Package org.jboss.aop.AspectAnnotationLoaderStrategy

Examples of org.jboss.aop.AspectAnnotationLoaderStrategy.InterfaceIntroductionInfo

         mv = binfo.getMemberValue("isTransient");
         boolean isTransient = (mv != null) ? ((BooleanMemberValue) mv).getValue() : true;//Note! this should be the same as the default in @Mixin

         String name = cf.getName() + "." + minfo.getName(); //Name of the method defined on
         InterfaceIntroductionInfo intro = null;
         String construction = name;
            case 0:
               construction += "()";
               intro = createIntroduction(name, target, typeExpression, null, null, null);//cf.getName(), minfo.getName());
            case 1:
               construction += "(this)";
               intro = createIntroduction(name, target, typeExpression, null, cf.getName(), minfo.getName());              
               String parameter = Descriptor.getParamDescriptor(minfo.getDescriptor());
               if (parameter.charAt(1) != 'L')
                  String errorMessage = "Mixin creator method '" + name +
                  "' parameter is primitive type ";
                  char desc = parameter.charAt(1);
                  if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.booleanType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "boolean";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.byteType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "byte";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.charType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "char";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.doubleType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "double";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.floatType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "float";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.intType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "int";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.longType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "long";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.shortType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "short";
                  errorMessage += ".\n   It should have the introduction target type as parameter, or have no parameter at all.";
                  throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);

               throw new RuntimeException("Mixin creator method '" + name +
                     "' should not have more than one parameter.");
         if (!Modifier.isStatic(minfo.getAccessFlags()) ||
            throw new RuntimeException("Mixin creator method '" + name +
                  "' must be public and static.");
         //Parse the descriptor to get the returntype of the method.
         String classname = getReturnType(minfo);
         intro.addMixin(new InterfaceIntroductionMixinInfo(classname, interfaces, construction, isTransient));

         loaderStrategy.deployInterfaceIntroduction(this, intro);
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         String[] interfaces = new String[values.length];
         for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) interfaces[i] = ((ClassMemberValue) values[i]).getValue();

         String name = cf.getName() + "." + finfo.getName(); //Name of the field defined on

         InterfaceIntroductionInfo interfaceIntro = createIntroduction(name, target, typeExpression, interfaces, null, null);
         loaderStrategy.deployInterfaceIntroduction(this, interfaceIntro);
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      if (target == null && typeExpression == null)
         throw new RuntimeException("You cannot define both a target and typeExpression attribute in the same @Mixin");

      InterfaceIntroductionInfo intro = new InterfaceIntroductionInfo(name, interfaces, target, typeExpression, constructorClass, constructorMethod);

      return intro;
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         mv = binfo.getMemberValue("isTransient");
         boolean isTransient = (mv != null) ? ((BooleanMemberValue) mv).getValue() : true;//Note! this should be the same as the default in @Mixin

         String name = cf.getName() + "." + minfo.getName(); //Name of the method defined on
         InterfaceIntroductionInfo intro = null;
         String construction = name;
            case 0:
               construction += "()";
               intro = createIntroduction(name, target, typeExpression, null, null, null);//cf.getName(), minfo.getName());
            case 1:
               construction += "(this)";
               intro = createIntroduction(name, target, typeExpression, null, cf.getName(), minfo.getName());              
               String parameter = Descriptor.getParamDescriptor(minfo.getDescriptor());
               if (parameter.charAt(1) != 'L')
                  String errorMessage = "Mixin creator method '" + name +
                  "' parameter is primitive type ";
                  char desc = parameter.charAt(1);
                  if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.booleanType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "boolean";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.byteType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "byte";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.charType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "char";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.doubleType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "double";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.floatType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "float";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.intType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "int";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.longType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "long";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.shortType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "short";
                  errorMessage += ".\n   It should have the introduction target type as parameter, or have no parameter at all.";
                  throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);

