Package org.jasig.portal.rdbm

Examples of org.jasig.portal.rdbm.DatabaseMetaDataImpl$OracleDb

            ds = getJndiDataSource(name);
            if (ds != null) {
                if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "Creating DataSource instance for " + name);
                dbMetaData = new DatabaseMetaDataImpl(ds);
                namedDataSources.put(name, ds);
                return ds;
        // get here if not getDatasourceFromJndi OR jndi lookup returned null
        // try to get datasource via properties
        try {
            final InputStream jdbcPropStream = RDBMServices.class.getResourceAsStream(PROP_FILE);
            try {
                final Properties jdbpProperties = new Properties();

                final IPooledDataSourceFactory pdsf = PooledDataSourceFactoryFactory.getPooledDataSourceFactory();

                final String driverClass = jdbpProperties.getProperty("jdbcDriver");
                final String username = jdbpProperties.getProperty("jdbcUser");
                final String password = jdbpProperties.getProperty("jdbcPassword");
                final String url = jdbpProperties.getProperty("jdbcUrl");
                boolean usePool = true;
                if (jdbpProperties.getProperty("jdbcUsePool")!=null)
                    usePool = Boolean.valueOf(jdbpProperties.getProperty("jdbcUsePool")).booleanValue();

                if (usePool) {
                    //Try using a pooled DataSource
                    try {
                        ds = pdsf.createPooledDataSource(driverClass, username, password, url);

                        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
                  "Creating DataSource instance for pooled JDBC");
                        jdbcUrl = url;
                        jdbcUser = username;
                        jdbcDriver = driverClass;
                        dbMetaData = new DatabaseMetaDataImpl(ds);
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        LOG.error("Error using pooled JDBC data source.", e);

                if (ds == null && driverClass != null) {
                    //Pooled DataSource isn't being used or failed during creation
                    try {
                        final Driver d = (Driver)Class.forName(driverClass).newInstance();
                        ds = new GenericDataSource(d, url, username, password);

                        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
                  "Creating DataSource for JDBC native");
                        jdbcUrl = url;
                        jdbcUser = username;
                        jdbcDriver = driverClass;
                        dbMetaData = new DatabaseMetaDataImpl(ds);
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        LOG.error("JDBC Driver Creation Failed. (" + driverClass + ")", e);
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