int numSegments = ch.getNumSegments();
List<Address> nodes = ch.getMembers();
int numNodes = nodes.size();
int actualNumOwners = computeActualNumOwners(ch.getNumOwners(), nodes, lfMap);
OwnershipStatistics stats = new OwnershipStatistics(nodes);
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
List<Address> owners = ch.locateOwnersForSegment(i);
if (!allowExtraOwners) {
assertEquals(owners.size(), actualNumOwners);
} else {
assertTrue(owners.size() >= actualNumOwners);
for (int j = 0; j < owners.size(); j++) {
Address owner = owners.get(j);
assertEquals(owners.indexOf(owner), j, "Found the same owner twice in the owners list");
float totalCapacity = computeTotalCapacity(nodes, lfMap);
float maxCapacityFactor = computeMaxCapacityFactor(nodes, lfMap);
Map<Address, Float> expectedOwnedMap = computeExpectedOwned(numSegments, numNodes, actualNumOwners, nodes, lfMap);
for (Address node : nodes) {
float capacityFactor = lfMap != null ? lfMap.get(node) : 1;
float expectedPrimaryOwned = expectedPrimaryOwned(numSegments, numNodes, totalCapacity, capacityFactor);
float deviationPrimaryOwned = allowedDeviationPrimaryOwned(numSegments, numNodes, totalCapacity, maxCapacityFactor);
int minPrimaryOwned = (int) Math.floor(expectedPrimaryOwned - deviationPrimaryOwned);
int maxPrimaryOwned = (int) Math.ceil(expectedPrimaryOwned + deviationPrimaryOwned);
if (!allowExtraOwners) {
int primaryOwned = stats.getPrimaryOwned(node);
assertTrue(minPrimaryOwned <= primaryOwned);
assertTrue(primaryOwned <= maxPrimaryOwned);
float expectedOwned = expectedOwnedMap.get(node);
float deviationOwned = allowedDeviationOwned(numSegments, actualNumOwners, numNodes, totalCapacity, maxCapacityFactor);
int minOwned = (int) Math.floor(expectedOwned - deviationOwned);
int maxOwned = (int) Math.ceil(expectedOwned + deviationOwned);
int owned = stats.getOwned(node);
assertTrue(Math.floor(minOwned) <= owned);
if (!allowExtraOwners) {
assertTrue(owned <= Math.ceil(maxOwned));