
Examples of

            // There are no properties on the root ...
        } else {
            try {
                // Generate the properties for this File object ...
                PropertyFactory factory = getExecutionContext().getPropertyFactory();
                DateTimeFactory dateFactory = getExecutionContext().getValueFactories().getDateFactory();

                // Figure out the kind of node this represents ...
                SVNNodeKind kind = getNodeKind(workspaceRoot, requestedPath, accessData.getRepositoryRootUrl(), workspaceName);
                if (kind == SVNNodeKind.DIR) {
                    String directoryPath = getPathAsString(requestedPath);
                    if (!accessData.getRepositoryRootUrl().equals(workspaceName)) {
                        directoryPath = directoryPath.substring(1);
                    if (children != null) {
                        // Decide how to represent the children ...
                        Collection<SVNDirEntry> dirEntries = SVNRepositoryUtil.getDir(workspaceRoot, directoryPath);
                        for (SVNDirEntry entry : dirEntries) {
                            // All of the children of a directory will be another directory or a file,
                            // but never a "jcr:content" node ...
                            String localName = entry.getName();
                            Name childName = nameFactory().create(defaultNamespaceUri, localName);
                            Path childPath = pathFactory().create(requestedPath, childName);
                    if (properties != null) {
                        // Load the properties for this directory ......
                        addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.FOLDER);
                        SVNDirEntry entry = getEntryInfo(workspaceRoot, directoryPath);
                        if (entry != null) {
                            addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.LAST_MODIFIED, dateFactory.create(entry.getDate()));
                } else {
                    // It's not a directory, so must be a file; the only child of an nt:file is the "jcr:content" node
                    // ...
                    if (requestedPath.endsWith(JcrLexicon.CONTENT)) {
                        // There are never any children of these nodes, just properties ...
                        if (properties != null) {
                            String contentPath = getPathAsString(requestedPath.getParent());
                            if (!accessData.getRepositoryRootUrl().equals(workspaceName)) {
                                contentPath = contentPath.substring(1);
                            SVNDirEntry entry = getEntryInfo(workspaceRoot, contentPath);
                            if (entry != null) {
                                // The request is to get properties of the "jcr:content" child node ...
                                // Do NOT use "nt:resource", since it extends "mix:referenceable". The JCR spec
                                // does not require that "jcr:content" is of type "nt:resource", but rather just
                                // suggests it. Therefore, we can use "dna:resource", which is identical to
                                // "nt:resource" except it does not extend "mix:referenceable"
                                addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, DnaLexicon.RESOURCE);
                                addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.LAST_MODIFIED, dateFactory.create(entry.getDate()));

                            ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            SVNProperties fileProperties = new SVNProperties();
                            getData(contentPath, fileProperties, os);
                            String mimeType = fileProperties.getStringValue(SVNProperty.MIME_TYPE);
                            if (mimeType == null) mimeType = DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE;
                            addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.MIMETYPE, mimeType);

                            if (os.toByteArray().length > 0) {
                                // Now put the file's content into the "jcr:data" property ...
                                BinaryFactory binaryFactory = getExecutionContext().getValueFactories().getBinaryFactory();
                                addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.DATA, binaryFactory.create(os.toByteArray()));
                    } else {
                        // Determine the corresponding file path for this object ...
                        String filePath = getPathAsString(requestedPath);
                        if (!accessData.getRepositoryRootUrl().equals(workspaceName)) {
                            filePath = filePath.substring(1);
                        if (children != null) {
                            // Not a "jcr:content" child node but rather an nt:file node, so add the child ...
                            Path contentPath = pathFactory().create(requestedPath, JcrLexicon.CONTENT);
                        if (properties != null) {
                            // Now add the properties to "nt:file" ...
                            addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, JcrNtLexicon.FILE);
                            ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            SVNProperties fileProperties = new SVNProperties();
                            getData(filePath, fileProperties, os);
                            String created = fileProperties.getStringValue(SVNProperty.COMMITTED_DATE);
                            addProperty(properties, factory, JcrLexicon.CREATED, dateFactory.create(created));
            } catch (SVNException e) {
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        Graph systemGraph = createSystemGraph(executionContext);
        PathFactory pathFactory = executionContext.getValueFactories().getPathFactory();
        ValueFactory<Boolean> booleanFactory = executionContext.getValueFactories().getBooleanFactory();
        ValueFactory<String> stringFactory = executionContext.getValueFactories().getStringFactory();

