Package org.infinispan.client.hotrod.logging

Examples of org.infinispan.client.hotrod.logging.Log


   public short readHeader(Transport transport, HeaderParams params) {
      short magic = transport.readByte();
      final Log localLog = getLog();
      boolean isTrace = localLog.isTraceEnabled();
      if (magic != HotRodConstants.RESPONSE_MAGIC) {
         String message = "Invalid magic number. Expected %#x and received %#x";
         localLog.invalidMagicNumber(HotRodConstants.RESPONSE_MAGIC, magic);
         if (isTrace)
            localLog.tracef("Socket dump: %s", hexDump(transport.dumpStream()));
         throw new InvalidResponseException(String.format(message, HotRodConstants.RESPONSE_MAGIC, magic));
      long receivedMessageId = transport.readVLong();
      // If received id is 0, it could be that a failure was noted before the
      // message id was detected, so don't consider it to a message id error
      if (receivedMessageId != params.messageId && receivedMessageId != 0) {
         String message = "Invalid message id. Expected %d and received %d";
         localLog.invalidMessageId(params.messageId, receivedMessageId);
         if (isTrace)
            localLog.tracef("Socket dump: %s", hexDump(transport.dumpStream()));
         throw new InvalidResponseException(String.format(message, params.messageId, receivedMessageId));
      localLog.tracef("Received response for message id: %d", receivedMessageId);

      short receivedOpCode = transport.readByte();
      if (receivedOpCode != params.opRespCode) {
         if (receivedOpCode == HotRodConstants.ERROR_RESPONSE) {
            checkForErrorsInResponseStatus(transport, params, transport.readByte());
         throw new InvalidResponseException(String.format(
               "Invalid response operation. Expected %#x and received %#x",
               params.opRespCode, receivedOpCode));
      localLog.tracef("Received operation code is: %#04x", receivedOpCode);

      short status = transport.readByte();
      // There's not need to check for errors in status here because if there
      // was an error, the server would have replied with error response op code.
      readNewTopologyIfPresent(transport, params);
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   public Log getLog() {
      return log;

   private void checkForErrorsInResponseStatus(Transport transport, HeaderParams params, short status) {
      final Log localLog = getLog();
      boolean isTrace = localLog.isTraceEnabled();
      if (isTrace) localLog.tracef("Received operation status: %#x", status);

      switch ((int) status) {
         case HotRodConstants.INVALID_MAGIC_OR_MESSAGE_ID_STATUS:
         case HotRodConstants.REQUEST_PARSING_ERROR_STATUS:
         case HotRodConstants.UNKNOWN_COMMAND_STATUS:
         case HotRodConstants.SERVER_ERROR_STATUS:
         case HotRodConstants.COMMAND_TIMEOUT_STATUS:
         case HotRodConstants.UNKNOWN_VERSION_STATUS: {
            readNewTopologyIfPresent(transport, params);
            String msgFromServer = transport.readString();
            if (status == HotRodConstants.COMMAND_TIMEOUT_STATUS && isTrace) {
               localLog.tracef("Server-side timeout performing operation: %s", msgFromServer);
            } if (msgFromServer.contains("SuspectException")) {
               if (isTrace)
                  localLog.tracef("A remote node was suspected while executing messageId=%d. " +
                     "Check if retry possible. Message from server: %s", params.messageId, msgFromServer);
               // TODO: This will be better handled with its own status id in version 2 of protocol
               throw new RemoteNodeSuspecException(msgFromServer, params.messageId, status);
            } else {
            throw new HotRodClientException(msgFromServer, params.messageId, status);
         default: {
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Unknown status: %#04x", status));
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      if (topologyChangeByte == 1)
         readNewTopologyAndHash(transport, params.topologyId);

   protected void readNewTopologyAndHash(Transport transport, AtomicInteger topologyId) {
      final Log localLog = getLog();
      int newTopologyId = transport.readVInt();
      int numKeyOwners = transport.readUnsignedShort();
      short hashFunctionVersion = transport.readByte();
      int hashSpace = transport.readVInt();
      int clusterSize = transport.readVInt();

      localLog.tracef("Topology change request: newTopologyId=%d, numKeyOwners=%d, " +
                       "hashFunctionVersion=%d, hashSpaceSize=%d, clusterSize=%d",
                 newTopologyId, numKeyOwners, hashFunctionVersion, hashSpace, clusterSize);

