this.locksPath = pathFactory.create(pathFactory.createRootPath(), JcrLexicon.SYSTEM, DnaLexicon.LOCKS);
// If the repository is to support searching ...
if (Boolean.valueOf(this.options.get(Option.QUERY_EXECUTION_ENABLED)) && WORKSPACES_SHARE_SYSTEM_BRANCH) {
// Determine whether the federated source and original source support queries and searches ...
RepositorySourceCapabilities fedCapabilities = federatedSource != null ? federatedSource.getCapabilities() : null;
final boolean canQuerySource = repositorySourceCapabilities != null
&& repositorySourceCapabilities.supportsSearches()
&& repositorySourceCapabilities.supportsQueries();
final boolean canQueryFederated = fedCapabilities != null && fedCapabilities.supportsSearches()
&& fedCapabilities.supportsQueries();
// We can query the federated source if it supports queries and searches
// AND the original source supports queries and searches ...
if (canQuerySource && canQueryFederated) {
this.queryManager = new PushDown(this.sourceName, executionContext, connectionFactory);