               throw new RuntimeException("Mixin creator method '" + name +
                     "' should not have more than one parameter.");
         if (!Modifier.isStatic(minfo.getAccessFlags()) ||
            throw new RuntimeException("Mixin creator method '" + name +
                  "' must be public and static.");
         //Parse the descriptor to get the returntype of the method.
         String classname = getReturnType(minfo);
         intro.addMixin(new InterfaceIntroductionMixinInfo(classname, interfaces, construction, isTransient));

         loaderStrategy.deployInterfaceIntroduction(this, intro);
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         String[] interfaces = new String[values.length];
         for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) interfaces[i] = ((ClassMemberValue) values[i]).getValue();

         String name = cf.getName() + "." + finfo.getName(); //Name of the field defined on

         InterfaceIntroductionInfo interfaceIntro = createIntroduction(name, target, typeExpression, interfaces, null, null);
         loaderStrategy.deployInterfaceIntroduction(this, interfaceIntro);
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      if (target == null && typeExpression == null)
         throw new RuntimeException("You cannot define both a target and typeExpression attribute in the same @Mixin");

      InterfaceIntroductionInfo intro = new InterfaceIntroductionInfo(name, interfaces, target, typeExpression, constructorClass, constructorMethod);

      return intro;
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         mv = binfo.getMemberValue("isTransient");
         boolean isTransient = (mv != null) ? ((BooleanMemberValue) mv).getValue() : true;//Note! this should be the same as the default in @Mixin

         String name = cf.getName() + "." + minfo.getName(); //Name of the method defined on
         InterfaceIntroductionInfo intro = null;
         String construction = name;
            case 0:
               construction += "()";
               intro = createIntroduction(name, target, typeExpression, null, null, null);//cf.getName(), minfo.getName());
            case 1:
               construction += "(this)";
               intro = createIntroduction(name, target, typeExpression, null, cf.getName(), minfo.getName());              
               String parameter = Descriptor.getParamDescriptor(minfo.getDescriptor());
               if (parameter.charAt(1) != 'L')
                  String errorMessage = "Mixin creator method '" + name +
                  "' parameter is primitive type ";
                  char desc = parameter.charAt(1);
                  if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.booleanType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "boolean";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.byteType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "byte";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.charType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "char";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.doubleType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "double";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.floatType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "float";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.intType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "int";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.longType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "long";
                  else if (desc == ((CtPrimitiveType) CtClass.shortType).getDescriptor())
                     errorMessage += "short";
                  errorMessage += ".\n   It should have the introduction target type as parameter, or have no parameter at all.";
                  throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);

               throw new RuntimeException("Mixin creator method '" + name +
                     "' should not have more than one parameter.");
         if (!Modifier.isStatic(minfo.getAccessFlags()) ||
            throw new RuntimeException("Mixin creator method '" + name +
                  "' must be public and static.");
         //Parse the descriptor to get the returntype of the method.
         String classname = getReturnType(minfo);
         intro.addMixin(new InterfaceIntroductionMixinInfo(classname, interfaces, construction, isTransient));

         loaderStrategy.deployInterfaceIntroduction(this, intro);
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         String[] interfaces = new String[values.length];
         for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) interfaces[i] = ((ClassMemberValue) values[i]).getValue();

         String name = cf.getName() + "." + finfo.getName(); //Name of the field defined on

         InterfaceIntroductionInfo interfaceIntro = createIntroduction(name, target, typeExpression, interfaces, null, null);
         loaderStrategy.deployInterfaceIntroduction(this, interfaceIntro);
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      if (target == null && typeExpression == null)
         throw new RuntimeException("You cannot define both a target and typeExpression attribute in the same @Mixin");

      InterfaceIntroductionInfo intro = new InterfaceIntroductionInfo(name, interfaces, target, typeExpression, constructorClass, constructorMethod);

      return intro;
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Related Classes of org.jboss.aop.AspectAnnotationLoaderStrategy.InterfaceIntroductionInfo

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