@QueryParam("fault") @DefaultValue("") String fault,
@QueryParam("twoPhaseAware") @DefaultValue("true") String twoPhaseAware,
@QueryParam("isVolatile") @DefaultValue("false") String isVolatile, String enlistUrl) throws IOException {
Work work = faults.get(pId);
TxSupport txn = new TxSupport();
String txId = enlistUrl.substring(enlistUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
boolean isTwoPhaseAware = "true".equals(twoPhaseAware);
boolean isVolatileParticipant = "true".equals(isVolatile);
String vRegistration = null; // URI for registering with the volatile phase
String vParticipantLink = null; // URI for handling pre and post 2PC phases
if (work == null) {
int id = ++pid;
work = makeWork(txn, info.getAbsolutePath().toString(), String.valueOf(id), txId, enlistUrl, isTwoPhaseAware,
isVolatileParticipant, null, fault);
} else {
Work newWork = makeWork(txn, info.getAbsolutePath().toString(), work.id, txId, enlistUrl, isTwoPhaseAware,
isVolatileParticipant, null, fault);
newWork.oldState = work.oldState;
newWork.newState = work.newState;
work = newWork;
if (enlistUrl.indexOf(',') != -1) {
String[] urls = enlistUrl.split(",");
if (urls.length < 2)
throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
enlistUrl = urls[0];
vRegistration = urls[1];
String vParticipant = new StringBuilder(info.getAbsolutePath().toString()).append('/').append(work.id).append('/')
vParticipantLink = txn.addLink2(new StringBuilder(), TxLinkNames.VOLATILE_PARTICIPANT, vParticipant, true)
try {
// enlist TestResource in the transaction as a participant
work.recoveryUrl = txn.enlistParticipant(enlistUrl, work.pLinks);
if (vParticipantLink != null)
txn.enlistVolatileParticipant(vRegistration, vParticipantLink);
} catch (HttpResponseException e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e.getActualResponse());
work.status = TxStatus.TransactionActive.name();