Package org.jboss.jms.delegate

Examples of org.jboss.jms.delegate.CreateConnectionResult

   // Public ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   public Object handleCreateConnectionDelegate(Invocation inv) throws Throwable
      CreateConnectionResult res = (CreateConnectionResult)inv.invokeNext();

      ClientConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate = (ClientConnectionDelegate)res.getDelegate();

      if (connectionDelegate != null && connectionDelegate.getState() == null)
         // no state set yet, initialize and configure it
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      byte v = version.getProviderIncrementingVersion();
      JMSRemotingConnection remotingConnection = null;
      CreateConnectionResult res;
         remotingConnection = new JMSRemotingConnection(serverLocatorURI, clientPing, strictTck, new ConsolidatedRemotingConnectionListener(), sendAcksAsync);
         Client client = remotingConnection.getRemotingClient();
         String remotingSessionId = client.getSessionId();
         String clientVMId = JMSClientVMIdentifier.instance;
         ConnectionFactoryCreateConnectionDelegateRequest req =
            new ConnectionFactoryCreateConnectionDelegateRequest(id, v,
                                                                 remotingSessionId, clientVMId,
                                                                 username, password, failedNodeID);
         ResponseSupport rs = (ResponseSupport)client.invoke(req, null);
         res = (CreateConnectionResult)rs.getResponse();
      catch (Throwable t)
         //If we were invoking createConnectionDelegate and failure occurs then we need to clear
         // up the JMSRemotingConnection

         if (remotingConnection != null)
            catch (Throwable ignore)
         throw handleThrowable(t);
      ClientConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate = (ClientConnectionDelegate)res.getDelegate();
      if (connectionDelegate != null)
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   // Public ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   public Object handleCreateConnectionDelegate(Invocation inv) throws Throwable
      CreateConnectionResult res = (CreateConnectionResult)inv.invokeNext();

      ClientConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate = (ClientConnectionDelegate)res.getDelegate();

      if (connectionDelegate != null && connectionDelegate.getState() == null)
         // no state set yet, initialize and configure it
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      byte v = version.getProviderIncrementingVersion();
      JMSRemotingConnection remotingConnection = null;
      CreateConnectionResult res;
         remotingConnection = new JMSRemotingConnection(serverLocatorURI, clientPing, strictTck, new ConsolidatedRemotingConnectionListener(), sendAcksAsync);
         Client client = remotingConnection.getRemotingClient();
         String remotingSessionId = client.getSessionId();
         String clientVMId = JMSClientVMIdentifier.instance;
         ConnectionFactoryCreateConnectionDelegateRequest req =
            new ConnectionFactoryCreateConnectionDelegateRequest(id, v,
                                                                 remotingSessionId, clientVMId,
                                                                 username, password, failedNodeID);
         ResponseSupport rs = (ResponseSupport)client.invoke(req, null);
         res = (CreateConnectionResult)rs.getResponse();
      catch (Throwable t)
         //If we were invoking createConnectionDelegate and failure occurs then we need to clear
         // up the JMSRemotingConnection

         if (remotingConnection != null)
            catch (Throwable ignore)
         throw handleThrowable(t);
      ClientConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate = (ClientConnectionDelegate)res.getDelegate();
      if (connectionDelegate != null)
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            ClientConnectionDelegate cd =
               createConnectionDelegateInternal(username, password, failedNodeID,
                                                remotingSessionID, clientVMID,
            return new CreateConnectionResult(cd);
            log.trace(this + " received client-side failover request. Creating failover "+
               "connection to replace connection to failed node " + failedNodeID);

            // Wait for server side failover to complete
            int failoverNodeID = serverPeer.getFailoverWaiter().waitForFailover(failedNodeID);
            if (failoverNodeID == -1 || failoverNodeID != serverPeer.getServerPeerID())
               log.trace(this + " realized that we are on the wrong node or no failover has occured");
               return new CreateConnectionResult(failoverNodeID);
               log.trace(this + " received notification that server-side failover completed, " +
                  "creating connection delegate ...");
               ClientConnectionDelegate cd =
                  createConnectionDelegateInternal(username, password, failedNodeID,
                                                   remotingSessionID, clientVMID,
               return new CreateConnectionResult(cd);
      catch (Throwable t)
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      byte v = version.getProviderIncrementingVersion();
      JMSRemotingConnection remotingConnection = null;
      CreateConnectionResult res;
         remotingConnection = new JMSRemotingConnection(serverLocatorURI, clientPing, strictTck, new ConsolidatedRemotingConnectionListener(), sendAcksAsync);
         Client client = remotingConnection.getRemotingClient();
         String remotingSessionId = client.getSessionId();
         String clientVMId = JMSClientVMIdentifier.instance;
         ConnectionFactoryCreateConnectionDelegateRequest req =
            new ConnectionFactoryCreateConnectionDelegateRequest(id, v,
                                                                 remotingSessionId, clientVMId,
                                                                 username, password, failedNodeID);
         ResponseSupport rs = (ResponseSupport)client.invoke(req, null);
         res = (CreateConnectionResult)rs.getResponse();
      catch (Throwable t)
         //If we were invoking createConnectionDelegate and failure occurs then we need to clear
         // up the JMSRemotingConnection

