* instead of direct Xids [JPL] */
Connection conn = null;
Statement st = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
PreparedTxInfo txInfo = null;
TransactionWrapper wrap = new TransactionWrapper();
List transactions = new ArrayList();
conn = ds.getConnection();
st = conn.createStatement();
String sql = this.getSQLStatement("SELECT_PREPARED_TRANSACTIONS");
rs = st.executeQuery(sql);
while (rs.next())
//get the existing tx id --MK START
long txId = rs.getLong(1);
byte[] branchQual = getVarBinaryColumn(rs, 2);
int formatId = rs.getInt(3);
byte[] globalTxId = getVarBinaryColumn(rs, 4);
Xid xid = new MessagingXid(branchQual, formatId, globalTxId);
// create a tx info object with the result set detailsdetails
txInfo = new PreparedTxInfo(txId, xid);
return transactions;