public void testObjectMessage() throws Exception {
final String goodAfternoon = "Good afternoon!";
// create the message
final SimpleMessageInEarLibJar message = new SimpleMessageInEarLibJar(goodAfternoon);
// send as ObjectMessage
this.jmsUtil.sendObjectMessage(message, this.objectMessageQueue, this.objectMessageReplyQueue);
// wait for an reply
final Message reply = this.jmsUtil.receiveMessage(objectMessageReplyQueue, 5000);
// test the reply
Assert.assertNotNull("Reply message was null on reply queue: " + this.objectMessageReplyQueue, reply);
final SimpleMessageInEarLibJar replyMessage = (SimpleMessageInEarLibJar) ((ObjectMessage) reply).getObject();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected reply message on reply queue: " + this.objectMessageReplyQueue, message, replyMessage);