Package org.infinispan.jmx.annotations

Examples of org.infinispan.jmx.annotations.ManagedAttribute

      List<Method> objectMethods = new ArrayList<Method>(Arrays.asList(Object.class.getMethods()));

      for (Method method : methods) {
         // does method have @ManagedAttribute annotation?
         ManagedAttribute attr = method.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class);
         if (attr != null) {
            String methodName = method.getName();
            if (!methodName.startsWith("get") && !methodName.startsWith("set")
                     && !methodName.startsWith("is")) {
               if (log.isWarnEnabled())
                  log.warn("method name " + methodName
                           + " doesn't start with \"get\", \"set\", or \"is\""
                           + ", but is annotated with @ManagedAttribute: will be ignored");
            } else {
               MBeanAttributeInfo info = null;
               String attributeName = null;
               boolean writeAttribute = false;
               if (isSetMethod(method)) { // setter
                  attributeName = methodName.substring(3);
                  info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getParameterTypes()[0]
                           .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, true, false);
                  writeAttribute = true;
               } else { // getter
                  if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0
                           && method.getReturnType() != java.lang.Void.TYPE) {
                     boolean hasSetter = atts.containsKey(attributeName);
                     // we found is method
                     if (methodName.startsWith("is")) {
                        attributeName = methodName.substring(2);
                        info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getReturnType()
                                 .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, hasSetter, true);
                     } else {
                        // this has to be get
                        attributeName = methodName.substring(3);
                        info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getReturnType()
                                 .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, hasSetter, false);
                  } else {
                     if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                        log.warn("Method " + method.getName()
                                 + " must have a valid return type and zero parameters");

               AttributeEntry ae = atts.get(attributeName);
               // is it a read method?
               if (!writeAttribute) {
                  // we already have annotated field as read
                  if (ae instanceof FieldAttributeEntry && ae.getInfo().isReadable()) {
                     log.warn("not adding annotated method " + method
                              + " since we already have read attribute");
                  // we already have annotated set method
                  else if (ae instanceof MethodAttributeEntry) {
                     MethodAttributeEntry mae = (MethodAttributeEntry) ae;
                     if (mae.hasSetMethod()) {
                        atts.put(attributeName, new MethodAttributeEntry(mae.getInfo(), mae
                                 .getSetMethod(), method));
                  } // we don't have such entry
                  else {
                     atts.put(attributeName, new MethodAttributeEntry(info, null, method));
               }// is it a set method?
               else {
                  if (ae instanceof FieldAttributeEntry) {
                     // we already have annotated field as write
                     if (ae.getInfo().isWritable()) {
                        log.warn("Not adding annotated method " + methodName
                                 + " since we already have writable attribute");
                     } else {
                        // we already have annotated field as read
                        // lets make the field writable
                        Field f = ((FieldAttributeEntry) ae).getField();
                        MBeanAttributeInfo i = new MBeanAttributeInfo(ae.getInfo().getName(), f
                                 .getType().getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, Modifier
                                 .isFinal(f.getModifiers()) ? false : true, false);
                        atts.put(attributeName, new FieldAttributeEntry(i, f));
                  // we already have annotated getOrIs method
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      // traverse class hierarchy and find all annotated fields
      for (Class<?> clazz = getObject().getClass(); clazz != null; clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) {

         Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
         for (Field field : fields) {
            ManagedAttribute attr = field.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class);
            if (attr != null) {
               String fieldName = renameToJavaCodingConvention(field.getName());
               MBeanAttributeInfo info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(fieldName, field.getType()
                        .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, Modifier.isFinal(field
                        .getModifiers()) ? false : attr.writable(), false);

               atts.put(fieldName, new FieldAttributeEntry(info, field));
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      List<Method> objectMethods = new ArrayList<Method>(Arrays.asList(Object.class.getMethods()));

