Package org.hsqldb.result

Examples of org.hsqldb.result.ResultMetaData

        String                interposedStatement = null;
        Result                r, rOut;
        int                   paramCount, lastSemi;
        OdbcPreparedStatement odbcPs;
        StatementPortal       portal;
        ResultMetaData        pmd;
        OdbcPacketInputStream inPacket = null;
        Type[]                colTypes;
        PgType[]              pgTypes;

        try {
            inPacket = OdbcPacketInputStream.newOdbcPacketInputStream(inC,

            server.printWithThread("Got op (" + inPacket.packetType + ')');
            server.printWithThread("Got packet length of "
                                   + inPacket.available()
                                   + " + type byte + 4 size header");

            if (inPacket.available() >= 1000000000) {
                throw new IOException("Insane packet length: "
                                      + inPacket.available()
                                      + " + type byte + 4 size header");
        } catch (SocketException se) {
            server.printWithThread("Ungraceful client exit: " + se);

            throw cleanExit;    // not "clean", but handled
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            server.printWithThread("Fatal ODBC protocol failure: " + ioe);

            try {
                                     ioe.getMessage(), "08P01", dataOutput);

                // Code here means Protocol Violation
            } catch (Exception e) {

                // We just make an honest effort to notify the client

            throw cleanExit;    // not "clean", but handled

         * ODBC Service State Machine  (the remainder of this method)
        switch (odbcCommMode) {

            case OdbcUtil.ODBC_EXT_RECOVER_MODE :
                if (inPacket.packetType != 'S') {
                    if (server.isTrace()) {
                        server.printWithThread("Ignoring a '"
                                               + inPacket.packetType + "'");


                odbcCommMode = OdbcUtil.ODBC_EXTENDED_MODE;

                    "EXTENDED comm session being recovered");

                // Now the main switch will handle the Sync packet carefully
                // the same as if there were no recovery.

            case OdbcUtil.ODBC_SIMPLE_MODE :
                switch (inPacket.packetType) {

                    case 'P' :

                    // This is the only way to make this switch, according
                    // to docs, but that does not allow for intermixing of
                    // static and prepared statement (selects or other).
                    // Therefore we allow all of the following, which works
                    // great.
                    case 'H' :
                    case 'S' :
                    case 'D' :
                    case 'B' :
                    case 'E' :
                    case 'C' :
                        odbcCommMode = OdbcUtil.ODBC_EXTENDED_MODE;

                            "Switching mode from SIMPLE to EXTENDED");

                    // Do not detect unexpected ops here.
                    // In that case, leave the mode as it is, and the main
                    // switch below will handle appropriately.

            case OdbcUtil.ODBC_EXTENDED_MODE :
                switch (inPacket.packetType) {

                    case 'Q' :
                        odbcCommMode = OdbcUtil.ODBC_SIMPLE_MODE;

                            "Switching mode from EXTENDED to SIMPLE");

                    // Do not detect unexpected ops here.
                    // In that case, leave the mode as it is, and the main
                    // switch below will handle appropriately.

            default :
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected ODBC comm mode value: "
                                           + odbcCommMode);


        try {

            // Every switch case must either throw or break.
            // For cases which break
            //   The packet will always be checked to make sure all bytes have
            //   been consumed.
            //   Set boolean sendReadyForQuery to send a Z/ReadyForQuery packet
            //   to client.
            // DO NOT return early.  If you need to abort, that is exceptional
            // behavior and you should throw an Exception.
            switch (inPacket.packetType) {

                case 'Q' :                                    // Query packet
                    String sql = inPacket.readString();

                    // We don't ask for the null terminator
                    /* **********************************************
                     * These first few cases handle the driver's implicit handling
                     * of transactions. */
                    if (sql.startsWith("BEGIN;") || sql.equals("BEGIN")) {
                         * We may get here because of Driver client trying to
                         * manage transactions implicitly; or because user/app.
                         * has really issued a "BEGIN" command.
                         * In the first case, we don't need to run the
                         * corresponding START TRANSACTION command, since the
                         * HyperSQL engine does this automatically, and can tell
                         * when it is needed far better than the client; however
                         * we do use this fact to update our Session autocommit
                         * state to match the client's notion.
                         * We ignore the latter case, because real HyperSQL
                         * user/apps will use "START TRANSACTION", not "BEGIN".
                         * Therefore, we just update autocommit state and run no
                         * other command against the engine.
                        sql = sql.equals("BEGIN") ? null
                                                  : sql.substring(

