Package org.jboss.injection

Examples of org.jboss.injection.JndiPropertyInjector

         injectors.put(accObj, new TimerServicePropertyInjector(property, (Container) container)); // only EJBs
      else if(type.equals(URL.class) && ref.mappedName() != null && ref.mappedName().length() > 0)
         createURLInjector(encName, ref.mappedName(), container);
         injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
      else if (type.equals(String.class)
              || type.equals(Character.class)
              || type.equals(Byte.class)
              || type.equals(Short.class)
              || type.equals(Integer.class)
              || type.equals(Long.class)
              || type.equals(Boolean.class)
              || type.equals(Double.class)
              || type.equals(Float.class)
              || type.isPrimitive()
         // don't add an injector if no XML <env-entry is present as there will be no value to inject
         if (container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName))
            injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
         else if (ref.mappedName() != null && ref.mappedName().length() > 0)
            // Use the mappedName as the string value
            String s = ref.mappedName().trim();
               Object value = ValueConvertor.convertValue(type, s);
               container.getEncInjectors().put(encName, new ValueEncInjector(encName, value, "@Resource"));
               injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
            catch(Throwable t)
               throw new RuntimeException("Failed to convert: "+ref.mappedName()+" to type:"+type, t);
            log.warn("Not injecting " + property.getName() + ", no matching enc injector " + encName + " found");
         if (checkEncInjectors && !container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName))
            String mappedName = ref.mappedName();
            if (mappedName == null || mappedName.equals(""))
               // TODO: is this a nice trick?
//               if(ConnectionFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
//               {
//                  // neat little trick
//                  mappedName = "java:/ConnectionFactory";
//               }
//               else
                  mappedName = "java:comp/ORB";
               else if(EJBContext.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
                  mappedName = "java:comp/EJBContext";
                  throw new RuntimeException("You did not specify a @Resource.mappedName() on " + accObj + " and there is no binding for enc name " + encName + " in XML");
            container.getEncInjectors().put(encName, new LinkRefEncInjector(encName, mappedName, "@Resource"));
         injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
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         injectors.put(accObj, new TimerServicePropertyInjector(property, (Container) container)); // only EJBs
      else if (type.equals(URL.class) && ref.mappedName() != null && ref.mappedName().length() > 0)
         createURLInjector(encName, ref.mappedName(), container);
         injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
      else if (type.equals(String.class) || type.equals(Character.class) || type.equals(Byte.class)
            || type.equals(Short.class) || type.equals(Integer.class) || type.equals(Long.class)
            || type.equals(Boolean.class) || type.equals(Double.class) || type.equals(Float.class)
            || type.isPrimitive())
         // don't add an injector if no XML <env-entry is present as there will be no value to inject
         if (container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName))
            injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
         else if (ref.mappedName() != null && ref.mappedName().length() > 0)
            // Use the mappedName as the string value
            String s = ref.mappedName().trim();
               Object value = ValueConvertor.convertValue(type, s);
               container.getEncInjectors().put(encName, new ValueEncInjector(encName, value, "@Resource"));
               injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
            catch (Throwable t)
               throw new RuntimeException("Failed to convert: " + ref.mappedName() + " to type:" + type, t);
            log.warn("Not injecting " + property.getName() + ", no matching enc injector " + encName + " found");
         if (checkEncInjectors && !container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName))
            String mappedName = ref.mappedName();
            if (mappedName == null || mappedName.equals(""))
               // TODO: is this a nice trick?
               //                  if(ConnectionFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
               //                  {
               //                     // neat little trick
               //                     mappedName = "java:/ConnectionFactory";
               //                  }
               //                  else
               if (ORB.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
                  mappedName = "java:comp/ORB";
                  throw new RuntimeException("You did not specify a @Resource.mappedName() on " + accObj
                        + " and there is no binding for enc name " + encName + " in XML");
            container.getEncInjectors().put(encName, new LinkRefEncInjector(encName, mappedName, "@Resource"));
         injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