      for (Method method : methods) {
         // does method have @ManagedAttribute annotation?
         ManagedAttribute attr = method.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class);
         if (attr != null) {
            String methodName = method.getName();
            if (!methodName.startsWith("get") && !methodName.startsWith("set")
                    && !methodName.startsWith("is")) {
               if (log.isWarnEnabled())
                  log.warn("method name " + methodName
                          + " doesn't start with \"get\", \"set\", or \"is\""
                          + ", but is annotated with @ManagedAttribute: will be ignored");
            } else {
               MBeanAttributeInfo info = null;
               String attributeName = null;
               boolean writeAttribute = false;
               if (isSetMethod(method)) { // setter
                  attributeName = methodName.substring(3);
                  info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getParameterTypes()[0]
                          .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, true, false);
                  writeAttribute = true;
               } else { // getter
                  if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0
                          && method.getReturnType() != java.lang.Void.TYPE) {
                     boolean hasSetter = atts.containsKey(attributeName);
                     // we found is method
                     if (methodName.startsWith("is")) {
                        attributeName = methodName.substring(2);
                        info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getReturnType()
                                .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, hasSetter, true);
                     } else {
                        // this has to be get
                        attributeName = methodName.substring(3);
                        info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getReturnType()
                                .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, hasSetter, false);
                  } else {
                     if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                        log.warn("Method " + method.getName()
                                + " must have a valid return type and zero parameters");

               AttributeEntry ae = atts.get(attributeName);
               // is it a read method?
               if (!writeAttribute) {
                  // we already have annotated field as read
                  if (ae instanceof FieldAttributeEntry && ae.getInfo().isReadable()) {
                     log.warn("not adding annotated method " + method
                             + " since we already have read attribute");
                  // we already have annotated set method
                  else if (ae instanceof MethodAttributeEntry) {
                     MethodAttributeEntry mae = (MethodAttributeEntry) ae;
                     if (mae.hasSetMethod()) {
                        atts.put(attributeName, new MethodAttributeEntry(mae.getInfo(), mae
                                .getSetMethod(), method));
                  } // we don't have such entry
                  else {
                     atts.put(attributeName, new MethodAttributeEntry(info, null, method));
               }// is it a set method?
               else {
                  if (ae instanceof FieldAttributeEntry) {
                     // we already have annotated field as write
                     if (ae.getInfo().isWritable()) {
                        log.warn("Not adding annotated method " + methodName
                                + " since we already have writable attribute");
                     } else {
                        // we already have annotated field as read
                        // lets make the field writable
                        Field f = ((FieldAttributeEntry) ae).getField();
                        MBeanAttributeInfo i = new MBeanAttributeInfo(ae.getInfo().getName(), f
                                .getType().getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, Modifier
                                .isFinal(f.getModifiers()) ? false : true, false);
                        atts.put(attributeName, new FieldAttributeEntry(i, f));
                  // we already have annotated getOrIs method
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      // traverse class hierarchy and find all annotated fields
      for (Class<?> clazz = getObject().getClass(); clazz != null; clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) {

         Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
         for (Field field : fields) {
            ManagedAttribute attr = field.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class);
            if (attr != null) {
               String fieldName = renameToJavaCodingConvention(field.getName());
               MBeanAttributeInfo info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(fieldName, field.getType()
                       .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, !Modifier.isFinal(field
                       .getModifiers()) && attr.writable(), false);

               atts.put(fieldName, new FieldAttributeEntry(info, field));
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      List<Method> objectMethods = new ArrayList<Method>(Arrays.asList(Object.class.getMethods()));

      for (Method method : methods) {
         // does method have @ManagedAttribute annotation?
         ManagedAttribute attr = method.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class);
         if (attr != null) {
            String methodName = method.getName();
            if (!methodName.startsWith("get") && !methodName.startsWith("set")
                    && !methodName.startsWith("is")) {
               if (log.isWarnEnabled())
                  log.warn("method name " + methodName
                          + " doesn't start with \"get\", \"set\", or \"is\""
                          + ", but is annotated with @ManagedAttribute: will be ignored");
            } else {
               MBeanAttributeInfo info = null;
               String attributeName = null;
               boolean writeAttribute = false;
               if (isSetMethod(method)) { // setter
                  attributeName = methodName.substring(3);
                  info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getParameterTypes()[0]
                          .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, true, false);
                  writeAttribute = true;
               } else { // getter
                  if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0
                          && method.getReturnType() != java.lang.Void.TYPE) {
                     boolean hasSetter = atts.containsKey(attributeName);
                     // we found is method
                     if (methodName.startsWith("is")) {
                        attributeName = methodName.substring(2);
                        info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getReturnType()
                                .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, hasSetter, true);
                     } else {
                        // this has to be get
                        attributeName = methodName.substring(3);
                        info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getReturnType()
                                .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, hasSetter, false);
                  } else {
                     if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                        log.warn("Method " + method.getName()
                                + " must have a valid return type and zero parameters");

