private byte[] prepareModule(byte[] original, int base_address) {
IntFromByteArray ifba = IntFromByteArray.LITTLEENDIAN;
int counter;
int length = ifba.getInteger(original, 0);
byte[] module = new byte[length];
System.out.println("Allocated " + length + " (0x"
+ PadString.padHex(length, 4) + ") bytes for new module.\n");
/* Copy 40 bytes from the original module to the new one. */
System.arraycopy(original, 0, module, 0, 40);
int source_location = 0x28 + (ifba.getInteger(module, 0x24) * 12);
int destination_location = ifba.getInteger(original, 0x28);
int limit = ifba.getInteger(original, 0);
boolean skip = false;
System.out.println("Copying code sections to module.");
while (destination_location < limit) {
int count = ((original[source_location] & 0x0FF) << 0)
| ((original[source_location + 1] & 0x0FF) << 8);
source_location += 2;
if (!skip) {
System.arraycopy(original, source_location, module,
destination_location, count);
source_location += count;
skip = !skip;
destination_location += count;
System.out.println("Adjusting references to global variables...");
source_location = ifba.getInteger(original, 8);
destination_location = 0;
counter = 0;
while (counter < ifba.getInteger(module, 0x0c)) {
if (module[source_location] < 0) {
/* This code is never used, so I am not 100% sure that it works. */
destination_location = ((module[source_location + 0] & 0x07F) << 24)
| ((module[source_location + 1] & 0x0FF) << 16)
| ((module[source_location + 2] & 0x0FF) << 8)
| ((module[source_location + 3] & 0x0FF) << 0);
source_location += 4;
} else {
destination_location = destination_location
+ (module[source_location + 1] & 0x0FF)
+ (module[source_location] << 8);
source_location += 2;
// System.out.println("Offset 0x" +
// PadString.padHex(destination_location, 4) +
// " (was 0x" + PadString.padHex(ifba.getInteger(module,
// destination_location), 8) + ")");
ifba.insertInteger(module, destination_location, ifba.getInteger(
module, destination_location)
+ base_address);
System.out.println("Updating API library references...");
counter = 0;
limit = ifba.getInteger(module, 0x20);
String library;
for (counter = 0; counter < limit; counter++) {
int proc_start = ifba.getInteger(module, 0x1c) + (counter * 8);
library = getNTString(module, ifba.getInteger(module, proc_start));
int proc_offset = ifba.getInteger(module, proc_start + 4);
while (ifba.getInteger(module, proc_offset) != 0) {
int proc = ifba.getInteger(module, proc_offset);
int addr = -1 /* Modules.ERROR */;
if (proc > 0) {
String strProc = getNTString(module, proc);
addr = -1; /* Modules.get(library, strProc); */
if (addr != -1 /* Modules.ERROR */)
System.out.println("Module " + library + "!" + strProc
+ " found @ 0x" + PadString.padHex(addr, 8));
} else {
proc = proc & 0x7FFFFFFF;
System.out.println("Proc: ord(0x"
+ PadString.padHex(proc, 8) + ")");
ifba.insertInteger(module, proc_offset, addr); /*
* TODO: Fix
* this.
* Note: real code increments [ebx+8] here, which is used for