      Map<SocketAddress, Set<Integer>> servers2Hash = new LinkedHashMap<SocketAddress, Set<Integer>>();

      for (int i = 0; i < clusterSize; i++) {
         String host = transport.readString();
         int port = transport.readUnsignedShort();
         int hashCode = transport.read4ByteInt();
         localLog.tracef("Server read: %s:%d - hash code is %d", host, port, hashCode);
         InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(host, port);
         Set<Integer> hashes = servers2Hash.get(address);
         if (hashes == null) {
            hashes = new HashSet<Integer>();
            servers2Hash.put(address, hashes);
         localLog.tracef("Hash code is: %d", hashCode);

      if (localLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
      if (hashFunctionVersion == 0) {
         localLog.trace("Not using a consistent hash function (hash function version == 0).");
      } else {
         transport.getTransportFactory().updateHashFunction(servers2Hash, numKeyOwners, hashFunctionVersion, hashSpace);
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      return writeHeader(transport, params, HotRodConstants.VERSION_11);

   protected void readNewTopologyAndHash(Transport transport, AtomicInteger topologyId) {
      final Log localLog = getLog();
      int newTopologyId = transport.readVInt();
      int numKeyOwners = transport.readUnsignedShort();
      short hashFctVersion = transport.readByte();
      ConsistentHash ch = null;
      if (hashFctVersion != 0)
         ch = transport.getTransportFactory().getConsistentHashFactory()
         localLog.trace("Not using a consistent hash function (hash function version == 0)");

      int hashSpace = transport.readVInt();
      int clusterSize = transport.readVInt();
      // New in 1.1
      int numVirtualNodes = transport.readVInt();

      localLog.tracef("Topology change request: newTopologyId=%d, numKeyOwners=%d, " +
            "hashFunctionVersion=%d, hashSpaceSize=%d, clusterSize=%d, numVirtualNodes=%d",
            newTopologyId, numKeyOwners, hashFctVersion, hashSpace, clusterSize,

      Map<SocketAddress, Set<Integer>> servers2Hash =
            new LinkedHashMap<SocketAddress, Set<Integer>>();

      for (int i = 0; i < clusterSize; i++) {
         String host = transport.readString();
         int port = transport.readUnsignedShort();
         // TODO: Performance improvement, since hash positions are fixed, we could maybe only calculate for those nodes that the client is not aware of?
         int baseHashCode = transport.read4ByteInt();
         int normalizedHashCode = getNormalizedHash(baseHashCode, ch);
         localLog.tracef("Server(%s:%d) read with base hash code %d, and normalized hash code %d",
                    host, port, baseHashCode, normalizedHashCode);
         cacheHashCode(servers2Hash, host, port, normalizedHashCode);
         if (numVirtualNodes > 1)
            calcVirtualHashCodes(baseHashCode, numVirtualNodes, servers2Hash, host, port, ch);

      if (localLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
      if (hashFctVersion == 0) {
         localLog.trace("Not using a consistent hash function (hash function version == 0)");
      } else {
               servers2Hash, numKeyOwners, hashFctVersion, hashSpace);
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   public Log getLog() {
      return log;

   protected void checkForErrorsInResponseStatus(Transport transport, HeaderParams params, short status) {
      final Log localLog = getLog();
      boolean isTrace = localLog.isTraceEnabled();
      if (isTrace) localLog.tracef("Received operation status: %#x", status);