               AttributeEntry ae = atts.get(attributeName);
               // is it a read method?
               if (!writeAttribute) {
                  // we already have annotated field as read
                  if (ae instanceof FieldAttributeEntry && ae.getInfo().isReadable()) {
                     log.warn("not adding annotated method " + method
                             + " since we already have read attribute");
                  // we already have annotated set method
                  else if (ae instanceof MethodAttributeEntry) {
                     MethodAttributeEntry mae = (MethodAttributeEntry) ae;
                     if (mae.hasSetMethod()) {
                        atts.put(attributeName, new MethodAttributeEntry(mae.getInfo(), mae
                                .getSetMethod(), method));
                  } // we don't have such entry
                  else {
                     atts.put(attributeName, new MethodAttributeEntry(info, null, method));
               }// is it a set method?
               else {
                  if (ae instanceof FieldAttributeEntry) {
                     // we already have annotated field as write
                     if (ae.getInfo().isWritable()) {
                        log.warn("Not adding annotated method " + methodName
                                + " since we already have writable attribute");
                     } else {
                        // we already have annotated field as read
                        // lets make the field writable
                        Field f = ((FieldAttributeEntry) ae).getField();
                        MBeanAttributeInfo i = new MBeanAttributeInfo(ae.getInfo().getName(), f
                                .getType().getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, Modifier
                                .isFinal(f.getModifiers()) ? false : true, false);
                        atts.put(attributeName, new FieldAttributeEntry(i, f));
                  // we already have annotated getOrIs method
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      // traverse class hierarchy and find all annotated fields
      for (Class<?> clazz = getObject().getClass(); clazz != null; clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) {

         Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
         for (Field field : fields) {
            ManagedAttribute attr = field.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class);
            if (attr != null) {
               String fieldName = renameToJavaCodingConvention(field.getName());
               MBeanAttributeInfo info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(fieldName, field.getType()
                       .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, !Modifier.isFinal(field
                       .getModifiers()) && attr.writable(), false);

               atts.put(fieldName, new FieldAttributeEntry(info, field));
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   private void findFields() {
      // traverse class hierarchy and find all annotated fields
      for (Field field : ReflectionUtil.getAnnotatedFields(getObject().getClass(), ManagedAttribute.class)) {
         ManagedAttribute attr = field.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class);
         if (attr != null) {
            String fieldName = renameToJavaCodingConvention(field.getName());
            MBeanAttributeInfo info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(fieldName, field.getType()
                  .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, !Modifier.isFinal(field
                                                                                         .getModifiers()) && attr.writable(), false);

            atts.put(fieldName, new FieldAttributeEntry(info, field));
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   private void findMethods() {

      for (Method method : ReflectionUtil.getAllMethods(getObject().getClass(), ManagedAttribute.class)) {
         ManagedAttribute attr = method.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class);
         String methodName = method.getName();
         if (!methodName.startsWith("get") && !methodName.startsWith("set")
               && !methodName.startsWith("is")) {
         } else {
            MBeanAttributeInfo info = null;
            String attributeName = null;
            boolean writeAttribute = false;
            if (isSetMethod(method)) { // setter
               attributeName = methodName.substring(3);
               info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getParameterTypes()[0]
                     .getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, true, false);
               writeAttribute = true;
            } else { // getter
               if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0
                     && method.getReturnType() != java.lang.Void.TYPE) {
                  // we found is method
                  if (methodName.startsWith("is")) {
                     attributeName = methodName.substring(2);
                     info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getReturnType().getCanonicalName(),
                                                   attr.description(), true, atts.containsKey(attributeName), true);
                  } else {
                     // this has to be get
                     attributeName = methodName.substring(3);
                     info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName, method.getReturnType().getCanonicalName(),
                                                   attr.description(), true, atts.containsKey(attributeName), false);
               } else {

