Package org.hsqldb_voltpatches

Examples of org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Routine

            Routine[] specifics = routine.getSpecificRoutines();

            for (int m = 0; m < specifics.length; m++) {
                row = t.getEmptyRowData();

                Routine specific = specifics[m];
                Type    type     = specific.isProcedure() ? null
                                                          : specific

                row[specific_catalog] = database.getCatalogName().name;
                row[specific_schema= specific.getSchemaName().name;
                row[specific_name]    = specific.getSpecificName().name;
                row[routine_catalog= database.getCatalogName().name;
                row[routine_schema]   = routine.getSchemaName().name;
                row[routine_name]     = specific.getName().name;
                row[routine_type]     = specific.isProcedure() ? "PROCEDURE"
                                                               : "FUNCTION";
                row[module_catalog]   = null;
                row[module_schema]    = null;
                row[module_name]      = null;
                row[udt_catalog]      = null;
                row[udt_schema]       = null;
                row[udt_name]         = null;
                row[data_type]        = type == null ? null
                                                     : type.getNameString();

                if (type != null && type.isCharacterType()) {
                    row[character_maximum_length] =
                    row[character_octet_length] =
                        ValuePool.getLong(type.precision * 2);
                    row[character_set_catalog] =
                    row[character_set_schema] =
                        ((CharacterType) type).getCharacterSet()
                    row[character_set_name] =
                        ((CharacterType) type).getCharacterSet().getName()
                    row[collation_catalog] = database.getCatalogName().name;
                    row[collation_schema] =
                        ((CharacterType) type).getCollation().getSchemaName()
                    row[collation_name] =
                        ((CharacterType) type).getCollation().getName().name;

                if (type != null && type.isNumberType()) {
                    row[numeric_precision] = ValuePool.getLong(type.precision);
                    row[numeric_precision_radix] = ValuePool.getLong(
                        ((NumberType) type).getPrecisionRadix());
                    row[numeric_scale] = ValuePool.getLong(type.precision);

                if (type != null
                        && (type.isIntervalType() || type.isDateTimeType())) {
                    row[datetime_precision] = ValuePool.getLong(type.scale);

                if (type != null && type.isIntervalType()) {
                    row[interval_type] =
                    row[interval_precision] =

                row[type_udt_catalog]    = null;
                row[type_udt_schema]     = null;
                row[type_udt_name]       = null;
                row[scope_catalog]       = null;
                row[scope_schema]        = null;
                row[scope_name]          = null;
                row[maximum_cardinality] = null;
                row[dtd_identifier]      = null;    //**
                row[routine_body] = specific.getLanguage()
                                    == Routine.LANGUAGE_JAVA ? "EXTERNAL"
                                                             : "SQL";
                row[routine_definition] = specific.getSQL();
                row[external_name] =
                    specific.getLanguage() == Routine.LANGUAGE_JAVA
                    ? specific.getMethod().getName()
                    : null;
                row[external_language] = specific.getLanguage()
                                         == Routine.LANGUAGE_JAVA ? "JAVA"
                                                                  : null;
                row[parameter_style] = specific.getLanguage()
                                       == Routine.LANGUAGE_JAVA ? "JAVA"
                                                                : null;
                row[is_deterministic] = specific.isDeterministic() ? "YES"
                                                                   : "NO";
                row[sql_data_access= specific.getDataImpactString();
                row[is_null_call]     = type == null ? null
                                                     : specific.isNullInputOutput()
                                                       ? "YES"
                                                       : "NO";
                row[sql_path]                               = null;
                row[schema_level_routine]                   = "YES";
                row[max_dynamic_result_sets] = ValuePool.getLong(0);
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Related Classes of org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Routine

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