Class that represents a URL used by {@link URLTreeNode}, ... to define a tree representation using URLs, similar to file system URLs. URLs syntax is as follows:
the first part till the question mark defines a path within a tree that is constructed using multiple URLs. The part after the question mark is the so called placement modifier which can be omitted but must be something like this if present:
after=<ID> | places the specified node after the node identified by <ID> |
before=<ID> | places the specified node before the node identified by <ID> |
start | places the specified node at the beginning of the parent node (Note: following URLs with the same modifier might occur before this node) |
end | places the specified node at the end of the parent node (Note: following URLs with the same modifier might occur after this node) |
first | places the specified node at the beginning before all nodes marked with start (Node: following URLs with the same modifier might occur before this node) |
last | places the specified node at the end after all nodes marked with end (Node: following URLs with the same modifier might occur after this node) |
Usage: URLTreeNodeURL save = new URLTreeNodeURL("menu.main/file?after=open"); String[] path = r.getPath(); URLTreeNodePlacement p = r.getPlacement();
@author Stefan Rybacki