// Ensure equal images inside ROI. This requires cropping the images
// World to grid transform for mapping the ROI in the Raster apsce
MathTransform2D tr = coverage1.getGridGeometry().getCRSToGrid2D(PixelOrientation.UPPER_LEFT);
// ROI object inthe Raster Space
ROI roi = new ROIGeometry(JTS.transform(geo, tr));
// This ROI is a Rectangle so we can get its bounds
Rectangle roiBounds = roi.getBounds();
// Crop the source image with the ROI Bounds
RenderedImage cropSrc = CropDescriptor.create(srcImg1, (float)roiBounds.x,
(float)roiBounds.y, (float)roiBounds.width, (float)roiBounds.height, null);
// Coverage Crop for the final coverages