                            "ODBC Trans started.  Session AutoCommit -> F");

                        try {
                        } catch (HsqlException he) {
                            throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                                "Failed to change transaction state: "
                                + he.getMessage(), he.getSQLState());

                        // Now just placate the driver
                        outPacket.xmit('C', dataOutput);

                        if (sql == null) {
                            sendReadyForQuery = true;


                    if (sql.startsWith("SAVEPOINT ") && sql.indexOf(';') > 0) {
                        int firstSemi = sql.indexOf(';');

                            "Interposing BEFORE primary statement: "
                            + sql.substring(0, firstSemi));
                        odbcExecDirect(sql.substring(0, firstSemi));

                        sql = sql.substring(firstSemi + 1);

                    lastSemi = sql.lastIndexOf(';');

                    if (lastSemi > 0) {
                        String suffix = sql.substring(lastSemi + 1);

                        if (suffix.startsWith("RELEASE ")) {
                            interposedStatement = suffix;
                            sql                 = sql.substring(0, lastSemi);

                    /** ******************************************* */
                    String normalized = sql.trim().toLowerCase();

                    if (server.isTrace()) {
                        server.printWithThread("Received query (" + sql + ')');

                     * BEWARE:  We aren't supporting multiple result-sets from a
                     * compound statement.  Plus, a general requirement is, the
                     * entire compound statement may return just one result set.
                     * I don't have time to check how it works elsewhere, but here,
                     * and for now, the Rowset-generating statement (SELECT, etc.)
                     * must be first in order for us to detect that we need to
                     * return a result set.
                     * If we do parse out the component statement here, the states
                     * set above apply to all executions, and only one Z packet
                     * should be sent at the very end.
                     * I find that the Driver can't handle compound statements
                     * which mix resultset + non-resultset statements (even in
                     * SIMPLE mode), so we are more capable than our client is.
                    if (normalized.startsWith("select current_schema()")) {
                            "Implement 'select current_schema() emulation!");

                        throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                            "current_schema() not supported yet", "0A000");

                    if (normalized.startsWith("select n.nspname,")) {

                        // Executed by psqlodbc after every user-specified query.
                            "Swallowing 'select n.nspname,...'");
                        outPacket.writeShort(1);              // Num cols.
                        outPacket.xmit('T', dataOutput);      // Xmit Row Definition

                        // This query returns no rows.  typenam "lo"??
                        outPacket.xmit('C', dataOutput);

                        sendReadyForQuery = true;


                    if (normalized.startsWith(
                            "select oid, typbasetype from")) {

                        // Executed by psqlodbc immediately after connecting.
                            "Simulating 'select oid, typbasetype...'");
                         * This query is run as "a hack to get the oid of our
                         * large object oid type.
                        outPacket.writeShort(2);              // Num cols.
                        outPacket.write("oid");               // Col. name
                        outPacket.writeInt(101);              // table ID
                        outPacket.writeShort(102);            // column id
                        outPacket.writeInt(26);               // Datatype ID  [adtid]
                        outPacket.writeShort(4);              // Datatype size  [adtsize]
                        outPacket.writeInt(-1);               // Var size [atttypmod]
                        outPacket.writeShort(0);              // text "format code"
                        outPacket.write("typbasetype");       // Col. name
                        outPacket.writeInt(101);              // table ID
                        outPacket.writeShort(103);            // column id
                        outPacket.writeInt(26);               // Datatype ID  [adtid]
                        outPacket.writeShort(4);              // Datatype size  [adtsize]
                        outPacket.writeInt(-1);               // Var size [atttypmod]
                        outPacket.writeShort(0);              // text "format code"
                        outPacket.xmit('T', dataOutput);      // sending a Tuple (row)

                        // This query returns no rows.  typenam "lo"??
                        outPacket.xmit('C', dataOutput);

                        sendReadyForQuery = true;


                    if (normalized.startsWith("select ")) {
                            "Performing a real non-prepared SELECT...");

                        r = Result.newExecuteDirectRequest();

                            sql, 0, 0, StatementTypes.RETURN_RESULT, 0,
                            java.sql.Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS, null, null);

                        rOut = session.execute(r);

                        switch (rOut.getType()) {

                            case ResultConstants.DATA :

                            case ResultConstants.ERROR :
                                throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(rOut);
                            default :
                                throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                                    "Output Result from Query execution is of "
                                    + "unexpected type: " + rOut.getType());

