This {@link DeployableContainer} implementation provides an embeddedcontainer that bootstraps the OpenWebBeans JSR-299 implementation in SE (or standalone) mode. It's akin to the Weld embedded container.
The OpenWebBeans container is started in the deploy() method and shutdown in the undeploy() method. The container is controlled using the {@link StandaloneLifeCycle} from OpenWebBeans. The default discovery service(metadata scanner) is replaced by a discovery service that is adapted to load /META-INF/beans.xml resources and managed bean classes from a ShrinkWrap archive.
The current thread's context ClassLoader is also replaced with a ClassLoader implementation that can discover resources in a ShrinkWrap archive.
@author Dan Allen @author Aslak Knutsen @version $Revision: $ @see org.jboss.arquillian.weld.WeldSEContainer