xml");
                     String linkJNDIName = messageDestination.getJndiName();
                     if (linkJNDIName == null)
                        log.warn("message-destination '" + link + "' has no jndi-name in jboss.xml");
                        jndiName = linkJNDIName;
                  log.warn("message-destination-ref '" + refName + "' ignoring message-destination-link '" + link + "' because it has a jndi-name in jboss.xml");
            else if (jndiName == null)
               throw new DeploymentException("message-destination-ref '" + refName + "' has no message-destination-link in ejb-jar.xml and no jndi-name in jboss.xml");
            Util.bind(envCtx, refName, new LinkRef(jndiName));

      // Create a java:comp/env/security/security-domain link to the container
      // or application security-domain if one exists so that access to the
      // security manager can be made without knowing the global jndi name.

      String securityDomain = metaData.getContainerConfiguration().getSecurityDomain();
      if (securityDomain == null)
         securityDomain = metaData.getApplicationMetaData().getSecurityDomain();
      if (securityDomain != null)
         //JBAS-6060: Tolerate a Security Domain configuration without the java:/jaas prefix
         if(securityDomain.startsWith(SecurityConstants.JAAS_CONTEXT_ROOT) == false)
            securityDomain = SecurityConstants.JAAS_CONTEXT_ROOT + "/" + securityDomain;

         log.debug("Binding securityDomain: " + securityDomain + " to JDNI ENC as: security/security-domain");

         Util.bind(envCtx, "security/security-domain", new LinkRef(securityDomain));
         Util.bind(envCtx, "security/subject", new LinkRef(securityDomain + "/subject"));
         Util.bind(envCtx, "security/realmMapping", new LinkRef(securityDomain + "/realmMapping"));
         Util.bind(envCtx, "security/authorizationMgr", new LinkRef(securityDomain + "/authorizationMgr"));

      log.debug("End java:comp/env for EJB: " + beanMetaData.getEjbName());
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   // Interceptor implementation

   public void start()
      BeanMetaData bean = container.getBeanMetaData();
      local = bean.getLocal();
      localHome = bean.getLocalHome();
      remote = bean.getRemote();
      home = bean.getHome();
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   // Protected -----------------------------------------------------

   protected boolean isContainerManagedTx()
      BeanMetaData md = con.getBeanMetaData();
      return md.isContainerManagedTx();
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      return md.isContainerManagedTx();

   protected boolean isUserManagedTx()
      BeanMetaData md = con.getBeanMetaData();
      return md.isContainerManagedTx() == false;
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         throw new IllegalStateException("Expected one containers but got " + containers.size());
      Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
      for(Container container : containers)
         BeanMetaData metadata = container.getBeanMetaData();

         String invokerBinding = null;
         Iterator<String> bindings = metadata.getInvokerBindings();
            throw new IllegalStateException("Expected one invoker binding.");
            if(invokerBinding != null)
               throw new IllegalStateException("Expected only one invoker binding.");
            invokerBinding =;

         MyJMSContainerInvoker invoker = (MyJMSContainerInvoker)container.lookupProxyFactory(invokerBinding);
         map.put(metadata.getEjbName(), invoker.getResourceAdapterName());
      return map;
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            contextID = deploymentUnit.getSimpleName();
         // appMetaData.gsetJaccContextID(contextID);
         /* PolicyConfiguration pc = null; */
         while (beans.hasNext())
            BeanMetaData bean = (BeanMetaData);
  "Deploying " + bean.getEjbName());
            Container con = createContainer(bean, deploymentUnit);
            // @todo support overriding the context id via metadata is needed

         // only one iteration should be necessary, but we won't sweat it.
         // 2 iterations are needed by cmp...jdbc/bridge/JDBCCMRFieldBridge which
         // assumes persistence managers are all set up for every
         // bean in the relationship!
         ListIterator iter = containerOrdering.listIterator();
         while (iter.hasNext())
            Container con = (Container);
            ObjectName jmxName = con.getJmxName();
             * Add the container mbean to the deployment mbeans so the state of the deployment can be tracked.
            server.registerMBean(con, jmxName);
            // deploymentUnit.mbeans.add(jmxName);
            BeanMetaData metaData = con.getBeanMetaData();
            Collection<ObjectName> depends = new ArrayList<ObjectName>();
            for (String dependsName : metaData.getDepends())
            Iterator<String> invokerBindings = metaData.getInvokerBindings();
            while (invokerBindings != null && invokerBindings.hasNext())
               String invokerBindingName =;
               InvokerProxyBindingMetaData ipbmd = appMetaData.getInvokerProxyBindingMetaDataByName(invokerBindingName);
               if (ipbmd != null)
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         Container con = (Container) iter.previous();
            ObjectName jmxName = con.getJmxName();
            // The container may already be destroyed so validate metaData
            BeanMetaData metaData = con.getBeanMetaData();
            String ejbName = metaData != null ? metaData.getEjbName() : "Unknown";
            log.debug("stopService, stopping container: " + ejbName);

         catch (Exception e)
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Related Classes of org.jboss.metadata.BeanMetaData

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