      String msgFromServer;
      try {
         switch (status) {
            case HotRodConstants.INVALID_MAGIC_OR_MESSAGE_ID_STATUS:
            case HotRodConstants.REQUEST_PARSING_ERROR_STATUS:
            case HotRodConstants.UNKNOWN_COMMAND_STATUS:
            case HotRodConstants.SERVER_ERROR_STATUS:
            case HotRodConstants.COMMAND_TIMEOUT_STATUS:
            case HotRodConstants.UNKNOWN_VERSION_STATUS: {
               // If error, the body of the message just contains a message
               msgFromServer = transport.readString();
               if (status == HotRodConstants.COMMAND_TIMEOUT_STATUS && isTrace) {
                  localLog.tracef("Server-side timeout performing operation: %s", msgFromServer);
               } else {
               throw new HotRodClientException(msgFromServer, params.messageId, status);
            case HotRodConstants.ILLEGAL_LIFECYCLE_STATE:
               msgFromServer = transport.readString();
               throw new RemoteIllegalLifecycleStateException(msgFromServer, params.messageId, status);
            case HotRodConstants.NODE_SUSPECTED:
               // Handle both Infinispan's and JGroups' suspicions
               msgFromServer = transport.readString();
               if (isTrace)
                  localLog.tracef("A remote node was suspected while executing messageId=%d. " +
                        "Check if retry possible. Message from server: %s", params.messageId, msgFromServer);

               throw new RemoteNodeSuspectException(msgFromServer, params.messageId, status);
            default: {
               throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Unknown status: %#04x", status));
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      if (topologyChangeByte == 1)
         readNewTopologyAndHash(transport, params.topologyId, params.cacheName);

   protected void readNewTopologyAndHash(Transport transport, AtomicInteger topologyId, byte[] cacheName) {
      final Log localLog = getLog();
      int newTopologyId = transport.readVInt();

      int clusterSize = transport.readVInt();
      SocketAddress[] addresses = new SocketAddress[clusterSize];
      for (int i = 0; i < clusterSize; i++) {
         String host = transport.readString();
         int port = transport.readUnsignedShort();
         addresses[i] = new InetSocketAddress(host, port);

      short hashFunctionVersion = transport.readByte();
      int numSegments = transport.readVInt();
      SocketAddress[][] segmentOwners = new SocketAddress[numSegments][];
      for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
         short numOwners = transport.readByte();
         segmentOwners[i] = new SocketAddress[numOwners];
         for (int j = 0; j < numOwners; j++) {
            int memberIndex = transport.readVInt();
            segmentOwners[i][j] = addresses[memberIndex];

      List<SocketAddress> addressList = Arrays.asList(addresses);
      if (localLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
         localLog.newTopology(transport.getRemoteSocketAddress(), newTopologyId,
               addresses.length, new HashSet<SocketAddress>(addressList));
      transport.getTransportFactory().updateServers(addressList, cacheName);
      if (hashFunctionVersion == 0) {
         if (trace)
            localLog.trace("Not using a consistent hash function (hash function version == 0).");
      } else {
         transport.getTransportFactory().updateHashFunction(segmentOwners, numSegments, hashFunctionVersion, cacheName);
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   public short readHeader(Transport transport, HeaderParams params) {
      short magic = transport.readByte();
      final Log localLog = getLog();
      boolean isTrace = localLog.isTraceEnabled();
      if (magic != HotRodConstants.RESPONSE_MAGIC) {
         String message = "Invalid magic number. Expected %#x and received %#x";
         localLog.invalidMagicNumber(HotRodConstants.RESPONSE_MAGIC, magic);
         if (isTrace)
            localLog.tracef("Socket dump: %s", hexDump(transport.dumpStream()));
         throw new InvalidResponseException(String.format(message, HotRodConstants.RESPONSE_MAGIC, magic));
      long receivedMessageId = transport.readVLong();
      // If received id is 0, it could be that a failure was noted before the
      // message id was detected, so don't consider it to a message id error
      if (receivedMessageId != params.messageId && receivedMessageId != 0) {
         String message = "Invalid message id. Expected %d and received %d";
         localLog.invalidMessageId(params.messageId, receivedMessageId);
         if (isTrace)
            localLog.tracef("Socket dump: %s", hexDump(transport.dumpStream()));
         throw new InvalidResponseException(String.format(message, params.messageId, receivedMessageId));
      localLog.tracef("Received response for message id: %d", receivedMessageId);

      short receivedOpCode = transport.readByte();
      // Read both the status and new topology (if present),
      // before deciding how to react to error situations.
      short status = transport.readByte();
      readNewTopologyIfPresent(transport, params);