        DateTimeFactory dateFactory = executionContext.getValueFactories().getDateFactory();
        DateTime now = dateFactory.create();
        DateTime newExpirationDate = now.plusMillis(JcrEngine.LOCK_EXTENSION_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS);

        Path locksPath = pathFactory.createAbsolutePath(JcrLexicon.SYSTEM, DnaLexicon.LOCKS);

        Subgraph locksGraph = null;
        try {
            locksGraph = systemGraph.getSubgraphOfDepth(2).at(locksPath);
        } catch (PathNotFoundException pnfe) {
            // It's possible for this to run before the dna:locks child node gets added to the /jcr:system node.

        for (Location lockLocation : locksGraph.getRoot().getChildren()) {
            Node lockNode = locksGraph.getNode(lockLocation);

            Boolean isSessionScoped = booleanFactory.create(lockNode.getProperty(DnaLexicon.IS_SESSION_SCOPED).getFirstValue());

            if (!isSessionScoped) continue;
            String lockingSession = stringFactory.create(lockNode.getProperty(DnaLexicon.LOCKING_SESSION).getFirstValue());

            // Extend locks held by active sessions
            if (activeSessionIds.contains(lockingSession)) {
            } else {
                DateTime expirationDate = dateFactory.create(lockNode.getProperty(DnaLexicon.EXPIRATION_DATE).getFirstValue());
                // Destroy expired locks (if it was still held by an active session, it would have been extended by now)
                if (expirationDate.isBefore(now)) {
                    String workspaceName = stringFactory.create(lockNode.getProperty(DnaLexicon.WORKSPACE).getFirstValue());
                    WorkspaceLockManager lockManager = lockManagers.get(workspaceName);
                    lockManager.unlock(executionContext, lockManager.createLock(lockNode));
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        PropertyFactory propFactory = sessionContext.getPropertyFactory();
        PathFactory pathFactory = sessionContext.getValueFactories().getPathFactory();
        Property lockOwnerProp = propFactory.create(JcrLexicon.LOCK_OWNER, lockOwner);
        Property lockIsDeepProp = propFactory.create(JcrLexicon.LOCK_IS_DEEP, isDeep);

        DateTimeFactory dateFactory = sessionContext.getValueFactories().getDateFactory();
        DateTime expirationDate = dateFactory.create();
        expirationDate = expirationDate.plusMillis(JcrEngine.LOCK_EXTENSION_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS);

        batch.create(pathFactory.create(locksPath, pathFactory.createSegment(lockUuid.toString())),
                     propFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, DnaLexicon.LOCK),
                     propFactory.create(DnaLexicon.WORKSPACE, workspaceName),
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                    case PropertyType.DOUBLE:
                        return this.getDouble() == that.getDouble();
                    case PropertyType.LONG:
                        return this.getLong() == that.getLong();
                    case PropertyType.DATE:
                        DateTimeFactory dateFactory = valueFactories.getDateFactory();
                        DateTime thisDateValue = dateFactory.create(this.value);
                        DateTime thatDateValue = dateFactory.create(that.value);
                        return thisDateValue.equals(thatDateValue);
                    case PropertyType.PATH:
                        PathFactory pathFactory = valueFactories.getPathFactory();
                        Path thisPathValue = pathFactory.create(this.value);
                        Path thatPathValue = pathFactory.create(that.value);
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