assertNotNull("Cache2 is null.", cache2);
// Note: because these tests are normally executed without a server, the interceptor
// MBeans are usually not available for use in the tests. Consequently it's necessary
// to obtain a reference to the interceptor and work with it directly.
TxInterceptor tx1 = getTxInterceptor(cache1);
assertNotNull("Cache1 InvalidationInterceptor not found.", tx1);
TxInterceptor tx2 = getTxInterceptor(cache2);
assertNotNull("Cache2 InvalidationInterceptor not found.", tx2);
TransactionManager tm1 = cache1.getTransactionManager();
assertNotNull("TransactionManager is null.", tm1);
// populate cache1 with test data - no transaction
// confirm that data is in cache1 and in cache2
Fqn key = Fqn.fromString("Europe/Austria");
assertNotNull("Cache1 retrieval error: expected to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache1.get(key, CAPITAL));
assertNotNull("Cache2 retrieval error: expected to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache2.get(key, CAPITAL));
key = Fqn.fromString("Europe/Albania");
assertNotNull("Cache1 retrieval error: expected to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache1.get(key, CAPITAL));
assertNotNull("Cache2 retrieval error: expected to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache2.get(key, CAPITAL));
// verify basic statistics for entries loaded into cache
assertEquals("Cache1 Tx Prepares error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx1.getPrepares()));
assertEquals("Cache1 Tx Commits error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx1.getCommits()));
assertEquals("Cache1 Tx Rollbacks error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx1.getRollbacks()));
assertEquals("Cache2 Tx Prepares error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx2.getPrepares()));
assertEquals("Cache2 Tx Commits error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx2.getCommits()));
assertEquals("Cache2 Tx Rollbacks error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx2.getRollbacks()));
// populate cache1 with test data - then transaction commit
loadCacheTxCommit(cache1, tm1);
loadCacheTxCommit2(cache1, tm1);
// confirm that committed data is in cache1 and in cache2
key = Fqn.fromString("Europe/England");
assertNotNull("Cache1 retrieval error: expected to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache1.get(key, CAPITAL));
assertNotNull("Cache2 retrieval error: expected to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache2.get(key, CAPITAL));
key = Fqn.fromString("Europe/Hungary");
assertNotNull("Cache1 retrieval error: expected to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache1.get(key, CAPITAL));
assertNotNull("Cache2 retrieval error: expected to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache2.get(key, CAPITAL));
// populate cache1 with test data - then transaction rollback
loadCacheTxRollback(cache1, tm1);
// confirm that rolled back data is not in cache1 or cache2
key = Fqn.fromString("Europe/France");
assertNull("Cache1 retrieval error: did not expect to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache1.get(key, CAPITAL));
assertNull("Cache2 retrieval error: did not expect to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache2.get(key, CAPITAL));
key = Fqn.fromString("Europe/Germany");
assertNull("Cache1 retrieval error: did not expect to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache1.get(key, CAPITAL));
assertNull("Cache2 retrieval error: did not expect to retrieve " + CAPITAL + " for " + key, cache2.get(key, CAPITAL));
// check the statistics - transactions are only handled by JBoss Cache on the remote node (i.e., node2)
assertEquals("Cache1 Tx Prepares error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx1.getPrepares()));
assertEquals("Cache1 Tx Commits error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx1.getCommits()));
assertEquals("Cache1 Tx Rollbacks error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx1.getRollbacks()));
assertEquals("Cache2 Tx Prepares error after reset: ", new Long(2), new Long(tx2.getPrepares()));
assertEquals("Cache2 Tx Commits error after reset: ", new Long(2), new Long(tx2.getCommits()));
// rollbacks don't currently get propagated so the counter will be 0, not 1
assertEquals("Cache2 Tx Rollbacks error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx2.getRollbacks()));
// reset statistics
// check the statistics again
assertEquals("Cache1 Tx Prepares error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx1.getPrepares()));
assertEquals("Cache1 Tx Commits error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx1.getCommits()));
assertEquals("Cache1 Tx Rollbacks error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx1.getRollbacks()));
assertEquals("Cache2 Tx Prepares error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx2.getPrepares()));
assertEquals("Cache2 Tx Commits error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx2.getCommits()));
assertEquals("Cache2 Tx Rollbacks error after reset: ", new Long(0), new Long(tx2.getRollbacks()));