Assists with the serialization process and performs additional functionality based on serialization.
- Deep clone using serialization
- Serialize managing finally and IOException
- Deserialize managing finally and IOException
This class throws exceptions for invalid null
inputs. Each method documents its behaviour in more detail.
Based on the class SerializationUtils
from Apache commons lang.
Throwing ExecutionException
rather than SerializationException
on error.
Added SerializationStreamFactory
with the purpose of customising serialization/deserialization mechanism
Note that the Thread Saftey of this class depends on the thread safety of the SerializationStreamFactory. The no-args constructor version is thread safe. Otherwise, it is probably safe not to assume thread safety
@see org.impalaframework.util.serializeDefaultSerializationStreamFactory
@author Nissim Karpenstein
@author Janek Bogucki
@author Daniel Rall
@author Stephen Colebourne
@author Jeff Varszegi
@author Gary Gregory
@author Phil Zoio