for (Map.Entry<File, NonScannableStatus> entry : scanContext.nonscannable.entrySet()) {
File nonScannable = entry.getKey();
String fileName = nonScannable.getName();
if (nonscannableLogged.add(nonScannable) || logAll) {
NonScannableStatus nonScannableStatus = entry.getValue();
NonScannableZipException e = nonScannableStatus.exception;
String msg = String.format("File %s was configured for auto-deploy but could not be safely auto-deployed. The reason the file " +
"could not be auto-deployed was: %s. To enable deployment of this file create a file called %s%s",
fileName, e.getLocalizedMessage(), fileName, DO_DEPLOY);
writeFailedMarker(nonScannable, new ModelNode().set(msg), nonScannableStatus.timestamp);
warnLogged = true;
result = ScanStatus.ABORT;