final WarMetaData warMetaData = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(WarMetaData.ATTACHMENT_KEY);
final TldsMetaData tldsMetaData = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(TldsMetaData.ATTACHMENT_KEY);
final Set<String> classes = getAllComponentClasses(warMetaData, tldsMetaData);
for(String clazz : classes) {
AbstractComponentDescription description = componentByClass.get(clazz);
if(description != null) {
//for now just make sure it has a single view
//this will generally be a managed bean, but it could also be an EJB
//TODO: make sure the component is a managed bean
if(!(description.getViewClassNames().size() == 1)){
throw new RuntimeException(clazz + " has the wrong component type, is cannot be used as a web component");
ManagedBeanComponentInstantiator instantiator = new ManagedBeanComponentInstantiator(deploymentUnit,description);
} else {