Package org.jboss.ejb3.deployers.metadata.processor

Examples of org.jboss.ejb3.deployers.metadata.processor.SetDefaultLocalBusinessInterfaceProcessorFactory

      ObjectName deployment = new ObjectName("test.ejb3:name=Bill,service=EJB3");

      ClientKernelAbstraction kernel = KernelAbstractionFactory.getClientInstance();
      kernel.invoke(deployment, "stop", new Object[0], new String[0]);
      kernel.invoke(deployment, "start", new Object[0], new String[0]);
      stateful = (Stateful)getInitialContext().lookup("Stateful");
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            String guid = (String) statefulGuidField.get(ejbContext);
            Container container = Ejb3Registry.getContainer(guid);
            return container.getEjbName();
         catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
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         BeanMetaData injectorBMD = this.createInjectorBMD(injectorMCBeanName, eeInjector, switchBoard);
         this.jbossUnit.addAttachment(BeanMetaData.class + ":" + injectorMCBeanName, injectorBMD);
         // Add the Injector dependency on the deployment (so that the DU doesn't
         // get started till the Injector is available)
         DependencyPolicy dependsPolicy = ejbContainer.getDependencyPolicy();
         log.debug("Added Injector dependency: " + injectorMCBeanName + " for EJB: " + ejbContainer.getEjbName() + " in unit " + this.jbossUnit);
      // Now setup injectors for the interceptors of the bean
      InterceptorsMetaData interceptors = JBossMetaData.getInterceptors(beanMetaData.getEjbName(), beanMetaData.getJBossMetaData());
      if (interceptors == null || interceptors.isEmpty())
      for (InterceptorMetaData interceptor : interceptors)
         if (interceptor == null)
         JndiEnvironmentRefsGroup jndiEnvironmentForInterceptor = new JndiEnvironmentImpl(interceptor, ejbContainer.getClassloader());
         // For optimization, we'll create an Injector only if there's atleast one InjectionTarget
         if (this.hasInjectionTargets(jndiEnvironmentForInterceptor))
            // create the injector
            EEInjector lazyEEInjector = new EEInjector(jndiEnvironmentForInterceptor);
            // add the injector the injection manager
            // Deploy the Injector as a MC bean (so that the fully populated naming context (obtained via the SwitchBoard
            // Barrier) gets injected.
            String interceptorInjectorMCBeanName = this.getInjectorMCBeanNamePrefix() + ",bean=" + ejbContainer.getEjbName() + ",interceptor=" + interceptor.getName();
            BeanMetaData injectorBMD = this.createInjectorBMD(interceptorInjectorMCBeanName, lazyEEInjector, switchBoard);
            this.jbossUnit.addAttachment(BeanMetaData.class + ":" + interceptorInjectorMCBeanName, injectorBMD);
            // Add the Injector dependency on the deployment (so that the DU doesn't
            // get started till the Injector is available)
            DependencyPolicy dependsPolicy = ejbContainer.getDependencyPolicy();
            log.debug("Added Injector dependency: " + interceptorInjectorMCBeanName + " for interceptor "
                  + interceptor.getName() + " of EJB: " + ejbContainer.getEjbName() + " in unit " + this.jbossUnit);
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         // TODO: EJBTHREE-1291
         return ejbRefResolver.getEjbContainer(businessIntf);

      EJBContainer container = null;
      EndpointInfo endpoint = endpointResolver.getEndpointInfo(businessIntf, EndpointType.EJB, vfsContext);
      if(endpoint != null)
         log.debug("Found endpoint for interface: "+businessIntf+", endpoint: "+endpoint);
         Ejb3Deployment deployment = deployments.get(endpoint.getPathName());
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         // TODO: EJBTHREE-1291
         return ejbRefResolver.getEjbContainer(ejbLink, businessIntf);

      EJBContainer container = null;
      // First try the ejbLink
      EndpointInfo endpoint = endpointResolver.getEndpointInfo(ejbLink, EndpointType.EJB, vfsContext);
      if(endpoint != null)
         log.debug("Found endpoint for ejbLink: "+ejbLink+", endpoint: "+endpoint);
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      container.getEncInjectors().put(encName, injector);

   public static EJBContainer getEjbContainer(EJB ref, InjectionContainer container, Class<?> memberType)
      EJBContainer rtn = null;

      if (ref.mappedName() != null && !"".equals(ref.mappedName()))
         return null;
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   protected void registerEJBContainer(Container container) throws Exception
      // Add the jndi supplies
      MCDependencyPolicy dependsPolicy = (MCDependencyPolicy) container.getDependencyPolicy();
      EJBContainer ejbContainer = (EJBContainer) container;
      JBossEnterpriseBeanMetaData beanMD = ejbContainer.getXml();