                        // See Result.newDataHeadResult() for what we have here
                        // .metaData, .navigator
                        RowSetNavigator navigator = rOut.getNavigator();
                        ResultMetaData  md        = rOut.metaData;

                        if (md == null) {
                            throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                                "Failed to get metadata for query results");

                        int      columnCount = md.getColumnCount();
                        String[] colLabels   = md.getGeneratedColumnNames();

                        colTypes = md.columnTypes;
                        pgTypes  = new PgType[columnCount];

                        for (int i = 0; i < pgTypes.length; i++) {
                            pgTypes[i] = PgType.getPgType(colTypes[i],

                        // fredt : colLabels may not contain some column names
                        // colDefs is used when no label is present:
                        // SELECT TABLECOL AS COLLABLE has both name and label
                        // SELECT TABLECOL has name 'TABLECOL'
                        // SELECT 2 AS CONST has label 'CONST'
                        ColumnBase[] colDefs = md.columns;

                        // Num cols.

                        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {

                            // col name
                            if (colLabels[i] != null) {
                            } else {

                            // table ID  [relid]:

                            // column id  [attid]

                            // Datatype size  [adtsize]

                            // Var size [atttypmod]
                            // This is the size constraint integer
                            // like VARCHAR(12) or DECIMAL(4).
                            // -1 if none specified for this column.

                            // format code, 0 = text column, 1 = binary column,
                            // but entirely ignored by our driver.
                            // Would only be non-0 if a 'B' command requested it.

                        outPacket.xmit('T', dataOutput);      // Xmit Row Definition

                        int rowNum = 0;

                        while ( {

                            Object[] rowData = navigator.getCurrent();

                            // Row.getData().  Don't know why *Data.getCurrent()
                            //                 method returns Object instead of O[].
                            //  TODO:  Remove the assertion here:
                            if (rowData == null) {
                                throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure("Null row?");

                            if (rowData.length < columnCount) {
                                throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                                    "Data element mismatch. " + columnCount
                                    + " metadata cols, yet " + rowData.length
                                    + " data elements for row " + rowNum);

                            //server.printWithThread("Row " + rowNum + " has "
                            //+ rowData.length + " elements");

                            // This field is just swallowed by PG ODBC
                            // client, but OdbcUtil.validated by psql.
                            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                                if (rowData[i] == null) {
                                    server.printWithThread("R" + rowNum + "C"
                                        + (i+1) + " => [null]");
                                } else {
                                    dataString =


                                    if (server.isTrace()) {
                                            "R" + rowNum + "C" + (i + 1)
                                            + " => ("
                                            + rowData[i].getClass().getName()
                                            + ") [" + dataString + ']');

                            outPacket.xmit('D', dataOutput);

                        outPacket.xmit('C', dataOutput);

                        sendReadyForQuery = true;


                    if (normalized.startsWith("deallocate \"")
                            && normalized.charAt(normalized.length() - 1)
                               == '"') {
                        tmpStr = sql.trim().substring(
                            "deallocate \"".length()).trim();

                        // Must use "sql" directly since name is case-sensitive
                        handle = tmpStr.substring(0, tmpStr.length() - 1);
                        odbcPs = (OdbcPreparedStatement) sessionOdbcPsMap.get(

                        if (odbcPs != null) {

                        portal =
                            (StatementPortal) sessionOdbcPortalMap.get(handle);

                        if (portal != null) {

                        if (odbcPs == null && portal == null) {
                            throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(null,
                                "No object present for handle: " + handle, "08P01");
                            Driver does not handle state change correctly, so
                            for now we just issue a warning:
                                "No object present for handle: " + handle,
                            TODO:  Retest this.  May have been side-effect of
                                   other problems.
                                "Ignoring bad 'DEALLOCATE' cmd");

                        if (server.isTrace()) {
                            server.printWithThread("Deallocated PS/Portal '"
                                                   + handle + "'");

                        outPacket.xmit('C', dataOutput);

                        sendReadyForQuery = true;


                    if (normalized.startsWith("set client_encoding to ")) {
                        server.printWithThread("Stubbing EXECDIR for: " + sql);
                        outPacket.xmit('C', dataOutput);

                        sendReadyForQuery = true;