         if (remotingConnection != null)
            catch (Throwable ignore)
         throw handleThrowable(t);
      ClientConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate = (ClientConnectionDelegate)res.getDelegate();
      if (connectionDelegate != null)
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      byte v = version.getProviderIncrementingVersion();
      JMSRemotingConnection remotingConnection = null;
      CreateConnectionResult res;
         remotingConnection = new JMSRemotingConnection(serverLocatorURI, clientPing, strictTck, new ConsolidatedRemotingConnectionListener(), sendAcksAsync);
         Client client = remotingConnection.getRemotingClient();
         String remotingSessionId = client.getSessionId();
         String clientVMId = JMSClientVMIdentifier.instance;
         ConnectionFactoryCreateConnectionDelegateRequest req =
            new ConnectionFactoryCreateConnectionDelegateRequest(id, v,
                                                                 remotingSessionId, clientVMId,
                                                                 username, password, failedNodeID);
         ResponseSupport rs = (ResponseSupport)client.invoke(req, null);
         res = (CreateConnectionResult)rs.getResponse();
      catch (Throwable t)
         //If we were invoking createConnectionDelegate and failure occurs then we need to clear
         // up the JMSRemotingConnection

         if (remotingConnection != null)
            catch (Throwable ignore)
         throw handleThrowable(t);
      ClientConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate = (ClientConnectionDelegate)res.getDelegate();
      if (connectionDelegate != null)
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   // Public ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   public Object handleCreateConnectionDelegate(Invocation inv) throws Throwable
      CreateConnectionResult res = (CreateConnectionResult)inv.invokeNext();

      ClientConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate = (ClientConnectionDelegate)res.getDelegate();

      if (connectionDelegate != null && connectionDelegate.getState() == null)
         // no state set yet, initialize and configure it
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      if (advised == null)
         throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find object in dispatcher with id " + objectId);
      CreateConnectionResult del =
         advised.createConnectionDelegate(username, password, failedNodeId,
                                           getRemotingSessionID(), getClientVMID(), version,
      return new ConnectionFactoryCreateConnectionDelegateResponse(del);
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            log.trace(this + " has chosen " + delegate + " as target, " +
               (attemptCount == 0 ? "first connection attempt" : attemptCount + " connection attempts"));
            CreateConnectionResult res = delegate.
               createConnectionDelegate(username, password, failedNodeIDToServer);
            ClientConnectionDelegate cd = (ClientConnectionDelegate)res.getDelegate();

            if (cd != null)
               // valid connection

               log.trace(this + " got local connection delegate " + cd);
               if (supportsFailover)
                 ConnectionState state = (ConnectionState)((DelegateSupport)cd).getState();
                 FailoverCommandCenter fcc = state.getFailoverCommandCenter();
                 // add a connection listener to detect failure; the consolidated remoting connection
                 // listener must be already in place and configured
                    setDelegateListener(new ConnectionFailureListener(fcc, state.getRemotingConnection()));
                 log.trace(this + " installed failure listener on " + cd);
                 // also cache the username and the password into state, useful in case
                 // FailoverCommandCenter needs to create a new connection instead of a failed on
                 // also add a reference to the clustered ConnectionFactory delegate, useful in case
                 // FailoverCommandCenter needs to create a new connection instead of a failed on
                 log.trace("Successfully initialised new connection");

               return res;
              // This should never occur if we are not doing failover
              if (!supportsFailover)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Doesn't support failover so must return a connection delegate");
               // we did not get a valid connection to the node we've just tried

               int actualServerID = res.getActualFailoverNodeID();

               if (actualServerID == -1)
                  // No failover attempt was detected on the server side; this might happen if the
                  // client side network fails temporarily so the client connection breaks but the
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Related Classes of org.jboss.jms.delegate.CreateConnectionResult

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