      // Now that all headers values have been read, check the error responses.
      // This avoids situatiations where an exceptional return ends up with
      // the socket containing data from previous request responses.
      if (receivedOpCode != params.opRespCode) {
         if (receivedOpCode == HotRodConstants.ERROR_RESPONSE) {
            checkForErrorsInResponseStatus(transport, params, status);
         throw new InvalidResponseException(String.format(
               "Invalid response operation. Expected %#x and received %#x",
               params.opRespCode, receivedOpCode));
      localLog.tracef("Received operation code is: %#04x", receivedOpCode);

      return status;
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   public Log getLog() {
      return log;

   protected void checkForErrorsInResponseStatus(Transport transport, HeaderParams params, short status) {
      final Log localLog = getLog();
      boolean isTrace = localLog.isTraceEnabled();
      if (isTrace) localLog.tracef("Received operation status: %#x", status);

      try {
         switch (status) {
            case HotRodConstants.INVALID_MAGIC_OR_MESSAGE_ID_STATUS:
            case HotRodConstants.REQUEST_PARSING_ERROR_STATUS:
            case HotRodConstants.UNKNOWN_COMMAND_STATUS:
            case HotRodConstants.SERVER_ERROR_STATUS:
            case HotRodConstants.COMMAND_TIMEOUT_STATUS:
            case HotRodConstants.UNKNOWN_VERSION_STATUS: {
               // If error, the body of the message just contains a message
               String msgFromServer = transport.readString();
               if (status == HotRodConstants.COMMAND_TIMEOUT_STATUS && isTrace) {
                  localLog.tracef("Server-side timeout performing operation: %s", msgFromServer);
               } if (msgFromServer.contains("SuspectException")
                     || msgFromServer.contains("SuspectedException")) {
                  // Handle both Infinispan's and JGroups' suspicions
                  if (isTrace)
                     localLog.tracef("A remote node was suspected while executing messageId=%d. " +
                        "Check if retry possible. Message from server: %s", params.messageId, msgFromServer);
                  // TODO: This will be better handled with its own status id in version 2 of protocol
                  throw new RemoteNodeSuspectException(msgFromServer, params.messageId, status);
               } else {
               throw new HotRodClientException(msgFromServer, params.messageId, status);
            default: {
               throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Unknown status: %#04x", status));
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      if (topologyChangeByte == 1)
         readNewTopologyAndHash(transport, params.topologyId, params.cacheName);

   protected void readNewTopologyAndHash(Transport transport, AtomicInteger topologyId, byte[] cacheName) {
      final Log localLog = getLog();
      int newTopologyId = transport.readVInt();
      int numKeyOwners = transport.readUnsignedShort();
      short hashFunctionVersion = transport.readByte();
      int hashSpace = transport.readVInt();
      int clusterSize = transport.readVInt();

      Map<SocketAddress, Set<Integer>> servers2Hash = computeNewHashes(
            transport, localLog, newTopologyId, numKeyOwners,
            hashFunctionVersion, hashSpace, clusterSize);

      Set<SocketAddress> socketAddresses = servers2Hash.keySet();
      if (localLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
         localLog.newTopology(transport.getRemoteSocketAddress(), newTopologyId,
               socketAddresses.size(), socketAddresses);
      transport.getTransportFactory().updateServers(socketAddresses, cacheName);
      if (hashFunctionVersion == 0) {
         localLog.trace("Not using a consistent hash function (hash function version == 0).");
      } else {
               servers2Hash, numKeyOwners, hashFunctionVersion, hashSpace, cacheName);
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   private long readMessageId(Transport transport, HeaderParams params) {
      long receivedMessageId = transport.readVLong();
      final Log localLog = getLog();
      // If received id is 0, it could be that a failure was noted before the
      // message id was detected, so don't consider it to a message id error
      if (params != null && receivedMessageId != params.messageId && receivedMessageId != 0) {
         String message = "Invalid message id. Expected %d and received %d";
         localLog.invalidMessageId(params.messageId, receivedMessageId);
         if (trace)
            localLog.tracef("Socket dump: %s", hexDump(transport.dumpStream()));

         throw new InvalidResponseException(String.format(message, params.messageId, receivedMessageId));

      if (trace)
         localLog.tracef("Received response for message id: %d", receivedMessageId);

      return receivedMessageId;
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Related Classes of org.infinispan.client.hotrod.logging.Log

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