      ContainerDependencyMetaData cdmd = null;
      if(endpoints != null)
         String ejbKey = "ejb/" + jbossUnit.getRelativePath() + "#" + container.getEjbName();
         cdmd = endpoints.get(ejbKey);
         log.warn(jbossUnit+" has no ContainerDependencyMetaData attachment");

      if(cdmd != null)
         for(String jndiName : cdmd.getJndiNames())
         String supplyName = JNDIKernelRegistryPlugin.JNDI_DEPENDENCY_PREFIX + jndiName;
         AbstractSupplyMetaData supply = new AbstractSupplyMetaData(supplyName);

      // EJBTHREE-1335: container name in meta data
      generateContainerName(container, beanMD);
      // setup switchboard
      Barrier switchBoard = this.getSwitchBoardBarrier(container);
      // the container cannot function without an SwitchBoard Barrier
      if (switchBoard == null)
         throw new RuntimeException("No SwitchBoard Barrier found for bean: " + container.getEjbName() + " in unit: "
               + this.jbossUnit + " (or its component deployment unit)");
      // add dependency on START (and not INSTALLED) state of Switchboard, since the container only requires a fully populated ENC context,
      // but doesn't require a invokable context. An invokable context is only needed by Injector.
      dependsPolicy.addDependency(this.createSwitchBoardDependency(ejbContainer, switchBoard));
      log.debug("Added dependency on Switchboard " + switchBoard.getId() + " for EJB container " + ejbContainer.getName());
      // create and setup Injector(s) for InjectionManager 
      InjectionManager injectionManager = this.getInjectionManager(container);
      // the container cannot function without an InjectionManager
      if (injectionManager == null)
         throw new RuntimeException("No InjectionManager found for bean: " + container.getEjbName() + " in unit: "
               + this.jbossUnit + " (or its component deployment unit)");
      // setup the injectors for the bean and any of its interceptors
      this.setupInjectors(ejbContainer, injectionManager, switchBoard);
      // set the InjectionManager on the EJBContainer
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"\t" + smd.getSupply());

      if(service instanceof EJBContainer)
         EJBContainer container = EJBContainer.class.cast(service);
         // TODO: use an informer
         JavaEEModule module = container.getModule();
         String moduleName = stripSuffix(module.getName());
         JavaEEApplication app = module.getApplication();
         String appName = app != null ? stripSuffix(app.getName()) : null;
         String scopedBeanName = "application=" + (appName != null ? appName : moduleName) + ",module=" + moduleName + ",component=" + container.getEjbName();
         String encFactoryBeanName = "jboss.ejb3:" + scopedBeanName + ",service=EjbEncFactory";
         // create an EjbEncFactory for this container
            BeanMetaDataBuilder builder = BeanMetaDataBuilderFactory.createBuilder(encFactoryBeanName, NamingComponentEjbEncFactory.class.getName());
            String componentBeanName = "jboss.naming:" + scopedBeanName;
            builder.addConstructorParameter(JavaEEComponent.class.getName(), new AbstractInjectionValueMetaData(componentBeanName));
            // TODO: is deployment always available at this stage?
         // modify the container bean meta data to inject the EjbEncFactory
         BeanMetaDataBuilder builder = BeanMetaDataBuilderFactory.createBuilder(bean);
         //builder.addPropertyMetaData("namingComponent", new AbstractInjectionValueMetaData("java:comp"));
         builder.addPropertyMetaData("ejbEncFactory", new AbstractInjectionValueMetaData(encFactoryBeanName));
         // Add the BeanInstantiator injection into EJBContainer
         // TODO: (Jaikiran) Terrible hack! Use JavaEEComponentInformer to get the app name.
         // But for now, due to lack of time for 6.0.0.CR1 release, let's just use this hack
         if (appName == null)
            appName = moduleName;
         String beanInstantiatorMcName = BeanInstantiatorRegistration.getInstantiatorRegistrationName(appName, moduleName, container.getEjbName());
         builder.addPropertyMetaData("beanInstantiator", new AbstractInjectionValueMetaData(beanInstantiatorMcName));

         // ahem
         if(service instanceof StatelessContainer)
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      container.getEncInjectors().put(encName, injector);

   public static EJBContainer getEjbContainer(EJB ref, InjectionContainer container, Class<?> memberType)
      EJBContainer rtn = null;

      if (ref.mappedName() != null && !"".equals(ref.mappedName()))
         return null;
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   public Context getJNDIContext(final Endpoint ep) throws NamingException
      final EJBContainer ejb3Container = (EJBContainer) getEjb3Container();
      return (Context) ejb3Container.getEnc().lookup(EJB3_JNDI_PREFIX);
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Related Classes of org.jboss.ejb3.deployers.metadata.processor.SetDefaultLocalBusinessInterfaceProcessorFactory

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