            AttributeEntry ae = atts.get(attributeName);
            // is it a read method?
            if (!writeAttribute) {
               // we already have annotated field as read
               if (ae instanceof FieldAttributeEntry && ae.getInfo().isReadable()) {
               // we already have annotated set method
               else if (ae instanceof MethodAttributeEntry) {
                  MethodAttributeEntry mae = (MethodAttributeEntry) ae;
                  if (mae.hasSetMethod()) {
                     atts.put(attributeName, new MethodAttributeEntry(mae.getInfo(), mae
                           .getSetMethod(), method));
               } // we don't have such entry
               else {
                  atts.put(attributeName, new MethodAttributeEntry(info, null, method));
            }// is it a set method?
            else {
               if (ae instanceof FieldAttributeEntry) {
                  // we already have annotated field as write
                  if (ae.getInfo().isWritable()) {
                  } else {
                     // we already have annotated field as read
                     // lets make the field writable
                     Field f = ((FieldAttributeEntry) ae).getField();
                     MBeanAttributeInfo i = new MBeanAttributeInfo(ae.getInfo().getName(), f
                           .getType().getCanonicalName(), attr.description(), true, Modifier
                           .isFinal(f.getModifiers()) ? false : true, false);
                     atts.put(attributeName, new FieldAttributeEntry(i, f));
               // we already have annotated getOrIs method
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      List<Method> objectMethods = new ArrayList<Method>(Arrays.asList(Object.class.getMethods()));

      for (Method method : methods) {
         //does method have @ManagedAttribute annotation?
         ManagedAttribute attr = method.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class);
         if (attr != null) {
            String methodName = method.getName();
            if (!methodName.startsWith("get") && !methodName.startsWith("set")
                  && !methodName.startsWith("is")) {
               if (log.isWarnEnabled())
                  log.warn("method name " + methodName
                        + " doesn't start with \"get\", \"set\", or \"is\""
                        + ", but is annotated with @ManagedAttribute: will be ignored");
            } else {
               MBeanAttributeInfo info = null;
               //Is name field of @ManagedAttributed used?
               String attributeName = > 0 ? : null;
               boolean writeAttribute = false;
               if (isSetMethod(method)) { // setter
                  attributeName = (attributeName == null) ? methodName.substring(3) : attributeName;
                  info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName,
                  writeAttribute = true;
               } else { // getter
                  if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && method.getReturnType() != java.lang.Void.TYPE) {
                     boolean hasSetter = atts.containsKey(attributeName);
                     //we found is method
                     if (methodName.startsWith("is")) {
                        attributeName = (attributeName == null) ? methodName.substring(2) : attributeName;
                        info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName,
                     } else {
                        //this has to be get
                        attributeName = (attributeName == null) ? methodName.substring(3) : attributeName;
                        info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attributeName,
                  } else {
                     if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                        log.warn("Method " + method.getName()
                              + " must have a valid return type and zero parameters");

               AttributeEntry ae = atts.get(attributeName);
               //is it a read method?
               if (!writeAttribute) {
                  //we already have annotated field as read
                  if (ae instanceof FieldAttributeEntry && ae.getInfo().isReadable()) {
                     log.warn("not adding annotated method " + method
                           + " since we already have read attribute");
                  //we already have annotated set method
                  else if (ae instanceof MethodAttributeEntry) {
                     MethodAttributeEntry mae = (MethodAttributeEntry) ae;
                     if (mae.hasSetMethod()) {
                                 new MethodAttributeEntry(mae.getInfo(), mae.getSetMethod(), method));
                  } //we don't have such entry
                  else {
                     atts.put(attributeName, new MethodAttributeEntry(info, null, method));
               }//is it a set method?
               else {
                  if (ae instanceof FieldAttributeEntry) {
                     //we already have annotated field as write
                     if (ae.getInfo().isWritable()) {
                        log.warn("Not adding annotated method " + methodName
                              + " since we already have writable attribute");
                     } else {
                        //we already have annotated field as read
                        //lets make the field writable
                        Field f = ((FieldAttributeEntry) ae).getField();
                        MBeanAttributeInfo i = new MBeanAttributeInfo(ae.getInfo().getName(),
                                                                      Modifier.isFinal(f.getModifiers()) ? false : true,
                        atts.put(attributeName, new FieldAttributeEntry(i, f));
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      //traverse class hierarchy and find all annotated fields
      for (Class<?> clazz = getObject().getClass(); clazz != null; clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) {

         Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
         for (Field field : fields) {
            ManagedAttribute attr = field.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class);
            if (attr != null) {
               String fieldName = renameToJavaCodingConvention(field.getName());
               MBeanAttributeInfo info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(fieldName,
                                                                Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers()) ? false : attr.writable(),

               atts.put(fieldName, new FieldAttributeEntry(info, field));
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Related Classes of org.infinispan.jmx.annotations.ManagedAttribute

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