This is the root class for all the cache in Jahia.
This cache can handle synchronization messages with other Jahia server instances by using JMS messages. This synchronization is automatically initialized and used when the JMS synchronization is activated in the Jahia configuration file.
Each cache must has a distinct name
, and the associated description
is only for debugging purpose or for monitoring display. Each cache uses a MRU (Most Recent Used) list to determine which elements will be removed from the cache when the cache limit has been reached. In this case, the least used cache entry will be removed.
Each object inserted in the cache will be wrapped into a {@link CacheEntry} instance, which containsamong other information, the entry's expiration date and last accessed date.
Using the {@link getCacheEntry}method will retrieve the cache entry instance and not the object stored into the entry instance. To access the stored object instance, the {@link get} method should be used instead or usethe getter methods of the {@link CacheEntry}class.
Caches can only be retrieved and created through the {@link CacheFactory} class, which is responsiblefor managing all the caches.
@author Fulco Houkes, Copyright (c) 2003 by Jahia Ltd. @version 1.0 @since Jahia 4.0 @see CacheFactory @see CacheEntry @see CacheListener