private QueryResponse executeNonIndexedQuery(AdvancedCache<byte[], byte[]> cache, SerializationContext serCtx, QueryRequest request) throws IOException {
boolean compatMode = cache.getCacheConfiguration().compatibility().enabled();
Class<? extends Matcher> matcherImplClass = compatMode ? CompatibilityReflectionMatcher.class : ProtobufMatcher.class;
EmbeddedQuery eq = new EmbeddedQuery(cache, request.getJpqlString(), request.getStartOffset(), request.getMaxResults(), matcherImplClass);
List<?> list = eq.list();
int projSize = 0;
if (eq.getProjection() != null && eq.getProjection().length > 0) {
projSize = eq.getProjection().length;
List<WrappedMessage> results = new ArrayList<WrappedMessage>(projSize == 0 ? list.size() : list.size() * projSize);
for (Object o : list) {
if (projSize == 0) {
if (compatMode) {
// if we are in compat mode then this is the real object so need to marshall it first
o = ProtobufUtil.toWrappedByteArray(serCtx, o);
results.add(new WrappedMessage(o));
} else {
Object[] row = (Object[]) o;
for (int j = 0; j < projSize; j++) {
results.add(new WrappedMessage(row[j]));
QueryResponse response = new QueryResponse();
return response;