When this instance is created by calling {@link org.itsnat.comp.iframe.ItsNatHTMLIFrame#getHTMLIFrameFileUpload(HTMLInputElement)}or {@link org.itsnat.comp.iframe.ItsNatHTMLIFrame#getHTMLIFrameFileUpload(ClientDocument,HTMLInputElement)}, JavaScript code is generated to create a temporary form to submit the file specified in the <input type=file>
element to the <iframe>
as target. Because this code is sent in the end of the request, developers can register some listener calling {@link #addItsNatServletRequestListener(ItsNatServletRequestListener)}to receive and process the file uploading request.
In spite of developers have absolute freedom to process the file upload request, the method {@link #processFileUploadRequest(ItsNatServletRequest,ItsNatServletResponse)} can be optionally called,this method executes the typical header parsing and exposes the file being uploaded as an input stream.
The thread dispatching the file upload listeners does not synchronize the {@link org.itsnat.core.ItsNatDocument}object, therefore any access to the {@link org.itsnat.core.ItsNatDocument} or dependent objects must be synchronized before.
When file upload processing ends (when listeners have been executed) this object is automatically disposed and cannot be reused (explicit call to {@link #dispose()} is not needed).
{@link ItsNatUserData} methods are thread safe.
ItsNat provides a default implementation of this interface.
@author Jose Maria Arranz Santamaria @see org.itsnat.comp.iframe.ItsNatHTMLIFrame