log.error("GuestUserPreferencesManager::registerSession() : " +
"unable to find UP for a profile \""+upl.getProfileName()+"\"");
newState.complete_up=new UserPreferences(upl);
final IJndiManager jndiManager = JndiManagerLocator.getJndiManager();
// Initialize the JNDI context for this user
final HttpSession session = req.getSession();
final String userId = Integer.toString(m_person.getID());
final String layoutId = Integer.toString(upl.getLayoutId());
final Document userLayoutDom = newState.ulm.getUserLayoutDOM();
jndiManager.initializeSessionContext(session, userId, layoutId, userLayoutDom);
} else {
// there is no user-defined mapping for this particular browser.
// user should be redirected to a browser-registration page.
newState.unmapped_user_agent = true;
if (log.isDebugEnabled())