Used to load/save a JasenMap to local disk by simply serializing the token map.
This is the simplest implementation of a map store, however is not very portable.
For greater portability it is recommended that alternate map stores be created. To use an alternate map store, specify the map store class in both the JasenTrainer and the RobinsonScanner plugin
PLEASE NOTE however that the auto update service provided assumes a DiskMapStore as the primary store for engine data.
Thus, if you change the MapStore, you will no longer be able to use the auto update service.
You can still use the auto update engine against you OWN update site, just not at
@author Jason Polites @see org.jasen.core.engine.JasenTrainer#setStore(JasenMapStore) @see org.jasen.plugins.RobinsonScanner#init(Properties)