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         injectors.put(accObj, new TimerServicePropertyInjector(property, (Container) container)); // only EJBs
      else if (type.equals(URL.class) && ref.mappedName() != null && ref.mappedName().length() > 0)
         createURLInjector(encName, ref.mappedName(), container);
         injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
      else if (type.equals(String.class) || type.equals(Character.class) || type.equals(Byte.class)
            || type.equals(Short.class) || type.equals(Integer.class) || type.equals(Long.class)
            || type.equals(Boolean.class) || type.equals(Double.class) || type.equals(Float.class)
            || type.isPrimitive())
         // don't add an injector if no XML <env-entry is present as there will be no value to inject
         if (container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName))
            injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
         else if (ref.mappedName() != null && ref.mappedName().length() > 0)
            // Use the mappedName as the string value
            String s = ref.mappedName().trim();
               Object value = ValueConvertor.convertValue(type, s);
               container.getEncInjectors().put(encName, new ValueEncInjector(encName, value, "@Resource"));
               injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
            catch (Throwable t)
               throw new RuntimeException("Failed to convert: " + ref.mappedName() + " to type:" + type, t);
            log.warn("Not injecting " + property.getName() + ", no matching enc injector " + encName + " found");
         if (checkEncInjectors && !container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName))
            String mappedName = ref.mappedName();
            if (mappedName == null || mappedName.equals(""))
               // TODO: is this a nice trick?
               //                  if(ConnectionFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
               //                  {
               //                     // neat little trick
               //                     mappedName = "java:/ConnectionFactory";
               //                  }
               //                  else
               if (ORB.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
                  mappedName = "java:comp/ORB";
                  throw new RuntimeException("You did not specify a @Resource.mappedName() on " + accObj
                        + " and there is no binding for enc name " + encName + " in XML");
            container.getEncInjectors().put(encName, new LinkRefEncInjector(encName, mappedName, "@Resource"));
         injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
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         injectors.put(accObj, new TimerServicePropertyInjector(property, (Container) container)); // only EJBs
      else if(type.equals(URL.class) && ref.mappedName() != null && ref.mappedName().length() > 0)
         createURLInjector(encName, ref.mappedName(), container);
         injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
      else if (type.equals(String.class)
              || type.equals(Character.class)
              || type.equals(Byte.class)
              || type.equals(Short.class)
              || type.equals(Integer.class)
              || type.equals(Long.class)
              || type.equals(Boolean.class)
              || type.equals(Double.class)
              || type.equals(Float.class)
              || type.isPrimitive()
         // don't add an injector if no XML <env-entry is present as there will be no value to inject
         if (container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName))
            injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
         else if (ref.mappedName() != null && ref.mappedName().length() > 0)
            // Use the mappedName as the string value
            String s = ref.mappedName().trim();
               Object value = ValueConvertor.convertValue(type, s);
               container.getEncInjectors().put(encName, new ValueEncInjector(encName, value, "@Resource"));
               injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
            catch(Throwable t)
               throw new RuntimeException("Failed to convert: "+ref.mappedName()+" to type:"+type, t);
            log.warn("Not injecting " + property.getName() + ", no matching enc injector " + encName + " found");
         if (checkEncInjectors && !container.getEncInjectors().containsKey(encName))
            String mappedName = ref.mappedName();
            if (mappedName == null || mappedName.equals(""))
               // TODO: is this a nice trick?
//               if(ConnectionFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
//               {
//                  // neat little trick
//                  mappedName = "java:/ConnectionFactory";
//               }
//               else
                  mappedName = "java:comp/ORB";
               else if(EJBContext.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
                  mappedName = "java:comp/EJBContext";
                  throw new RuntimeException("You did not specify a @Resource.mappedName() on " + accObj + " and there is no binding for enc name " + encName + " in XML");
            container.getEncInjectors().put(encName, new LinkRefEncInjector(encName, mappedName, "@Resource"));
         injectors.put(accObj, new JndiPropertyInjector(property, encName, container.getEnc()));
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Related Classes of org.jboss.injection.JndiPropertyInjector

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