                    // Case below is non-String-matched Qs:
                    server.printWithThread("Performing a real EXECDIRECT...");

                    sendReadyForQuery = true;

                case 'X' :                                    // Terminate packet
                    if (sessionOdbcPsMap.size()
                            > (sessionOdbcPsMap.containsKey("") ? 1
                                                                : 0)) {
                        server.printWithThread("Client left "
                                               + sessionOdbcPsMap.size()
                                               + " PS objects open");

                    if (sessionOdbcPortalMap.size()
                            > (sessionOdbcPortalMap.containsKey("") ? 1
                                                                    : 0)) {
                        server.printWithThread("Client left "
                                               + sessionOdbcPortalMap.size()
                                               + " Portal objects open");


                    throw cleanExit;
                case 'H' :                                    // Flush packet

                    // No-op.  It is impossible to cache while supporting multiple
                    // ps and portal objects, so there is nothing for a Flush to
                    // do.  There isn't even a reply to a Flush packet.

                case 'S' :                                    // Sync packet

                    // Special case for Sync packets.
                    // To facilitate recovery, we do not abort in case of problems.
                    if (session.isAutoCommit()) {
                        try {

                            // I don't see how this can be useful.  If we ran DML, it
                            // will have autocommitted.  If we have just switched to
                            // autoCommit mode, then according to spec we must have
                            // executed an implicit commit then.
                                "Silly implicit commit by Sync");

                            // TODO:  Find out if chain param should be T or F.
                        } catch (HsqlException he) {
                            server.printWithThread("Implicit commit failed: "
                                                   + he);
                                                 "Implicit commit failed",
                                                 he.getSQLState(), dataOutput);

                    sendReadyForQuery = true;

                case 'P' :                                    // Parse packet
                    psHandle = inPacket.readString();

                    String query = OdbcUtil.revertMungledPreparedQuery(

                    paramCount = inPacket.readUnsignedShort();

                    for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
                        if (inPacket.readInt() != 0) {
                            throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                                "Parameter-type OID specifiers not supported yet",

                    if (server.isTrace()) {
                            "Received Prepare request for query (" + query
                            + ") with handle '" + psHandle + "'");

                    if (psHandle.length() > 0
                            && sessionOdbcPsMap.containsKey(psHandle)) {
                        throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                            "PS handle '" + psHandle + "' already in use.  "
                            + "You must close it before recreating", "08P01");

                    new OdbcPreparedStatement(psHandle, query,
                                              sessionOdbcPsMap, session);
                    outPacket.xmit('1', dataOutput);

                case 'D' :                                    // Describe packet
                    c      = inPacket.readByteChar();
                    handle = inPacket.readString();
                    odbcPs = null;
                    portal = null;

                    if (c == 'S') {
                        odbcPs = (OdbcPreparedStatement) sessionOdbcPsMap.get(
                    } else if (c == 'P') {
                        portal =
                            (StatementPortal) sessionOdbcPortalMap.get(handle);
                    } else {
                        throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                            "Description packet request type invalid: " + c,

                    if (server.isTrace()) {
                        server.printWithThread("Received Describe request for "
                                               + c + " of  handle '" + handle
                                               + "'");

                    if (odbcPs == null && portal == null) {
                        throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                            "No object present for " + c + " handle: "
                            + handle, "08P01");

                    Result ackResult = (odbcPs == null) ? portal.ackResult
                                                        : odbcPs.ackResult;

                    pmd        = ackResult.parameterMetaData;
                    paramCount = pmd.getColumnCount();

                    Type[] paramTypes = pmd.getParameterTypes();

                    if (paramCount != paramTypes.length) {
                        throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                            "Parameter count mismatch.  Count of "
                            + paramCount + " reported, but there are "
                            + paramTypes.length + " param md objects");

                    if (c == 'S') {

                        for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
                                    paramTypes[i], true).getOid());

                            // TODO:  Determine whether parameter typing works
                            // better for Strings when try to match table column
                            // or not.  2nd param to getPgType().

                        outPacket.xmit('t', dataOutput);

                        // ParameterDescription packet

                    ResultMetaData md = ackResult.metaData;

                    if (md.getColumnCount() < 1) {
                        if (server.isTrace()) {
                                "Non-rowset query so returning NoData packet");

                        // Send NoData packet because no columnar output from
                        // this statement.
                        outPacket.xmit('n', dataOutput);


                    // TODO:
                    // May need to pass the extra BIGINT pseudo-column for
                    // updatable-row or other purposes.  In that case, it may
                    // make sense to use getExtendedColumnCount(), etc.
                    String[] colNames = md.getGeneratedColumnNames();

                    if (md.getColumnCount() != colNames.length) {
                        throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                            "Couldn't get all column names: "
                            + md.getColumnCount() + " cols. but only got "
                            + colNames.length + " col. names");

                    colTypes = md.columnTypes;
                    pgTypes  = new PgType[colNames.length];

