private void activate(final String deploymentName, String runtimeName, final byte[] deploymentHash, final ServiceName deploymentServiceName, final ServiceActivatorContext context, final ServiceContainer serviceContainer) {
log.infof("Activating deployment: %s", deploymentName);
MountHandle handle = null;
try {
final ServerDeploymentRepository deploymentRepo = getDeploymentRepository(serviceContainer);
// The mount point we will use for the repository file
final VirtualFile deploymentRoot = VFS.getChild("content/" + runtimeName);
// Mount virtual file
try {
Closeable mount = deploymentRepo.mountDeploymentContent(deploymentName, runtimeName, deploymentHash, deploymentRoot);
handle = new MountHandle(mount);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to mount deployment archive", e);
final BatchBuilder batchBuilder = context.getBatchBuilder();