                    ColumnBase[] colDefs = md.columns;

                    for (int i = 0; i < pgTypes.length; i++) {
                        pgTypes[i] = PgType.getPgType(colTypes[i],

                    if (colNames.length != colDefs.length) {
                        throw new RecoverableOdbcFailure(
                            "Col data mismatch.  " + colDefs.length
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        return ((Long) data[0]).longValue();

    private Object[] getLobHeader(long lobID) {

        ResultMetaData meta     = getLob.getParametersMetaData();
        Object         params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()];

        params[0] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID);

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    synchronized public long createBlob(long length) {

        long           lobID    = getNewLobID();
        ResultMetaData meta     = createLob.getParametersMetaData();
        Object         params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()];

        params[LOB_IDS.LOB_ID]          = ValuePool.getLong(lobID);
        params[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]      = ValuePool.getLong(length);
        params[LOB_IDS.LOB_USAGE_COUNT] = ValuePool.INTEGER_0;
        params[LOB_IDS.LOB_TYPE]        = ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_BLOB);
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    synchronized public long createClob(long length) {

        long           lobID    = getNewLobID();
        ResultMetaData meta     = createLob.getParametersMetaData();
        Object         params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()];

        params[LOB_IDS.LOB_ID]          = ValuePool.getLong(lobID);
        params[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]      = ValuePool.getLong(length);
        params[LOB_IDS.LOB_USAGE_COUNT] = ValuePool.INTEGER_0;
        params[LOB_IDS.LOB_TYPE]        = ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_CLOB);
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        return lobID;

    synchronized public Result deleteLob(long lobID) {

        ResultMetaData meta     = deleteLobCall.getParametersMetaData();
        Object         params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()];

        params[0] = ValuePool.getLong(lobID);
        params[1] = ValuePool.getLong(0);

        Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(deleteLobCall,
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        /** @todo 1.9.0 - double offset for clob */
        long           length = ((Long) data[LOB_IDS.LOB_LENGTH]).longValue();
        int            blockOffset = (int) (offset / lobBlockSize);
        ResultMetaData meta        = deleteLobPartCall.getParametersMetaData();
        Object         params[]    = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()];

        params[DELETE_BLOCKS.LOB_ID]       = ValuePool.getLong(lobID);
        params[DELETE_BLOCKS.BLOCK_OFFSET] = new Integer(blockOffset);
        params[DELETE_BLOCKS.BLOCK_LIMIT= new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        params[DELETE_BLOCKS.TX_ID] =
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        return ResultLob.newLobTruncateResponse(lobID);

    synchronized Result setLength(long lobID, long length) {

        ResultMetaData meta     = updateLobLength.getParametersMetaData();
        Object         params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()];

        params[UPDATE_LENGTH.LOB_LENGTH] = ValuePool.getLong(length);
        params[UPDATE_LENGTH.LOB_ID]     = ValuePool.getLong(lobID);

        Result result = sysLobSession.executeCompiledStatement(updateLobLength,
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        if (count + delta == 0) {

        ResultMetaData meta     = updateLobUsage.getParametersMetaData();
        Object         params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()];

        params[UPDATE_USAGE.BLOCK_COUNT] = ValuePool.getInt(count + delta);
        params[UPDATE_USAGE.LOB_ID]      = ValuePool.getLong(lobID);

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        return result;

    private int[][] getBlockAddresses(long lobID, int offset, int limit) {

        ResultMetaData meta     = getLobPart.getParametersMetaData();
        Object         params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()];

        params[GET_LOB_PART.LOB_ID]       = ValuePool.getLong(lobID);
        params[GET_LOB_PART.BLOCK_OFFSET] = ValuePool.getInt(offset);
        params[GET_LOB_PART.BLOCK_LIMIT= ValuePool.getInt(limit);
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        return blocks;

    private void deleteBlockAddresses(long lobID, int offset, int limit) {

        ResultMetaData meta     = deleteLobPartCall.getParametersMetaData();
        Object         params[] = new Object[meta.getColumnCount()];

        params[DELETE_BLOCKS.LOB_ID]       = ValuePool.getLong(lobID);
        params[DELETE_BLOCKS.BLOCK_OFFSET] = ValuePool.getInt(offset);
        params[DELETE_BLOCKS.BLOCK_LIMIT= ValuePool.getInt(limit);
        params[DELETE_BLOCKS.TX_ID] =
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Related Classes of org.hsqldb.result.ResultMetaData

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